ERP should never be opt-out

I have this in pretty much every one of my TRPs now for my characters, and I hate doing it, but it has to be done. Trying to RP on my anchorite was a nightmare especially, as I’d have people harassing me via whisper with intentions/asking questions to ERP even after I’d put that I don’t accept it on my TRP. It was pretty disgusting and it’s put me off roleplaying that character in case it happens again.

I normally don’t judge others roleplay choices but this is one of few exceptions. Not only is it against game rules, but when it gets to the point where many players have to put warnings on their profiles that they don’t want to be approached for ERP, it shows how many people are fed up of it.

I’ve also noticed a lot of ‘teen/underage’ characters with the intent to ERP. That opens up another can of worms itself, and I question the morality of the people behind those characters. Roleplay should not be your outlet to express gross fetishes/barely legal (or completely illegal) content under the pretense of “it’s my sub I’ll play it how I want to/It’s just a game lol”.


it’s okay, i appreciate it

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Reminding people that absence of evidence isn’t evidence is quite important. The two do get confused. It means that the opinion which says certain forms of violence in videogames can cause desensitivization could be correct. I think it is true, to some extent.
Among other things, it would make the Gwinsy’s intuitions upon violence and videogames correct. I was just highlighting this part.

On the other hand, since you seemingly demand a solid contribution, what does this post of yours bring to the conversation, aside from condescending tones and ad hominem considerations?

Perhaps your point was unnecessary and has no substance, and you could have refrained, but didn’t resist the urge to disagree with me? On the contrary, my post isn’t much about disagreeing but more about agreeing, since it indicates sympathy for a position which was expressed before.

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Right you do realise that dozens of studies have shown no connection between video game violence and “all the violence the media blame it for”. While there is no credible study showing a connection.

Back on the actual topic ERP is wrong and against the TOS. it’s as simple as that. Don’t like it? Go to an 18+ game then.

If you want to ERP, kindly migrate to another server.

I hear Goldshire is pretty empty on Draenor EU and, likewise, Silvermoon is empty on…well, Silvermoon EU.

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Migrate to another platform that is age appropriate.


edit: will reword a bit better, sorry!


No arguments from me, on that.

does this mean nobody’s willing

buddy you and your name are already pushing it and i WILL fight you over such trivial matters as i have thoroughly proven in recent days.


so is that a no…


Sorry, but furry dogmen aren’t my thing

Public erp yes, and hopefully someone caught erp in public will be banned but I Don’t think blizz can do Something against those who do it in private party chat.

Lovey, Public ERP has been going on for years.

If Blizzard haven’t started banning yet, they aren’t going to start now.

Never saw people publicly erping myself.

West side of Silvermoon is enough to ensure you don’t go to Goldshire.

I have rp on Horde and Alliance quite extensively and I legitmately never saw public erp, sure I know people who do it, we all know that guy, but they do it privately so whatever. I think the phenomenon is just blown out of proportions personnaly.

Nighthold also had a room akin to mortal delight. To serve and please the grand magistrix.

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It’s serves and pleases me now, as grand priestess. :raising_hand_woman: :muscle: