ERP should never be opt-out

true i played tekken as a kid and decided to try and hit my school bully eddy guerdo style

I don’t think games are at all in fault unless some like 8 year old is playing GTA, there’s much greater issues in society which are the cause, most being domestic

Well in my country it is… It’s on the news.

news isn’t always 100% hard fact

Because when have the news ever not exaggerated for the sake of sensationalism?

Please don’t take this kind of info at face value.

Did it work?

no i hurt my elbows

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haha :joy:

That’s two. I wonder how many more are going to join your circle-:fist:.

Also, still not an answer to the question.

this is boring widesword

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Jesus christ ur so excruciatingly boring Broadblade :yawning_face:


lemme know when you’re going to stop yelling ‘debate meeeeee’ into an empty void, king

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I am not a PCU member so u can’t use the jircle cerk card, but I don’t think anyone respects you enough to do anything but insult you lol


Even so, the number of reports of children committing violent crimes has increased by 37 percent between 2015 and 2019, and ofc it’s not because of video games, but absent parents, bad crowds and violent games probably doesn’t make a good mix.

I posed that question intending it to be discussed, not debated.

When did I ever mention PCU?

You hinted via

violent games, if anything, are likely a very small percentage, and a fuel to the fire rather than the match that started it

Based on whose numbers? Who conducted this study, and are they known and acknowledged to be a credible source?

You’re not doing yourself a favour by not taking these kinds of ‘reports’ with a grain of salt. Seeking attention with misrepresentation of facts and citing - at best - questionably credible sources is the entire business model of most news.
Not delivering facts, because facts are often boring.

I can see you’re not being malicious, so I will take off my internet tough guy persona and plead with you that you look at the actual science if you care about the subject, because any news story telling you that violence is increasing is very likely misleading you and any story that blames violent video games for it is definitely lying to you.

I had strangers asking me to dance for RP gold after complimenting my character’s transmog.
Some even initiated /w ERP while I kept the logs for a GM to read (Which promptly in the tickets they replied that they took action against those players. Thank you GMs for saving me :heart: ).

Mommy I am scared. :laughing: It’s getting more and more common even when I idle/afk peacefully.