Emerald Assembly - Closed

Perhaps in another time we might have seen eye to eye on things. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.

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This relationship isn’t working

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Its not you, its me

You mean the guild who used the fact I was away one week to install themselves into the tavern, stole customized and personalized drinks I named after friends, from my menu to their, and who refused to remove them, who refused to cooperate for service and make a pleasant experience for everyone, who also had alts in the opponent guild who later stole the tavern by cooperating with a Grim Dawn alt guild… and are now spreading random fact about self-harm (?) 1.5 years after the fact despite no one able to verify their claim… got mad because I exposed their crap and still mad to this day they need to join on a random topic on an alt…


I’d rather be hated by such people than being seen close to them. You are definitely right.

Who asked, then? I don’t know you, I don’t do self-harm, and I don’t see why it’s relevant here.

Yes, yes it is me.

I have standards.

But also;

If you meet a donkey’s backside in the morning, you met a donkey’s backside. If you meet donkey’s backsides all day long, you’re the donkey’s backside.


sprouts patches of grass

It’s a game people. Go touch the green stuff.

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not really lunacy when theres half a dozen people with alts in the pcu and another half dozen who were within the pcu - and then got kicked out - acting weirdly defensive about their former masters
and to say there is none in the thread is ignorant at best and disingenuous at worst.

kind of wild that even the slightest mention of the hive mind gets the hive mind riled up. not that his current ’ ’ debate ’ ’ has anything to do with them. being the ‘‘wiseguy’’ who has prophetic visions of trees burning and just seems to be on talking terms with major lore guys is pretty poor roleplay no matter how you turn it.

but yeah

best advice so far.

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I’m not going to say there is no PCU presence in the thread because yeah, people in here have been, are in, or might be in PCU guilds in the future. That’s just kind of what happens with a group of players over the span of several years.

What I will say is that the notion that all of us are jumping on Snow because we have some sort of past group affiliation is a silly interpretation at best and delusional at worst. I’ve not had some grand conspiracy with other people here to tarnish the name of some random Duskwood night elf RPer - I’ve seen repeatedly that Snow argues about anything and everything to any audience they manage to maintain before the aforementioned audience rightfully wants nothing to do with them.

I don’t care what other people think about Snow - what I’ve presented here is my opinion and my opinion alone. The fact that people share similar sentiments towards them is more of a reflection on Snow’s character than a reflection on the people decrying them.


Pripyat isn’t enough. Send them straight to Hole to Hell

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We don’t like this person lets derail the thread.

Which one?

The person derailed the thread by complaining about the RP style of others - then attended the event that advertised said style - then complained about it after the fact.

It’s not just “we don’t like this person.” It’s “this person is actively intrusive, and if they’re going to derail it we might as well let it be known that their opinion belongs in the bin.”

Also nice guild name. Wonder where else I’ve seen that


Quests show that night elves already knew of Amirdrassil and that an impending attack on it was common knowledge. They fielded the entire Sentinel army in advance.

Straight to the Boiler Room

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It’s a public forum, you’re impressed people other than the echo chamber read and post?


Way to engage with the actual points I made and just point out the joke remark I made at the tail end.

You lost any credibility when you start throwing slurs brother.

Not an argument.

Hmmm, You piqued my interest

I don’t need to engage with you, you believe yourself to be some sort of AD Judge and I am on trial? I owe you nothing, you are free to post your ramble meanwhile.

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