ERP should never be opt-out

WoW rating could be 21+ and ERP would still be against the rules, because we, the players are bound by Terms of Use and End User Licence Agreement.



Imagine if WoW moved to Mortal Kombat levels of violence. I sure wouldn’t mind doing some more PvP by then.

Now that is an alpha male approach.

Though what I forgot in my initial post is that while hubs have a problem with it, I think the problem that exists worse is guilds. Peer pressure and all of it. Everyone is about how bad stuff is on hubs, but the whole thing in Duskwood did not happen in a public hub, it happened in a guild. Behind closed doors, so to speak. We should all have an eye more on that.

Which is true, but sadly it is how it is currently.


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I didn’t say it doesn’t happen at all, although I still have to witness it personnaly. I just said that the phenomenon is blown out of proportions. I remember back when I started playing wow I quested in GS because I didn’t know about the place reputation and I didn’t see anything. Again that’s not me saying that erp doesn’t happen, ofc it does, but it’s not everywhere all the time as some seem to think.

The Jade Witch thing maybe, but that guild had a reputation for ERPers. People joined it for that reason.

They were also a large guild based in the most popular RP hub outside of Stormwind. It was their primary recruiting ground. What they got up to 100% affected the hub and other people in it.


Okay, so what is your point? Where do you want to get with, “It doesn’t happen constantly in every street corner, I have not seen it ever, LA-LA-LA!”?

The issue is not being blown out of proportion, due to the effects ERP has/brings to a 12+ game.


Well has Xeogs said maybe people should drop the pithcforks about public hub and their easy virtue point and focus on the guilds were the really shady stuff happens.

Meanwhile, a certain green-clothed guild with a smelly reputation is recruiting in the middle of Cathedral Square.


remember when they said a piece of art where you can see an entire nude body is not NSFW? Really makes you think how bad does the NSFW art get.

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There were people doing public ERP in Duskwood all the time back when I RPed there. Still do, to my knowledge.

I’d also get IC whispers from randoms being plain weird coomers whenever I’d walk around the zone on my priestess.


There’s some profiles where you just KNOW they’re scouting for ERP.


What an absolute cop-out of a response. ERP isn’t a one-front issue, things get tackled as and when they can.

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Not tackled very well considering it’s still everywhere according to some.

You’re absolutely right. We should give up rooting out ERP and potential abuse because we haven’t cleansed it 100%.

I think Megnarosh was right about you.

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Whatever dude, think what you want of me. If you haven’t noticed my main isn’t even on AD anymore as I am moving away from rp anyways.

Legend. I can respect this.


Is this irony :thinking: ?

No, I respect it a lot that since you’re moving away from RP, you venture to a realm that’s more suited to your new playstyle :slight_smile:
I may disagree with you on ERP, but credit where it’s due.


Just following a friend, although don’t expect me to move all my toons overnight lol, that stuff is expensive. I will probably still casually rp on my AD toons but it’s clearly not my main focus for the game anymore.

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ignore this thing, there’s worse happening!!!

why would anyone ignore PUBLIC erp to then solely go and root out nastier stuff? you can very easily do both when the situation is on an online platform

yes we all saw when you had a bit of a cry and left dirge in a huff