ERP should never be opt-out

It’s due to the violence being non-explicit. The ratings system is more lenient on violence than sex but that doesn’t really manifest until the 16 and 18 ratings.

i think we won’t humor your clown performance so i pick this option.


Well honestly I don’t know much about violence since I really stand against all forms of it and it’s horrible with the development of violence getting more common in younger ages.

Drinking in wow makes you shay shtuff with h’s in front of them and fly silly with your mount, your argument is absolutely renarded


Just take a look at the brewmaster spec


That spec is responsible for my crippling alcohol addiction.


I didn’t know that

I guess that is what my problem is with

So you are against violence in all forms but also play a video game that has abit of violence in i, in form of man 1 hits man 2, man 2 says “aaargh.”

Also with that said, i don’t think video game violence should be compared to IRL violence. 1 of them, is after all, just a game.

It’s why a woman’s bra going flying off her chest and into a man’s face can be shown in a PG rated film as long as her bare chest isn’t shown. It’s because it’s non-explicit.

It’s a cultural thing but again it only really applies to 16-18 rated games. In 12 rated ones it’s generally treated fairly.

Careful with that logic. The more…extreme side of ERPers tends to use it as well.
“It’s just a game, though! It’s not like I’m actually doing this stuff to them irl!”

Utter nonsense obviously, but the argument is still being made.


I’m an adult, I know well the difference between games and real life, I also don’t think it’s “cool” with violence irl which some kids do. I’ve worked in schools and kindergardens, kids play what they watch on video games, either what they played themselves or seen older siblings play. I hade 5yo who had watched the older brother who was 14 play GTA, which he had gotten from the parents.

Virtual violence is worlds apart from real-life violence.

That’s why people can play horror games for hours where limbs fly everywhere, but will go into shock if they ever found a RL dead body. This is really well documented.

Young children can’t differentiate very well between reality and fiction, but older children can - hence why video game violence is usually 12+ or 16+ depending on the depiction.

That separation does not exist in anything close to the same context when it comes to sexual content - and exposing children to sexual content in their formative years is psychologically damaging, whether or not they think they can handle it.


Did he proceed to go on a drug fueled murder rampage through the streets of Los Santos where he beat up women and pr-stitutes?

So, an estimate about how many more insults I have to recieve before I can get anything even remotely close to an answer?

If you think video games are the main cause of violence in the youth then are are incredibly wrong




Okay you were right, I didn’t know that, is that true? Very interesting.

This is an answer. Take it or leaver it. :clown_face:

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No I don’t, I defenitely don’t think it’s the main cause, or even a big cause, but I think it risks giving children a higher tolerance for violence in real life because it “looks cool” in game, which can lead to higher tolerance of violence in society. Perhaps a bit of a stretch but violence among the young are increasing, and I think a part in that is that parents also don’t read the pg and buy games restricted to even over their kids age.

This is categorically not the case and I repeat my plea to please stop talking about things you don’t have the knowledge of