ERP should never be opt-out

It doesn’t work for human males either. Just… Trust my word on that one. Shivers.

I’d say play an ugly female but even those get whispers.

nah when I used to play Telaryn back in 2014(?) there were loads of whispers then too

I remember one time at a campaign I was talking with random people around campfire and one female belf got really friendly with me and started talking about how in her last guild people used to play a game of trying to land items in her cleavage and if I wanted to try. She really kept bringing it up a lot

and later when I was about to log off and headed towards [my tent] she slowly followed after me and I was like yeah alt f4

also Aerilen has a story about that one person and their garters

I’ve been propositioned on my old elf lady.

She’s old and battle scarred.

i said belf MALES

I’m simply manlier than you

i’d reply something witty but i am in fact laughing at my own joke too much

makes you the only one :upside_down_face:

Depiction of Aerilen and Telaryn meeting after beating Alliance nerds.


Our bond is iron and our friendship eternal

No female can stand between us two manly bros handshaking hands

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That’s what went wrong. Elves are the nectar of ERPers

Right don’t start mate I’m not having that

I’ve been to more of those weddings than straight ones. And it’s the same with pretty much every woman in Stormwind too.

That either speaks of my luck or about which way the player behind the character swings. Of course you’d want to play someone attractive to you, but the problem comes in when you also want them to be attracted to the same things as you are.

Ignoring all the people above screeching “think of the children!” , I totally agree with the OP’s main point. It’s annoying when people constantly hit you up for something, especially a sensitive topic, you didn’t ask for.

I also don’t understand people who ERP in public or in emotes… especially in a populated area like Stormwind. I don’t mind what people get up to in private, but pay some mind to the people around you too.


I believe it 100% valid to say “think of the children” and by that i mean young teenagers. I don’t know if you are aware of a rather huge ERP scandal revolving around the church of eternal grace. The GM was found to be grooming on a teenager in his guild, getting nudes of her, trying to blackmail her and other nonce behavior.

Just how it is when blizzards system for reporting does not work properly, the more people that report an ERPer the more likely something is to happen, but if 1x guy report them, still waiting for that to give a ban for those fools.

But also it is never private enough for us to not find out it seems. So i do mind.

And the children.


I know this is fake because a belf couldn’t possibly have such powerful facial hair.

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I’m impressed that you’re still this neglectful about something so damaging, so rooted in the community as one can easily glean from the example meg just listed.

EG was undeniably a big guild, with a lot of sway and involvement in their area of choice Duskwood.

The fact that it was headed by a pedo should’ve been an eyeopener instead of something for you to ignore, for you to continue pretending these degens aren’t messing up kids.

I rate this 4 out of 5 yikes


The mental gymnastics of these coomers never seizes to puzzle me.

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Yeah prefer that people don’t do what Sanara does and say that children being preyed on is not a real thing on the internet or in real life. Honestly such a weird thing to say.


“Think of the children” is meant to be a satire to absurd kneejerk reactions people have to pinning the blame on sources of media. Rock n roll, metal, video games, South Park, wrestling in the Attitude era, The Simpsons, and so on, usually to absolve themselves of admitting that problems are more complicated and societal and opting for an easier scapegoat.

Protecting minors and other vulnerable individuals from predatory actors by rooting them out seems like the exact opposite of that behaviour. I’m curious as to why you think this is hysterical shrieking? Maybe you don’t think it happens?