ERP should never be opt-out

Yeah, when I say that the attitude of ‘well if it’s in private’ covers for predators, I’m not being hyperbolic.

I mean it literally covers for predators.

yo you called me?

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i was gonna say, my orginal Statement was Poorly written, and it was ment to be a overall agree that in a Perfect world ERP isnt horrific. but with the Risks present and the effects it can have on the community it should be bannable and against the ToS.

i think the Geninue people who involve themselves with this stuff and are above board. should realistically be using Discord under a 18+ Requirement. as its Far more controllable and Player Moderated where WoW is obviously not… Not near enough to remove the Risks, 12+ game should Realistically be only delievering Content that is suitable for a 12 year old.

as Sad as it is we do live in a World where this is true, it is very true xD… i have seen it happen.

think it was in the TBC era, so i was like… maybe 11 and I do not remember the server i was on… i know i was Alliance and Had Someone Emote extreme Sexualised things at me… concerning Emotes and More…

Thankfully as someone raised on the internet from a very young age… i noped Out very quickly… Rolled Horde and never saw them again. lol All i did was emote Wave at a Random Person lol.

Smh that the community can rally behind the launch of WoD and get noticed on consumer rights protection show Watchdog but we can’t do the same to clear out Goldshire and ERP filth that can and has preyed on under-18s.

imo that’s not a strong argument even though it’s true. Meaning, there’s torture and alcoholism in the game, that’s worse than sex which is a natural part of most humans lives, but no… hush hush about that.

That being said, even though the average player age on AD probably is way higher than pvp realms, there are kids playing here, and they shouldn’t be approached by erp’ers, and there’s no way to tell the age of the player so if they could just stop approach ppl that’d be good.

how graphically is this usually displayed within the game?

(not very, at all)

bad take that i hear regurgitated far, far too often.

at least you’re 100% right here.

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The problem is that Goldshire is ‘old news’ so to speak. Reporters don’t want to report about a known quantity.

do you mean that one borean tundra quest where we zap a mage to get answers

where no blood was spilled

where he was just zapped a bit

I would like to quote some female person in the LFRP AD EU discord:

“You ask for their age”. Because as we all know, people do speak the truth on the internet 24/7.


I still wonder if Blizzard has done anything about it. Lastly with the leader of the guild in Duskwood. With their “ressources”, I can’t really see that anything happened at all. Which strikes me as very odd. Actively Blizzard doesn’t do anything. Only a small (more or less atleast) amount of people care about it in comparison to the amount of players on Argent Dawn over all. Mostly forum goers, by what I have seen, care enough about it to go against it. Or possibly not too. Should be the other way around that ERP is only a niche thing. But it isn’t. It’s sadly a huge part of Argent Dawn. And Blizzard refuses to do anything actively, big oof.

Might have to wait a few more years until the american players are all parents. Then we -might- get an uproar. Since we all know, EU customers are worth nothing to Blizzard and their opinions are second matter. Which is a whole different topic but :eyes:.

There’s also that one DK starter area quest.

i do not understand the argument of

“well there’s worse so erp is fine!!!”

even if there was worse, erp on a 12+ platform is still very potentially damaging to children and im just going to refer to you as a sweaty erper jade witch if you follow that train of thought

friendly reminder that there’s an open nonce in that discord and the discord’s owner approves of it.

do you mean koltira or interrogating the scarlets because that’s still very tame

The latter. It isn’t ‘tame’ so much as it is Blizz just not showing the effects of the torture.

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well it is tame in the sense they don’t show full effects, but my point still stands that any torture situation is very heavily played down on blizzard’s part and not as bad as the erper nonce tried to claim

I will put your exaggeration aside and answer like the adult I am. It depends on how you define erp doesn’t it? Imo an ic couple shouldn’t be banned for playing out a romantic scene (even if involving sexual nature) if done in a secluded area or through whisper. That’s not the same thing imo as the kink seeking ppl in Goldshire.

I wasn’t aware.
Thank you for informing me.
Information leads to healthy decisions.

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Is probably the most “gruesome” depiction we have so far, story wise and/or writing wise.

okay erper

no, it shouldnt be in the game at all. unless you have known the person for a very long time and have a way of verifying age, you cannot be sure that they are not an underaged child. blizzard cannot ban whispers, but i will still heavily shame you for doing it in game when you can’t be sure the age of the person you’re doing it with

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Also that guy gets his comeuppance in Legion. He’s a rare mob in Aszuna that has been exiled from the Kirin Tor. Sadly his cave is full of dead, ostensibly tortured blue dragon whelps.

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