I’ve not bothered reading this 3000 word coursework assignment.
However, I agree that enhancement is absolute garbage and has been for a few years. Sorry but Blizzard will do F*** all as usual.
I’ve not bothered reading this 3000 word coursework assignment.
However, I agree that enhancement is absolute garbage and has been for a few years. Sorry but Blizzard will do F*** all as usual.
That dosent mean hex should be insta cast lol. Maybe if they completly rework it but wouldnt it be just better to add extra stun for enhas then?
ele needs massive dmg/proc nerf and enh need abit of deffensive buff
kinda agreed, but to not kill to the ground.
yes, thats why i asked for insta hex/stun, right?))
Both enh and devoker needs buff why you hate us ;(
plzzzzzzz blizzard do something i beg you
i agree with you i’ve been playing shaman since mop he wasn’t as bad as he is now bad mobility average damage terrible survivability what should i do to win demon hunter in 3v3 arena? i have no chance against a player with 1800 experience which level this class in df i keep playing this spec because it’s my favorite spec but i don’t enjoy playing anymore blizard nerfed this spec three times in a row which made it completely unplayable i hope they do change anything else i just don’t see the point in playing this game i only play pvp aspect
Enhance is trash and will probably stay trash as they’re performing way too good in Pve. Unfortunately.
The easiest fixes they can do for Enhance which will substantially improve QoL in PVP but not make them much stronger in PVE (DPS wise) is give feral lunge 2 charges and make it knockdown or pin the enemy for 1-2 seconds.
Give back Sham Rage than can be used in a stun or an “oh crap! I’m going to die button” which 90% of classes have
Take Doomwinds off GCD and remove dmg so it can be used at range - nothing more frustrating than popping 100 GCDs for burst only for the target to move out of range before popping DW (I try to pop DW last because it’s duration is insultingly short, so short infact disarm totally nullifies it and most stuns negate 90% of the burst)
these changes won’t make us god tier in PVP and also won’t effect our DPS numbers that much in PvE, but alas Blizzard will likely do something like give 10% dmg to SS in PVP and call it a day
Shamrage on 1 min CD usable while stunned.
Give spirit walk freedom for the duration but only 30% movespeed.
Take BL and DW off GCD
2 charges of Feral Lunge
Make Windfury totem an aura like Manaspring totem.
Give Frostbrand back or make Frostshock root people like in WOTLK when they’re in range.
Reduce Maelstrom from 10 to 5 but give instant hex with 1 min CD.
10% dmg reduction with Lightning Shield.
Make Grounding Baseline
Wolves should heal
Maybe make Deeply Rooted elements proc off of Damaging Abilities instead of stormstrike only.
Another cool idea I had was : Thorms invocation procs every 5 maelstrom but does not consume stacks.
Agree totally with this post. Being enhancement shaman is pretty ridicilious compared to other classes… Now some of you might not agree with me at this but i think damage is fine with just slight buffs but what mostly disturb me and most of the players from my community is our survivability/defensives…
Sadly 10.0.5 comes and we are in the same spot, Tier C, with 0.14% representation in 2s and 2/3% in 3s, we haven’t received any single buff so, I think this is over.
I feel you. Ret/enhance is my favourite 2s comp. Yet both specs are so bad in 2s it hurts my soul
Its been 2 expansions that blizzard has completely disregard enhancement. Its astonishing how pathetic this company handles this issue. Historically speaking i have 0 hope they will make enhancements viable for high rated arenas. They buff warriors survability in next patch with ignore pain while warriors do 1000% better than enhancements in every possible regard. Yet, no buff to us. I swear it gives me goosebumps on how pathetic is whoever is in charge of this garbonzo
Disregard would be putting it softly. More like absolutely neglected it. I miss the enhancement and ret paladin of old. They were forces to be reckoned with, this right now is a joke. No defs, no mobility, barely any healing. Some burst damage, but that all goes away really fast… Really melts my heart. What is even funnier to me is how the favourite pets in S rank are still dominating barely any nerfs or fixes, but so many B and C tier specs are getting nerfed right off the bat.
Dear blizzard employee reading this post.
I am looking forward to trying out the 10.0.7 Changed Enhancement shaman… BUT I am very sceptical to the changes made.
By moving certain talents and re-desigining Swirling currents, our healing will be nerfed.
Yes you buffed Astral Shift and added to Astral Bulwark, BUT the same problem remains, actually it will be even more glaring post changes - Survivability - with the changes you are buffing our ONE deffensive, meaning we will still live 1 push. With the nerfed healing tho, we will die faster after Astral Shift is over.
We have 1 survivability window → Astral Shift → which you made longer + stronger with Astral Bulwark. Sadly it is still only 1 defensive window and I guarantee you that there is zero chance that in arena we will live long enough to open another.
We have classes with around 4 deffensives + some sort of self-healing. 1 deffensive, no matter how much you buff it, is always going to be laughable at the current state of the game.
I am happy to see that you are picking up on the Enhancement shaman, but I stand by my earlier post for 10.0.5 on “Enhancement got zero changes”, we desperatelly need another form of damage reduction aside from Astral Shift. With 10.0.7 changes more then before. I like the idea of using Astral shift, drop some heals - another deffensive (like Shamanistic Rage), drop some heals - hopefully live long enough for another Astral Shift. But for that to happen we really need AT LEAST that second button.
Thank you in advance for any future changes and have a wonderful rest of your day.
10.0.7 is even worse than this patch for enhancement, jesus christ blizzard
Totally agree with original post. Most important thing that enhancement lacks is survivability, that’s the issue developers should address first hand.
The second issue is that the spec itself feels clunky because of nearly every ability having gcd, including totems, offensive cds, utility spells and so on.
The spec tree itself is good, the only thing i would really want to see is having a path directly from ice strike to hailstorm/fire nova choice node. From class fantasy perspective it’s kinda weird that in order to take all frost themed spells (which are suitable for both st and low target cleave) you have to spend 3 talent points on fire themed talents (which are more about aoe and cleave). It would also help in dealing with button bloat and excessive amout of “filler” spells, especially in aoe when playing with hailstorm . But i understand that this addition could significantly increase spec’s raid performance while it’s pretty high already. But this topic is mostly about enhancement in pvp, so i think this change will be appreciated in such content.
Lastly, would be great if flametongue weapon could receive a rework, because at the moment it’s practically useless no matter if you play with lava lash or not. For example, elemental spec talent which makes flametongue weapon grant 5% fire dmg increase could be made baseline, but honestly that’s the simplest solution, would love to see the buff effect made more interactive. Also reintroducing frostbrand or alternative weapon buff would increase variability and make weapon buff class theme more important and enjoyable.