ERP should never be opt-out

We sure know how to party.

Highborne Elves always know how to party.

Well, barring the Satyr

Earthly pleasures and wine, the french’dorei at their bestest.

If only the males didn’t look the part of lethargic nosferatu. :grin:

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They just look extremely constipated in my book. Guess at least it makes for a erp deterent.

While not a true prostitute there is Taretha Foxton, who was taken by her lord Blackmoores command.

Yeah and she was executed

I think what people are missing is that these things are generally alluded to; the original animated Aladdin has a brothel in it and I didn’t ever pick up on it until a year or so ago. It goes the same for the Den of Mortal delights, you don’t really see anything but you get the picture and that’s that. There’s a throwaway line in the Illidan book about it too iirc.



This goes back to my point of; what would disney do?

Allude to a brothel in the same way WoW does, twice in fact! With the den of mortal delights and the one in Suramar.

yeah, neither situation openly explained what a brothel is, they just existed


Which is why when it comes to most RP, i’m going to use the What Would Disney Do? motto

We see villians fall into flames, get stabbed, get crushed (alluded to, we see the rock fall after her), be hung (you see the silhouette at least) nothing too graphic.

Same with romance, bit of kissing and hugging but not tonsil tennis or butt grabbing.

EDIT: There’s also occasionally (especially in 90s Disney) a few subtle inuendos for the adults.

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There are several references around the game. There’s the whole maiden of virtue room in Karazhan, filled of courtesans that have repented for their sins (interestingly, it might indicate that humans from SW have conservative views on sex).

There’s also that undead warlock that carries around a succubus during the night in Silvermoon. Basically most succubi/shivarra are a reference to bd*m. Granted, all these things aren’t followed in-depth. As Aerelien said, they are just allusions.

I think unfortunately that GoT may have contributed to carry in-game adult material to the next level, despite it being an amazing series (atleast until s7).

Which again, none of it is explicit and would fit into a disney movie, thus WWDD applies.

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Quick fix, play males. I promise no one will want to get ERP.

oh my sweet summer child

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ah you are inexperienced
ask any male troll
how many times
they get whispered for erp

it is in fact just belf males that don’t

That’s because most male belves are interested in other male belves, not women.

Just write that your character is above 40s and there you go. You know it’s a non-ERP toon.

What if it’s an elf? 40 isn’t all that much for them