ERP should never be opt-out

yeah I did, even had to read it 3 times again to see it, thanks

I mean, some things have a pretty violent death animation, like the ghoul and armored skeletons, Ghouls spine breaks, and the skeleton literally got hit so hard their spine also breaks, in a quite violent fashion, also Death Knight exploding corpses…

Oh yea, and people quite literally being gassed by the blight, twice.

I dont think we can compare a few innocent beers, abused by a verry small minority of people. With ingame sexual harrasment.

No if two 18+ ppl feels like acting out their kinks in a game in a secluded area, why would I care even if I don’t like it? It doesn’t affect me in any way. (this requires them to know each others rl age ofc)

Edit: The problem comes when you can’t be sure of the other persons age, and there are kids playing and that’s why ppl are against it overall if I got that correctly, which I understand. But just that part, two 18+ ppl doing stuff for themselves, no, that doesn’t harm anyone.

Ideally it wouldn’t but yet we’re keenly aware of it happening.

So basically just “omg it’s so obvious”. You’re dodging the question, not answering it.

Aside from the obvious overtly sexual, where is the line drawn? From other responses given in here, the most important part seems to not delve into any details.

Which doesn’t really hold the same implications since there’s not a single Disney Princess movie above the +10 rating afaik, in fact the overwhelming majority of them are around +5.

Acts of what? Kissing? Yes. Birds and the bees? Obviously not. Inuendos, hints and suggestive comments/themes? Definitely.

Let’s see, hanging bodies in deadwind pass, krastinov and his mancave, leatherface levels of decorations in gnoll villages, the fact that beings like Thaddeus exists…

This is only tangentially related, but I get the distinct impression that people keep forgetting or disregarding that a 12 year old in 2020 is significantly more exposed to sexual content than they would have been 15 years ago - and thus may hold a very different view on it than, say, a now ~30 year old at that age.

Today, first graders have smartphones and access to the whole spectrum of everything the internet has to offer, good and bad alike. Almost inevitably, they’ll end up stumbling over some sort of pornography at an age where they absolutely shouldn’t be. The effects this has can be pretty varied, but arguably the most intriguing one is that kids today know a whole lot more about sex than they did before.
Whether that’s a good or a bad thing is debatable to an extent, but it would be naive to assume that a 12 year old who is exposed to ERP in WoW has no idea what’s going on.

That said, does that excuse it happening? No, absolutely not.
Should people who expose potentially underaged RPers to this be punished? Yes, definitely. There’s a reason it’s illegal, both by the ToS and by law in most sensible countries.
Can you verify someone’s age if you don’t know them IRL? That’s close to impossible, so why take the risk?

At the end of the day, while the average teenager in this day and age is most likely a lot more knowledgeable in terms of sex, that is by no means an excuse to expose them to such content in a game that is very clearly not designed to cater to it. There are a myriad of other platforms for this - which is bad enough on its own, but that’s a whole different can of worms.

Just my two cents on this.

would continue to watch the clown perform.

Take this off-topic, if you like, but there’s deaths numbering in the tens of thousands across the globe due to alcohol abuse. (Far more, actually, because the US alone has alcohol related fatalities numbering in the 80,000 annually.)


debate me

debate meeeeeee

Are you trying too hard, or not trying at all, in your trolling?

i’m putting in about as much effort as you are, i imagine.

Yeah but also we keep finding this kind of thing happening. So it is really not as private and secluded as one would hope.

It’s more the fact that on some lvl some ppl have decided “you should be able to drink beer in this game. You should be able to kill stuff in this game.” And label it suitable for kids, that’s what doesn’t add up in my brain, because, in real life, I would rather see my 12yo had sex for the first time with a partner, than getting drunk or starting fights.

Edit: Just putting my comment further town the thread up here, the statement was an attempt to put the rules for games in perspective to real life, I think there’s too much acceptance for violance for kids in games. I’m also aware I often have controversial opinions and can be quite blunt.

Hardly doubt that.

That is true.

please stop talking about a subject you clearly know nothing about


That’s before we get into the fact that underage drinking is in and of itself a widespread problem which is why showing drinking as a positive is a bit of an issue.


are you saying that this level of basic clown performance actually takes effort for you?

Then I don’t quite understand why you’re being very defensive about exposing children to sexual content if you were not guilty of it yourself.

Perhaps it would be best to say nothing at all