ERP should never be opt-out

How do you prove someone’s age?
If you know them IRL, why are choosing WoW to have your sexy time fantasies?!

You are right if you delete your entire damn post. get in to that head of yours that this is not at all a 18+ industry but infact something for TEENS and not only ADULTS so your entire argument is stupid

U took what i stated to a Extreme. which is the part im against.

I said a Pair of Proven Aged Players Should have the free will to do what they want, Yes Preferably to a Discord with a COntrolled 18+ Policy.

I did not at any point state i agree With the fact Walking into a Goldshire inn on a RP Server results in Reading 10,000 Emotes of a Sexual Nature. Nor that i agree its Ok to behave in such a Way in a Online game which is 12+.

I just stated I dont care about Peoples want to ERP, only that they should be doing in a More Private and Personal Way that Doesnt have the potiental to inflict such natures upon Players who either are too Young or Dont want it.

Decide on what you’re against. First the topic, then my personality, now the topic again.

You’re a mess, Deviljho.

About time you start figuring out that the issue is the platform they choose. People can sod off to Discord and do what they like among adults, keep it off the kids’ playground.

just popping in here to tell foulheart his character looks dope and i am all about that

hoping his character sacrificed his limbs for dark magics and had to replace them

outside of that, ERP is bad in all situations and contexts. i’m not even a fan of the fade to black stuff tbh but that’s because i’m a prude and don’t feel comfortable RPing super romantic and sexy stuff that would lead to a fade to black with someone i don’t really know

i will always hate the “well we can’t do anything about it” or “so long as it happens behind closed doors” attitudes. there are places online for you to engage in that kind of behaviour, WoW ain’t it and I hate that it’s allowed to thrive because of indifference

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Thank you my man, he indeed had to be augmented because he took using Fel too far

Hope your uncle will make Foulheart an NPC at one point!!

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ALL ERP is against the terms of service. And for good reason.

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love that concept and now by extension love you

look forward to seeing foulheart appear as an NPC in shadowlands :handshake:

Never said this, but i am afraid that cooming too much has done your head in.

1x underaged person groomeed on by adults is still 1 too many who has had something happen to them that should not. Therefore this entire argument is invalid.

Have you checked the ID of every single person you met in this game?

Wait… But that’s not a good thing…

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i never said the games a Platform for it. but i do beleive that u can Prove one anothers age… and It should be something DEFINTLY done reguardless if this is ur agenda.

as i said i Dont RP Within a game, i tried it Once and did enjoy it within a Enviroment with a Proper storyline and a Actual real Topic Which didnt involve Sexual motivation and More. but i never returned to it.

i think we’ve come far enough in time with aall we have access to. to RP Without having to sit in Goldshire, or Sit in certain towns /Say and /emoting at one Another. but again its Nothing that really grasped me.

no… i’ve remained against what u said against myself since the beginning… hence why im replying to u specifically and not Just overall into the topic.

You did, repeatedly, try to argue that the garrison is a fine place for ERP.

I’m glad however that you’re changing your mind or at least organizing it better to agree with me it ought to stay off the game.

not sure about that, we seem to be agreeing.

“keep ERP off WoW”, Y/N?

no, but i havent exactly tried To sleep with anyone in the game, if in THerotical I ever did I’d defintly demand More then just their Word on the topic before i was to do anything like that also.

but U can generally tell Someones age and if they’re Lying to you… Voice chat nad more typically gives it away… a 12 year old and a 25 year old sound VERY different. but again… as u likely can tell by my last sentence here… i rarely use the Games platform to communicate with players.

Maybe it is my poor sentencing on the Matter… i am Very much Guilty of Several times Explaining points terrible.

I do Agree that Keeping ERP off WoW is Likely a better move for the game. and Yes Given the Risks of What could happen is Defintly More then justification for the Direction.


Then we are in full agreement!

Good chat, Deviljho.

Choose one.

Then stop posting on our forums.

Yeah but instead it only have sexual stuff, you coomer.

ok then how do you know that everyone yo have encountered in this game is 18+

(X) to doubt.

Hello i am 18+.
Is this a lie? Yes? No?

Yeah but we do not go on voice with everyone we RP with, and also this does no work always.

Then why are you making examples about communication.

Now we do agree!
But do you also agree to say that taking it to the garrison is not keeping it off wow, and using wow as the platform to find people for your ERP is also wrong?

Don’t they have like 3 members?


Well In a More structured manner.

I understand that Some over 18s Likely do wanna ERP and In a More Restricted Way could Work. however, due to the age requirements of the Game itself and the Risks that could occur (Older People not checking Ages, Intentionally Finding younger Players. or going as far as Grooming) Its Safer to be removed from the game.

its not a Simple case of “I hate All who ERP”… its a case of the Risks involved and What could happen by allowing the behaviour Merely make it common sense u should do this by Discord.

I dont have to RP to have a Opinon on if i want something in the game or not… I dont read any specific topic, i just Press the New button and Read Peoples Topics of all natures…

no, Actually really no, i Dont rly see games a Sexualized nature… and being i play a vulpera DK i beleive even if thbe persons 18 Its Disgusting on more then one level


both topics i beleive DEFINTLY are very Wrong.

Again i dont know, but i dont Play the game in a Way that requires me to… I play this game Primarily for M+ and more. not a Serious way.

Again i dont know… but we arent on voice and its much easier to read Someone via actual Talk then typing… hence things such as Sarcasm in text base is much harder to pick up then a verbal conversation.

Hence why i said the Risks of what could happen are Not safe.

Cause i use Discord and more to communicate with those i play the game with. which is Still communicating with others In the game… Just via a Outside platform.

I gave a Specific Theory to a Way Players could Keep it Away from Children. but i did follow that exact sentence Up with. the fact the Risks involved and the ways it could be abused is a Reasonable reason to want it out the game.

i do support its Removal from the game, not out of Hate. but because as is Stated, this could be abused in Ways to Do something that Should defintly not be tolerated… and its Not controllable in a 12+ Game… so Yes given the Risks of what could happen and a Lack of Control the Risks far outweigh the rewards and for that

I do Agree it shouldnt be within the game

Alright! Seems we are in agreement.

A good day to you, Deviljho.

Do you really think two degenerates will bother IDing each other before getting sweaty?

Exactly, they cannot know for certain who’s on the other side of the screen. Even worse if they do not care/actively seek out minors.

Not really. It is an issue which should be taken seriously.

A fair amount of guilds have been exposed for ERPing - time and time again have we also seen minors who have been taken advantage of in these circumstances.

Devastating to see it happen and very alarming to see people being so nonchalant about it, and in some cases even defending it.

Edit: Ah, I see you have agreed with my good colleague Megnarosh already… Good, good…