ERP should never be opt-out

I do. Not sure where the prossie thing came from though. There’s been no mention of it prior to this.

Yet you’re arguing for the right (?) to use suggestive themes in roleplay. It’s as if you’re trying to actively push the boundaries of what that means in this very thread.

Being known as a doxxing ERP-fiend isn’t helping your cause, however. You ought to take a good luck upon what you’re holding before you go saying something you may not agree with in a day or two. We’ve seen you retract your points a multitude of times before, I’d imagine this wouldn’t be any different.

I agree except for denying sex exists at all in WoW. Even children would quickly be able to guess what the Den of Mortal Delights is supposed to represent. Being against ERP is all well and good, but there’s plenty of stuff and connotations that implies sex is everywhere in the lore, even to a darker extent such as the circumstances of Garona’s birth.


Just gonna ask real quick, having seen people say it a lot. What is Doxxing? Is it just a term for a jerk leaking peoples personal info online?

pretty much yeah

Saying “Heh, nice :peach:.” is not suggestive. That is the kind of pervy sexual innuendo that Broadblade seemed to be espousing.

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Pretty much this.

There’s references and jokes.

Then there’s explicit.

I’m arguing under the rating provided, not for explicit.

Ok, thanks!

im screeching mom come pick me up


English isn’t my first language nor do I have a degree on it, take a chill pill dude. Sometimes when I write in English, it can be misunderstood. Stop being a :poop:-head about it.

Nice try.

Just gimme a /yes or /no.

I oppose it, sure.


After years on Argent Dawn, this is my position as well. I don’t condone it one way or another, but if sheer outrage and shunning was a means to combat it, we wouldn’t have this thread in 2020.

Being outraged and staking out ERPers doesn’t work. Simple as.


i think i will just keep being mad and keep reminding people erp on a 12+ platform is wrong

It does instead, people who deny it know.

Any successful guild does not tolerate it, or they will suffer a massive PR scandal + embarassement. It’s stopped erp from being a norm


If you say so? I can’t say that see the change, but I’m glad someone does.

Action will always be more beneficial than inaction


I mean would you be proud to have roleplay of your guild members pleasuring themselves with dolmio jars being broadcasted publicly?

I think it keeps people in check honestly, it’s inappropriate and should be reported as soon as you see it!


whens ur dolmio day, blithere

As the OP says:

Shame it and report it. It’s against the ToS, common decency and is too often used for nefarious purposes. Fighting it, even if you think nothing will change in the long run, is the only moral response.