Escalating Russian BG problem

why they just dont get they own bracket i still dont get it

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Agreed with the post, remove russians from EU bg groups. Or ban the premade addons, or change the rules for BG queues.


They are banned in cataclysm and never existed again.

Dude just Shhh, this is between me and you. If you call 10 people, get in voice chat and queue for the BF on the count of three, and you get proc to the BF, you will be able to enter it together and don’t need Addons, just please don’t tell anyone this is the great secret of Russian cheaters.

Everybody knows that and the fact that you guys willing to use this as an expolit, the same goes to russian premades.
Get your own server grps, we don’t care where are you doing your silly random vs premade stuff but not here.

Let me quote myself:

“Random = Random : like 0 tanks 39 dps and 1 healer for example + no voice, no lead
Premade = Premade : let’s say 8 healers 4 tanks and 28 dps + discord/in-game voice, etc”

Sounds fair.
In that other topic I did not mentioned the huge lagspikes what’s the russian premades are causing to us EU players. Whenever I ride into a 40v40 fight or even bigger battles via world pvp there is a slight lag, who cares, understandable and the pvp is still doable. BUT whenever againts full of russians… the game is just unbearable, instant casts going up to 6-8 secs, the melee is just a puke in that lagfest, and the list goes on…

And don’t “Shhh” me, russian DHs are the most toxic ones around this game, that’s not my personal opinion btw, fact.

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Long ago the Russian had their own server group, we did not have access to European servers in the pve and pvp aspect, it was not possible to participate in the world Cup, but we paid 4,96 EUR for it, at the moment were we having the same access to all that the guys from Euro servers and pay the same amount of 7,79 EUR. So that’s what I’m getting at, if Blizzard will make us again the pen only Russian, then they will have the subscription price be reduced and they will not go to such measures because it is the loss of profit.

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I quite agree tho , I have many russian dh best friends from rbg , but most of them are toxic.

Best russians play shaman , paladin , warrior and druids.

Only 7,79? still cheaper than our 10,99-12,99

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I see players drop directly when they see cyrlic letters. 4 in one bg directly at start today. The rest of us just stod at the spawn. We all kinda agreed, what’s the point.

Imagine losing to Russians… oh no no no no

i.imgur. com/CpRUEPo .jpg

Idk, doesn’t seem to different from others. Few days ago stomped like 3 russian groups in a row. We did have our little group of guildies though.

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Russians in charge of winning a BG… oh no no no no

i.imgur. com/Zl5odBg .jpg

Why you guys have such a loser mentality?
Why do you even que for casual PvP activities in the first place?

Dunno , maybe its better for you to focus on pet battles and dungeons


Hello dear players of foreign (other than Russian) servers. I would also like to mention our joint games, when no one respects anyone, does not listen, and apparently, doesn’t want to win on the battlefield. What can not grieve. We need to either do something to get the developers to remove this opportunity for joint campaigns, or to start communicating, we are all reasonable creatures). We (the Alliance) have a community where we discuss the tactics of the game, gather for games together and generally brag about achievements and rewards for quests) And although in most foreign languages ​​we do not know, I am sure that we will find a common language in this matter. Translated by Google Translator)


Be friends not enemies. Communities are a good opportunity


Well. 6 vs 10. Why would I feed them the kills. And It was satisfying to know they could not reach us. They refused to take carts, i watched some youtube videos. Ate some food. Until they got bored and started to cap carts. Acouple joined and started to dance with us. We had a nice disco orb placed and we danced. Great fun.

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russian are problem indeed only get worse

OP, so you are basically whining because of premade groups? That has nothing to do with being russian, lol.

It’s much more annoying when they are on your team. And the only reason is the language barrier.

Nice to see russian who isnt toxic. Thanks! Stay positive!