ERP should never be opt-out

Transfers ain’t cheap my guy.

dont care goodbye

:point_right: :door:

You do realize you can’t actually force people out ?

no but i can sure as hell hope

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Weren’t you leaving

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I can and will do that


Zappyboye has been cordially invited to Marchenuit’s Garrison.


go hang out with the 1 person on this thread that doesn’t think ur a moron, the troller from another realm

Go on then.

This vagueposting falls pretty flat every time when someone threatens to post screenshots but won’t because it’s against forum rules so then someone offers to discuss it in private where no rules are broken at which point they go really quiet and change the topic

It’s the same song dance for years now


they never learn…

Is that character standing in front of a camp Doxir is completely messed up holy :poop:


dude its almost like doxxir is a hypocrit or something :grimacing:


Pardon. I agree. Though a person has to protect their AD names. But hey, lets just say I would suggest to keep a close look on your people too.

ERP, RP what ever smuck. My policy is live and let be. I’ve made good friends from all sorts of avenues in wow. So my view is not so dictatorship as that. People can decide whatever they want to do with their wow. Hence obviously my intent here is not spill beans out. Rather kick the hornets nest and have some fun.

What I do agree on you all is the cases of pedophilia I do hear about( this i’ve yet to run into - and hopefully I do). These people should not be kicked out of wow, but rather, reported to law.

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Why do they spread false rumours around then? Could they be… projecting?

Dear Zappyboye of Defias Brotherhood

Whilst I understand your situation, of which you have to post where none have requested, I must inform you that it is most unwelcome. We, the denizens of RP Argent Dawn EU, request that you cease your posting activities immediately as after investigation we have found that not a single soul aboard our vessel has asked for, nor requested your post.

We strongly suggest that your posts are instead delivered to a Defias Brotherhood address where I am sure they will be welcomed.

Yours Faithfully,

Ancillary Rynore Felbough of the Highblood Myrmidons


[Pokes you with a stick] Come on man, Thanos snap us, do it, come on. I’m waiting.

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[Forces you to reply to the thread again]


okay yeah lets just let erp be rife on a 12+ game with loads of underaged kids playing on it

i didn’t know it was so ‘dictatorship’ to want to protect kids from graphic content

18+ content isn’t allowed on 12+ games

both should happen

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