ERP should never be opt-out

This was talked about over and over and over.

The straight up answer is “Blizzard needs to do something”.

What happens is: “Blizzard can’t even enforce the naming or roleplay policy”.

Not even in their forums.

So realistically nothing will happen. Ever.

Especially not after cutting down staff.

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In this case, certainly. I don’t agree with this being a valid mantra in all of life’s pursuits however.

No more than you.

I agree that it requires action. That was never in question. My faith in that having a tangible effect, however, can be found in a very small place indeed.

and yet we should still make an uproar about it because it’s wrong for children to be exposed to sexually explicit content

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it may be a technically unwinnable battle. But that doesn’t stop it being one that needs to be waged. ERP is wrong on a 12+ game and there is to much evidence of it being used as a gateway to even worse things. it may be an up hill battle but that’s not an excuse to not wage it.


being complacent about this is not acceptable

Go convince Blizzard’s GMs.

okay, meanwhile you sit here saying ‘it wont change so what’s the point’. you are part of the problem!

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I mean it won’t

Goldshire will always remain ERP purgatory for one

but being complacent and not making a stand against sexually explicit content on a +12 game is being part of the problem

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Take a step back and read.

I see the point in the goal. I don’t see the tangible effect in the means thus far. Granted I’m not a Goldshire regular, but I tend to cross paths with dubious MRP profiles all the same.

I believe that for any serious change to happen, Blizzard has to get their hands dirty. I wasn’t being insincere; go write Blizzard.

Don’t pretend to know the first thing about me, fox boy.

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so do i, all the time. and i report them because they don’t belong on a +12 game

being complacent is part of the problem. my mind will not be changed

Wtf Scrappy isn’t a boy Vervaina!!!

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i can’t believe she had the gall to call me the wrong gender

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Which brings us back to my initial point.

Shunning, shaming and reporting has been the regular means of dealing with it for years. Several years. The fact that ERP still takes center stage in threads and drama, to me, shows that it’s an objectively impotent tactic. Reporting profiles of that sort is a symbolic gesture it seems, with only a dozen or so reports triggering some automated process.

Blizzard has to do something to get the ball rolling in earnest.

Report the ones you see, I do as well, but my faith in the actual effect of it remains absent regardless. I do it mainly from a lack of any other tools, not from a belief in it having an effect.

They all look the same to me. :smirk:

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hmm… OK true

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the effects may not be seen publicly, but i do not doubt that open shaming has made people reconsider

while it doesn’t work often, it’s the process you should always take. if you see it, report it. even if one of 5 only get dealt with, that’s still one less erper on a 12+ platform

they do, yes, and it’s very shocking to me that they don’t. they should have active moderators for argent dawn, who have trp installed, and who can combat people who are doing very sketchy things on this server

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Indeed, and this is the main thing that has me still jumping through the hoops.



Get a boy- or girlfriend in real life, then you can start ERP’ing with him/her. With less RP and an extraportion E. Graphics are better too! And no fps drops :slight_smile:


I see far fewer ERPer apologists around and more guilds taking up the No ERP policy (apart from the usual contrarian ooclets, unsubbed trolls and has-been gore fetishists that simply dislike a community and hence they trashpost against it day and night)

So I’d say yes, it has worked so far

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Whenever Blizzard decides to get their hands on the job, can anyone guide them to Lions Rest? Seems to be the new hooking point for questionable elves and hookers :sweat_smile: Needs a good purge just as Goldsshire.

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