ERP should never be opt-out

Trying to argue that someone getting poked with sharp sticks or zapped while they say ‘oof ouch that stings’ is a similar depiction to torture as a sex scene acted out is so obviously asinine that I have trouble thinking that people actually believe it


Your personal insults does not make for good argument. I don’t erp, actually never have, having such an intimate situation with a stranger through a game feels odd to me. I don’t hate on people who does so though, and honestly, there are 12 yo having sex irl, not everyone waits until they’re 15 or whatever the law in your country is. But yeah I was thinking about 18+ couples, and at least I think if you have a “serious” relationship with someone ic, you know something about the player, but I might be wrong, in that case I might rethink.

you should bc erp on a 12+ platform is wrong

and so that makes it OKAY? that makes it so erp on a +12 platform is just NOT AS BAD? because SOME KIDS have already experienced it?

and they should know better than to do it on a 12+ platform

i’ve had quite a few of those where the relationship building has been purely ic and i’ve known nothing about the person ooc which is why they never lasted long

That, unfortunately is a argument in favour of removing ERP in total since youths will often seek out such things themselves.

Best not to assume people are entirely honest with one another online.


Its quite literally; erotic roleplay, so its anything you would not see in a disney princess movie.

So no sticking tongue down a person’s throat, no grabbing certain areas and certainly no sticking your noodle in another person’s soy sauce.

what a wacky thing to say in the context lol

I think you might want to re-read your own posts a few times before you hit ‘send’ on them.

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Very strong r*gmasha energy

that’s not a compliment, gwinsy

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I see your points, I have a tendency to trust people since I’m an honest one myself, but ofc ppl can lie

huh… fair enough

Just of curiosity, question to all, if it wasn’t a pg12 game would you reason differently? is it the principle of the age restriction on the game or would you be equally against it in let’s say a pg16 game?

please answer this

I really don’t know what that means

I’m a sex-positive feminist - of course I’d be fine with people exploring that content on a suitable forum.

It’s just that this ain’t it.

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I get what you’re trying to say but man this is a bad arguement to use for it.

In general, the solution seems very easy to me;
If people are gonna do it ingame, chances are they’ll ruin their own reputation and likeability on the server, they’ll be publically shamed (rightfully so) and everyone will know it was them and no naming and shaming policy can save them from that, not only that, they’ll likely take everyone around them down through guilt by association, so why even do it in the first place?

Even if it’s super serious there’s no reason to RP out the act.
If you want to say your character and this other character are lovers, then just say that and be done with that.

if it was a pg16 game I’d, indeed, take far less issue with it.

I think she more or less meant it as a “where do you draw the line?”.

Example, Couples ic /e kissing. Is that alright? Or perhaps the usual position you can see in main hubs where one is sitting atop the others lap?

Not the overtly obvious ones of course, but in general, where is the line drawn? Apparently french kissing is a nono, but regular kisses?

thats fine

thats pushing it but it’s not anything explicitly bad

If you don’t know the answer to this question you have a deeply disturbed view of what is appropriate for this game and shouldn’t go near the topic, widesword

First Note: I don’t believe any MMO should be rated less than a 16 or 18. Rating them lower gives parents a false idea of the safety of their children while playing the game. The MMO dev loophole of “online interactions cannot be rated” is disgusting IMO.

If it was an 18 rated game I would think differently but I would still state it’s a risk since nobody obeys age ratings. My main issue is that it’s all about the risk of a minor being harmed.

In terms of what the ratings themselves allow a fully depicted sexual scene would be 18 rated.

If it’s so obvious just answer the question. Would /e french kisses x person be acceptable, without any other details than strictly those words given?

I can imagine that explicitly going into details over how a peck on the cheek is inapropriate, but that’s only due to the details of the act and not the act itself.



Please stop talking about a topic you clearly know nothing about.

yikes. You’re either genuinely unsure - in which case, refer to my post - or you’re just being performative and I have no interest in playing.