ERP should never be opt-out

You think I’d be throwing my life away pretending to be a zombie on the internet if I could just get a gf in real life?! :sob:


back on Moonglade one scandal involved a married man ERPing with a teenager

Said married man’s wife was also playing the game, saw the forum thread and we have not seen the husband online ever again after his spouse told him in no uncertain terms what will happen if he ever logs on again in the scandal thread


Yikes, that’s got to make it awkward between them.

“Why did the two of you divorce?”
“He was cheating on me in an online game, pressing the X button incessantly while writing dirty messages”

Are you by chance using a lustbar?
If not, I’m not implying you are, but it’s kind of the dogwhistle for these people.

She is and has it on 20 chaste. Already recommended her to remove it altogether.

While I don’t… apriciate public ERP, and what Faelyda said is kinda true, its a form of RP, even have the RP in its name, the 12+ argument null and void since the game full of psichological and phisical torture, murder, arson, mass and minor genocide, kidnaping, grave robbing, defiling the dead and slavery… not really 12+ stuff etiher


Ok ERPer

Ok nonce

But also does it all in a light tone, the only time where they gotten close to going too far was with the siege of Orgrimmar in MoP from what i read.

It is rated teen, which means violence is allowed in the game but not dipping your private part in pasta sauce and then someone else.


Which of those are written out graphically and regularly depicted with high quality art?

Most tragic and graphic thing in WoW is an enemy doing the generic falling over dead animation.

This rlly isn’t even a hill, so i don’t see the use in dying on it


yeah and blizzard can, at any point, do whatever they want with their game unlike you who agreed to the terms of use of the game

Same terms of use and in-game behavior guidelines state that players are prohibited from typing out either erotic or other extreme descriptions of gore

You can at any point write /e collapses to the ground after the orc grunt chopped my furry arms off but you can’t go into detail how you’re writhing in pain and how it looks that your tendons, bone and muscle got severed by a blade etc

TL;DR: Accept the terms of use of this game


Whoa whoa whoa, stop right there, are you telling me that I’ve been doing this whole rp thing wrong this entire time?

Muh immersion…

Yeah ngl if the only way you can be immersed is writing intricate details on how you dismember someone then you’re a bad RPer :slight_smile:

You are factually correct that ERP is a subcategory of RP
I feel like pulling in other elements is a weak attempt at justification. If two people really can’t help themselves just don’t do it on the game.
As for doing ERP because immersive RP? I kind of feel like that’s a load of bollocks, no need to dance around the why people do it

Turns out you are an actual coomer too.

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what happens if its two proven 18+ Consentual Players participating in this?.. i could Oppose them doing it in a Public Area where minors could read it.

but in the back of your WoD Garrison?.. who gives a Damn in all honesty… if two 30 year old men who beleive each other are Women wanna go at it in Some Instanced area its no skin off my back :stuck_out_tongue:

however, i do understand LOTS of people do this in goldshire inn… with no knowledge of one anothers age and in Public for all to read and can see a reasonable argument to say it shouldnt be tolerated.

Some people like a little bit of detail in their grimdark stories.

Good to know you can be suspended when you write your grimdark fanfic in /e, /say or /yell then

Keep it civil boyo


This hypothetical never happens.

We wouldn’t be able to call them out on it if it was ever truly kept this private.


what is wrong with you it’s a game for 12 year olds

Just because 2 adults go behind a tree to get intimate on a playground doesn’t mean it’s suddenly fine.


you could say this about Real Life.

Everyone of all ages are everywhere… Yet People still do it in RL… and u can argue “in your own home”… well in Alot of Cases you can Hear that crap through Walls, Open Windows and More.

And i said a WoD Garrison, Not behind a Tree. lol.

Hence why i said I understand the reason people Argue against it, i didnt agree with it… i merely stated that its not the fact of it happening, its the fact people are more then happy to let Everyone in the area know what they’re doing also.