ERP should never be opt-out

I wouldn’t want to see my kids doing anything of that.


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The ratings systems are about presentation not the subject material itself. It’s why things like the Carry On films are able to be PG rated despite being rather sexual.

What do I know nothing about? 12 year olds, sex, erp, alcohol, violence?

:ballot_box_with_check: All of the above


Here, take this, you’re gonna need it.


No but if you had to choose, I honestly wouldn’t want my 12yo to play mmo’s.

Must have phrased myself badly there. What I am saying is that I’m at least trying to put some thought into the discussion instead of shutting it down with obvious trolling.

Take your pick tbh

Care to elaborate?

Yeah I’m actually hoping you’re just trolling, because if these were your actual opinions I’d feel very bad for you :frowning:

I would rather them play MMOs than do all the other stuff you mentioned. :grimacing:

Well it was an attempt to put the rules for games in perspective to real life, I think there’s too much acceptance for violance for kids in games.

What opinions? That I’m opposed to ERP but would like to know where the line is drawn other than the extreme?

Yeah, alcohol has been identified through multicriteria decision analysis to be the most overall harmful drug in the UK when considering harm on both a societal and individual level, ranging above her-in, cr-ck c-caine and m-th.

Wish people would stop treating alcohol as a harmless recreational beverage…


at least you’re honest, i respect that widesword!

I’d say saying you’re a blatant troll is a lot less offensive than implying that you actually stand by the things you say.

But my dark fruits, Moody…


Forbidden fruit…


Where did that come from? No and if it was some form of racist comment I’m against all form of racism.

Your sense of values are simply very reminiscent of the Pakistani legal system is all.

Is anyone going to answer the question or will you keep on ridiculing me for even having posed said question?