ERP should never be opt-out

mom come pick me up im scared


At nothing regarding the PCU. That’s your own assumption.

:zzz: :yawning_face:

Totally, but I think parents today are too ignorant to that fuel, parents who don’t play themselves seem to be either in the camp “no games!” or, “sure play!” and don’t care about what kind of games it is, and a kid who has a tough environment probably needs something calmer than a violent game to play in it’s spare time. This is still a minor thing but I know I will put some extra thought in what games and movies my kid will be allowed to play/see.

It’s a report from the police

that is true, a lot of parents nowadays aren’t checking that much on what their kids are accessing

not that i advocate for ‘I WILL CHECK EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO ONLINE’ but they’ll give kids an ipad and just let them loose on it for a few hours, it’s very neglectful

We can at least agree on this, parents don’t understand what their kids can find on youtube…

don’t even get me started

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Daily reminder its scientifically proven video games do not make children violent.

A big part of the issue is that most parents weren’t / aren’t gamers. They have little to no experience with video games, so they automatically assume it’s either
a) literally the worst thing to expose their child to, which is incorrect, or
b) just like TV shows, which is also incorrect.

Neither is desireable. One is based off a completely wrong and consistently disproven assumption (video games make children violent), the other disregards the fact that video games are not like TV shows in a number of ways.

I expect that the coming generation of parents - the ones who’ve had lots of exposure to video games and/or are gamers themselves - will be different.

Thank you, no I’m not, I’m just a person with some controversial opinions, actually quite nice though.
This was a police report from a region in my country, that’s why I trusted it, otherwise I always take the news with a grain of salt because it’s mostly angled and never shows both sides of the story.

Yeah, not that i done any big read ups on this but would boxing or other fighting sports not also make people violent due to same reasons then or something?

Thank you, no I’m not, I’m just a person with some controversial opinions, actually quite nice though.
This was a police report from a region in my country, that’s why I trusted it, otherwise I always take the news with a grain of salt because it’s mostly angled and never shows both sides of the story.

And my presumption is correct, no debate needed

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This is one of the nicest ways you can learn that the police lie quite often when they think they can get away with it

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I really agree, and I also think there will be a difference now when more girls play games so the moms will have som understanding for it as well.

I’ll become a bitter and (more) cynical person when I realize everything is lies.

ACAB :fist:


All Cats Are, indeed, Beautiful


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There are no current studies who prove that violent games cause more violence in return.

How come so many people are so obsessed (not you, just popped into my mind) to control what their children do?

Children can be communicated to. As you said above yourself, they are faced with bad things on the internet or in real life.

“You can’t do X because I say so” is a mistake a lot of parents do.

I was sitting in a doctors waiting room with my girlfriend and there was a mother which children were really loud. Since she sat across us, I could hear how she was telling the child to be quiet or else she will get the dad. I saw things like that a lot of times and I am mind boggled as of why. The child then proceeded to say he wants to “box fight” his mother. That child was like 4-6. Which the mother only responded with it “stop it” and “you wish you were stronger” as she asked if he believed he was stronger than her. Not sure if we spotted some hidden abuse there but regardless. What is this communication?

You can tell your child what happens and why it’s wrong. Believe it or not. But telling your child “Listen, if you want use the internet, that is fine. However… I have to warn you about some things. If a stranger asks for your fullname, don’t give it. Same for personal information. If anyone asks for that, you do not give it under any circumstances because there can be bad people on the internet who will use that information to hurt you. Unless you are older, then you can decide for yourself. If anyone asks you for anything sexual, you decline because it can have a serious impact on your life. Your decisions on the internet, that’s also why you should not insult people on it, can affect you in real life. So just behave and if anyone is mean to you, you can call me and we will see through it.”

To explain things to your children might take a bit more but it’s worth the effort. If you don’t want to put that effort in, then think twice about why you even have children or if getting any is for you.

Anyways, especially with the now coming generations of around 20, it will probably shift completely. The newer generations came up with technology and know what bad stuff they can find there. So I hope that future generations will explain to their children that bad people can be on the internet, but not giving in to them is what matters.

Same goes for the whole ERP situation.

“If you notice anyone writing something to you that you aren’t comfortable with, it is okay to tell them and if they ignore you, it’s okay to ignore/block them. You do control what you are comfortable with, not someone else. No matter how long you know them. If they do something you don’t like, then tell me or any person you trust. But don’t do something you dislike in that regard”.

Tell -why- they can’t do something. Because chances are if you got some absolute madlad like myself as a child, he/she will do it just because you didn’t give a reason as of why.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

TLDR: children are humans and not dogs. You can explain and reason with them.