Escalating Russian BG problem

are u cleu less mean i play rbg so i know wat i talk about i only def them i get tired players complain all time russian are evil boo hu theny not

More reasons to put everyone in the same pool! thank u!


players complain are problem

Remove them…i que at least 10 times and afk to join a european epic bg

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go russian side u more fun more succes 90 procent change win

HAHAHAH yer frigging trolling surely. Because you play rated BGs you know what’s going on in Epic BGs?

This is golden. this is :smiley:

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Remove them from the EU pool, or mix it all together, the language barrier is so real in the rest of EU that it really would not make a difference.
Epic bg’s are unplayble due to the insane lag. And this wierd/disturbing/degenerate fixation on HK’s of theirs is by far the most disturbing thing, i really can not understand what they get from it.
Others BG’s are fine i guess, but epic unless WG, since they don’t seem to get that one, is litterarly unplayble due to the lag.


sounds like a gitgud problem QQ more

you basically confess that their are superior? wow , such loser mentality ^^

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Its not latency lag. Fps lag. Your frame rate drops to 15 fps and your screen starting to freeze. Happens to us too.

Where does he exactly say that? Please elaborate how can 40 man bg of random players (some of them don’t even speak basic english) “git gud” vs 40 man russian team who are all on voice chat and understand each other perfectly- and often play with almost the same characters due to small playerbase. Thanks in advance.


I only agree with this part

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Blizz dont care easy as that, they would and i bet it would be patched and separated in week or two if russians has cluster with usa but they dont so why care…
It was funny some time ago when they lagged as hell and with melle character you had to stand like 50 meters before russian to hit him. xD So when you played vs russians you could instantly leave with melle character, now it is better.
And to premades, hard to say that cirilic snakes looks almost all same… xD


Its fps lag. On crowds due to large amount of players screen frame rate drops to 15 fps.

When middle fight is over , frame rate becomes as much as 140-188 fps again.

If you have lag , it means you have latency problem in this situation you get dced from bg after few seconds.

git good boys

So in the last two days only 1 out of 12 Epic BG’s has been against a non RU team. Guess what, we won, we farmed Alliance in AV…

Every single other AV was against a RU premade and resulted in either HK farming or losing all bases in IoC and getting crushed. Each time alliance team walks away with 1600+ honour. Each time, the alliance team, has the same few premade leaders in the team. Each time the alliance team has one premade organiser who semi-afk’s the whole game in stealth, does no damage or healing.

Each time, game after game results in being HK farmed for 45-60 minutes to come out with only 200 honour.

Remove RU form EU bg’s. Let RU play RU. Toxic v Toxic.


Your epic bg ques will be 1.5 hours if we leave. 11 ru ally out of 12 epic bg means , eu bgs will no longer be active. And epic bgs will be played every 2 hours.

You guys join epics because of us.

You told it yourself. 11 ru ally while only 1 eu ally , how will you play epic bg if russians will leave eu realms.

We make random bgs and epic bgs very active on eu.

I will happily queue an hour for a non RU Epic BG. STOP pretending you’re doing us favours.
I spend the best part of an hour being HK farmed or ground down in an epic BG facing RU. I’d much rather spend that hour in a queue while I do other things and then face a team that doesn’t play so toxic.

I’ll play them happily. Happily knowing I;m not facing some premade with the same leader game after game after game…and I’ll gladly queue for over an hour for that.

No. You make Epic BG’s tedious and painful in the extreme.

RU v RU BG’s now please.


lol 1,5 hour where you took that number ? and yea i would sometimes rather wait longer than just get into bg, look at the chat where everyone write something like omg russians we cant win, then half of the group leave and trada thats it so it is not only about russians… but it destroys fun
And i must say i never met something so toxic like russian premade group, even Chernobyl nuclear waste is more safe than listen 4 russians with completely broken english for like 15 minutes. =D


German horde epic bg queue is 2 hours when russians dont play epic bgs.

I have nightborn mage , highmountain tauren druid and zandalari paladin on frostwolf german horde since my mother was german related.

If russian alliance dont play epic bg , german horde epic queue is 1.5 hours.

When russian alliance start queing german horde epic bg times drop to 30 minutes.

Also not to be rude but you guys dont know how to play.

On my german horde I win 50% against russian alliance. L2p pls.