ERP should never be opt-out

Maybe Marchenuit saw the version of Darkshore where Nathanos accidentally leans on a demolisher, fires it, watches the flaming projectile while going “Uh-oh, spaghetti-O’s!” Then when Teldrassil scorches he turns to the camera and shrugs while a trumpet goes “wah wah waaaaaah…”

Don’t forget the pre-recorded laughs.

Green gas that makes u fall over, yeah. PEGI 12.

From what I grew up watching in the eighties/nineties they kinda are?

I mean there was allways some weird polluting bad guy trying to wipe out the cute good guys or good guys friends with some sort of gas, doomsday device or mechanical army.

I am talking about the story, not the graphical parts. Schindler’s list isn’t a violent movie, but I wouldn’t let a kid Watch it though because of its story.

That would have been better writing than what BFA actually gave us hah!

Aint the story pretty much in the books though and actually not in the game?

You still see all the genociding and the gasing in game.

to which you said

To which you say

Make up your damn mind and be consistent, are you talking about what you see or the story. Actual idiot

Ok if you can’t discuss without insulting I am out buddy, and “see” was used as seeing the story unfold here. If you only play the game and pay attention for two second you know what happened, the story.

Naw Megnarosh is right mate I’ve been trying to grasp the true form of your point and coming up blank. What point are you trying to make?

My point is: 1 erp isn’t as common as some ppl seem to make it out to be, according to this thread you can’t step in a rp hub without seeing ppl going at it

2 Pegi 12 might be too low of a rating anyways due to its story and theme which you “see” in game, you see NE getting genocided, people getting gased etc… Although those deaths aren’t graphicals you “see” them unfold, you know they happened and this isn’t thing I would want a child to see personnaly. That’s why I compared it to Schindler’s list, you Don’t see Jews die in horrible and graphical deaths in that movie but it still isn’t for childrens.

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ok, then you should go and check what the different age ratings allows. Because wow has the correct age rating for what it shows and implies. If you pay attention for two seconds in this thread. You would know this argument has already been made and defeated before, if you could even call what you are doing an argument. i am just trying to guess what you mean since you are spazzing all over the place with what you write. Which is why i call you an idiot, idiot.

I am done with you bud, insults are a mark of immaturity. Maybe the discussion rating is too high for you.

I have you know he is a 2k champion


Because these forums are a hivemind when it comes to erp. You can either do one extreme or the other extreme. There is no inbetween. If you aren’t with them, then you are against them. A middle ground is not possible. The true path of being a sith.

Though I will admit that in certain hubs it’s pretty prominent. Stormwind has a bit of an issue with it and we all know what goes down in Goldshire. It is a problem, but not on every corner.

No no, I don’t think you understand how the ESRB is rating stuff. BfA was rated T for teen because of its suggestive themes. Not on what you actually see. And I mean literally see.

If you saw in gruesome detail (like in Wolfenstein for example) how people are gassed with them trying to breath for air but then dying, that would be above T for teen.

Best example I can give is Manhunt. It’s rated A for adults only because of its grusome indetail depictions and also the game mechanics.

Sure, we all know what -would- happen if you take a giant axe and cleave through someone. But that does not happen in WoW. You just -hit- someone without any gorey details except a bit of blood, which justifies the teen rating. Sure, WoW has some gruesome suggestive themes like Teldrassil, but it stays that way. You do not see a halfly burned pile of detailed corpses like in Spec Ops. And that is what matters, the attention of detail to violence, drugs and so forth which WoW has not much of. Only surface level, which then in return means that it’s rated T for teens.


Former number 1 shaman on AD. Don’t be mucking with a G!


I totally get your point, that is Indeed how the rating system works, but I am saying is that this method of rating is flawed in my opinion and limiting it to just : “are the death graphical” might not be the best way to do it.

It is a problem in orgrimmar too, you could try and make 1x female blood elf, stand in orgrimmar in some full armor transmog for 1x week and see how many people approaches you and goes “hey you should take that armor off so i can see your curves” or some other cringe ERP setup line.

Because of:

Clearly, people do not keep it in private - and even if it was so, WoW is not the place for it.

Just because your own experience is dissimilar to someone else’s, it doesn’t mean there’s no issue/it doesn’t happen.

I see countless examples of public ERP, from actual interactions to TRP profiles almost on the daily if I am RPing in a large hub like SW.