ERP should never be opt-out

I agree. But sometimes, authority is a necessary side of education. You can’t always give reasons: sometimes they won’t be correct yet your position is right, other times the child has to learn the value of authority. I agree that authority shouldn’t be based on punishment alone, but sometimes children just have to shut up and listen/obey. Actually, in matters of everyday life a parent’s position is more likely to be true than a child, regardless of the reasons they offer. The child, the younger she/he is, the more she/he has to trust on the counsel of her/his parents.

Adults have integrated many sources of knowledge, whereas children lack essential information on how life is structured.

wish that were me tbqh

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Don’t be glum Telaryn, you have so much to live for. Take this comprehensive list of things you have to look forwards to:


If the only good elf is a dead elf, then Elly is canonically the best elf


On topic again, after some thought and consideration on the discussion earlier, and especially this;

has got me thinking, since it actually got to me. I still don’t see the issue itself as wrong between two people that have given their consent, and I still find it hyprocticial in what is ok in a kid’s game and what’s not, but seeing how there is so difficult to determine someone’s age and people apparently lie because they are d-cks, and if the fact from Stonetower is true, I can understand the mass intolerance against it overall in the game. And, I might be ready to agree wow’s no place for it (sounds pretty logical when you put it like that).
Well, there you have it, you managed to change someone’s opinion a bit today, that’s quite good work.
Also Scrappy, I already said it, but I sincerely didn’t mean to make it sound like your experiences were trivial.

Time for food now, been here for too long

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The whole “but think about the children” argument I find pretty weak tbh. Not trying to be an apologist but most kids today are probably quite woke in terms of what sex entails.

I was given no sexual education at school but already knew how things worked by the time I was 9. I definitely would never condone a child ERPing with an adult. That is wrong but some people talk like any sexual content even in passing mention has no place in WoW. Once again I argue that it’s all over the lore. I find that going a bit too far, even if Scrappy probably has good intentions.

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Should be noted that most studies are unclear. There’s no ultimate evidence in favor or against the idea that certain types of violence in videogames can impact a children’s overall impression of violence (as much as there weren’t studies that confirmed that extended use of the cellphone can give you cancer until some time ago) but that doesn’t mean it’s false.

It’s just a “we don’t know yet”. It’s possible that it contributes to in some way.

So, arguing that child predators, who do a great amount of harm to those they victimize, should not have an avenue to victimize in-game via ERP, is a weak argument? Do go on…

Uh… this is exactly what being an apologist is. There is no excuse to sexualise children, ever.

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I think everyone would feel more at ease if it could be guaranteed only 18+ ppl erp and in secluded areas but that’s near impossible which is why I could get behind the “no erp in wow at all”

That is not what I said. My argument isn’t to be for ERP. I in no way think a kid around 12-14 should be interacting with an adult that’s in his 20s or 30s.

I’m saying that using the “but the children” defense is going a bit too far when arguing all sexual content has no place in WoW. Sex is natural. It isn’t this giant taboo some people like to pretend it is here sometimes like it should never be mentioned. It isn’t just implied, it’s outright stated, even in ways that are very dark for a 12+ game. Even children around that age margin surely know.


what can i say but


You do know what the difference is between ‘teaching children about sex’ and ‘having sex with children’, right?


So is lockjaw, consumption, and podagra. Just because it’s natural doesn’t make it right to apply to children.

t. people who pretend they were more observant than they really were as kids.

Kids read the words and see the pictures but they don’t really string it together into the grim image it really portrays unless it’s very graphically done for them (see: ERPers trying to groom kids)

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… Yes? Just because I’m arguing that the existence of sex shouldn’t be hidden in-game doesn’t mean I condone minors ERPing with adults. Please don’t misconstrue my words.

What I mean is that I’m perfectly fine with some people choosing to RP prostitutes/courtesans (if done well and without resorting to ERP) as I have known people who conducted themselves according to the EULA. There was even a forum poster who’s thread was given support after the OP explained her reasoning. That’s my only argument. There’s no need to deny the existence of sex as teenagers already know or are bound to find out about it anyway.

No need to deny its existence, but I don’t think we are these kids’ parents i.e i don’t think we are the ones who are supposed to practicion sex-ed.

This doesn’t seem like a difficult take to grasp, imo.

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I was asking because I was genuinely unsure.

Normalising sex work in WoW normalises ERP by providing cover to those who do. I struggle to understand how you don’t understand this, and would be impressed how one might represent a prostitute without breaking the EULA.


My god man

This literally wasn’t even anything of any substance whatsoever, just a total non-point and you STILL couldn’t keep yourself from disagreeing in some way

I might not agree with most of what you say but at least there’s usually some shred of actual substance to what you usually post (even if I think the vast majority of it is wrong)

You are just the sentient embodiment of a disagreement


I mean, I’ve seen it happen. Prostitutes exist in WoW. The Den of Mortal Delights is proof of this in-game, and even in books there are direct references to it such as Maiev walking past several dead courtesans.

I can understand at first glance you’d instantly assume the person in question to be an ERPer because there’s a stigma against it, but again, I’m just arguing that it’s too much to pretend these things don’t exist when WoW itself has provided a medium for it.

Anyway I really don’t want to be confused for someone who’s vehemently defending ERP as I fear that’s the impression I’m giving off right now. I’m fully against ERP involving minors in any way. Let me emphasize that.

Blizz :clap: is :clap: not :clap: bound :clap: by :clap: the :clap: EULA :clap: and :clap: we :clap: are

doesn’t even matter. It’s a cover for ERPers, normalize it and you’ll give them another hideout to groom kids.