Enable PvE -> PvP transfers?

I think it’s a bit odd that Blizzard haven’t announced they’ll enable it, for two reasons.

PvE to PvP servers were opened up in mid/late TBC. Originally Blizzard claimed it couldn’t be done for technical reasons, but that was proven to be wrong.

Also, the boost itself goes against the basic premise of the “no transfers from pve to pvp as it’s harder to level on a pvp server.” You’ll literally skip all of the leveling process, and to date nobody has said you have to use the boost on your realm, simply that it’s once per account.


I think people should get checked if they do not attach to their characters in some manner, if they have sunk thousands of hours into them. (rofl@58 boosters)

But yeah I do agree on the system staying as it is.

For what reasons?

Why did you choose PvE?
For what reasons?

To avoid worldbuffs griefing, to enjoy the game more.

Here - I found an article which talks about Blizzard removing this restriction back in 2008:

I don’t know if you were around in Pre Launch the again in Phase 2. In Pre Launch there were dozens and dozens of players exclaiming “PvP is the game as intended”. Then Phase 2 there was nothing but. I can’t play the game because PvP

And here we are again and someone is asking why anyone would role PvE.

Foreshadowing much.

If it happens again. I just wana say “called it”

Just like this guy called it here

I happened and still happen to play on most populated PvP realm, Gehennas.
If you can’t handle pvp ‘at its worst’, then you don’t have to be there at all.

That’s the choice you made & you should live with it.

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Yeah so I wanna be a part of it. Now can I transfer there from my PvE realm?

You can create a character at a PvP realm. :slight_smile:

Man like… where is your logic going really? If someone doesn’t like something then he should just accept it because… yeah what is the because? Because “that’s how it is”? Do you follow this logic always? For example “If your teeth hurts don’t go to dentist to have it cured. You made your choice about not brushing it well enough and now you should live with it”. This is how I see it, as you are not even trying to present any reasoning behind your stance.

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No, u made your choice freely leveling and open world farming(when that was a thing) on pve servers. You can stay there


Yeah if you wanna keep playing PvP, then you stay there.


You don’t get to cherrypick the ‘best moment’ to be on a PvP realm.
You either commit to it or just flee to a PvE realm.

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You don’t get to cherrypick the ‘best moment’ to be on a PvP realm.

First of all you are calling a once-per-2-years change cherry-picking.

Secondly… why not? Like how would that impact anyone’s game negatively if people could transfer their character to PvP. Would YOU for instance. Imagine Blizzard secretly made PvE to PvP the thing without you knowing it. Would you see ANY difference? Like maybe each 10th character would be leveled up on PvE before transferring to PvP. 99% of those people are now leveling via dungeon boosts. It’s not like those people are any better geared than those on PvP realms. If this is not impacting anyone negatively why not let people move their PvE characters as they can with PvP characters?

As I see it you just want people to be discontent for the sake of your delusionary PvP realms supremacy.

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I play on Gehennas from day 1 and we have enough incoming transfers. If PVE>PVP was opened aswell the server would literally be overloaded. And yeah, I would care that some1 who had the possibility of farming however he wants to in open world(impossible on crowded pvp servers without getting into fights every 5min) just swept in with that gold or farmed herbs/mines and flooded the market even more than the ones who has come in from the “dead” pvp servers.

I am a PvE server player exclusively (though in TBC back then I was on RPPvP), and I don’t think that PvE to PvP transfer would be a good idea.

Firstly, because its an easier life on PvE and hence it would be like taking a shortcut compared to leveling and gearing on PvP from the start.

Secondly, a PvE player that moves there will be in for a culture shock of sorts. IMO PvE and PvP servers attract different - and probably conflicting - personalities as well as playstyles. PvP server players tend to be much more competitive, with min-maxing and meta being prevalent. Not to mention the ganks, world buff dispels and all that stuff.

I think that the only kind of PvE to PvP transfer that could possibly be helpful at least short term would be to the underdog faction on already heavily imbalanced servers, given the state of population imbalance as it is - and I have doubts even about this.

Yeah Gehennas trade goods have gone through a significant crash due to the influx of people from less competitive servers. Ofc as a raider I am pretty happy not having to pay myself broke for a flask.

I levelled all my Characters on Firemaw (PvP) and my guild broke down recently and a few transferred to a PvE server. I transferred my main but instantly regretted it. I have raised numerous tickets however they all come back with a big fat no.

I understand people levelling on a PvE and transferrring to PvP is bad but I feel if you havent increased in level you should be able to transfer your character back to the realm you left if its a PvP one.

Why make numerous tickets on something you know they wont help you with?

And a big fat no is to be expected when you ask for something that is against blizzard policy to help you with. Not like i would send in a ticket because i am missing one thunderfury binding and ask a GM if he could make garr drop it next time.

Because the first response thought I was after a refund when I was actually willing to pay for another transfer.

The other ticket response was they would transfer me back however too much time had passed since transferring (about a week)

If I could level on a pve server and farm gear and then transfer I would do it in a heartbeat.

Running from SG to ubrs took like 1h each time because u were farmed the whole way to the instance. If u were lucky people didn’t leave half way through their spirit walking. If u were unlucky like usually you had to wait for a new hero to make the run. This whole process to make 1 run could easily take 2-3h the same thing happend in Dire maul, strath,scholo etc pretty much any high end dungeon.

Leveling open world? Same things happend there corpse camped until you logged out if u were lvl 51. People had alliance accounts just to scout for pvp targets or levelers.

No you don’t deserve to be on a PvP realm if you chose the easy way on PvE. You either reroll or continue on ur PvE realm. Why would u choose PvE if it’s so easy to level on a PvP like ur saying?

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