Essence account wide please

the essences is a big mistake really thats only my thoughts about it so not just factions rep that we need to grind / gears but also the AP

this is really bad i mean even for reputations it should be account wide not just for 1 char that i did maybe i dont have much time to play and i need to work? so when am i going to do the AP / grind REP / gears?

Do you remeber time where people played only 1 character? Like back in TBC and Vannila? Coz gear took lot of effort to get so people had no time to play alts? Essences are exactly this. Gear is super easy to get nowdays. You can be mythic ready with gear in 2-3 weeks max. Essences offsets fast gearing. In proper mmorpg you are supostu pick 1 char. and thats it. That character should be your number 1 and alts should never ever be at exact same power progression while putting less time into them. You literaly asking for free power just becouse you alredy get it on your mains. You should just accept fact that alts will be alts and you wont get to play 12 mains coz account wide.

Agreed, Essences should be account wide and with how many reputations that are in game nowadays so should they…

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Even if they only make them account wide once you get rank 4. Anything’s better than regrinding it all out from scratch.


Go back to classic with this nonsense, the game needs to evolve past this crap.

6 months patch cycles don’t agree with only one character. Well it can agree but i’m gonna quit after 3-4 months in. Anyway There is good character progression adn Very bad character progression, let me explain:
-Gear progression: You go, do what you like (kinda, i’m sorry pvper’s one day u’ll have ur vendor back) and get what you need to do the content you enjoy. :white_check_mark:
-essences: You need to do everything but what you want to do multiple times just to do what you want to do. :x:
Now before you say “YoU cAn GeT ThE eSsEnCeS fRoM tHe CoNtEnT yOu EnJoY” No i can’t, I lose way too much power, they are way too good to pass on, they are not option at all, nor are the ones you need. They are stupidly overpowered and poorly balanced. Now i don’t care what you do in game, i care what i do, unless you specifically enjoy obtaining essences multiple times (god have mercy on your soul) then i don’t think this affects you in any way. Also remeber that essences are technically a poor attempt at a band-aid for the poor class design of bfa, so gating them for weeks doesn’t seem like a good idea to me.

            Get rid of bfa gcds changes in shadowlands please.

Actually they confirmed at Blizzcon that the necklace will still be active and allowed to use on Azeroth, not in Shadowlands.

So thats not completely useless



A month for a rank 3 then? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: and you must log every single day, no holiday allowed. Then and only then you might have it by the new patch launch.
Good luck doing it with an alt in January…

I must out myself as true altoholic … Especially since BFA is just not for me with all that rng , killing my favourite specs and such… I had a lot of alts before but with introduction of Allied races… /cough…

Most of my new 120 Alts have more Heart levels than they have essences to put into… whcih is kind of sad but … I have given up pretty much for BFA to achieve anything at all… Trying to find a decent guild that does not die within the next few months has already been a bugger…

Have been guildless for quite a while and got still like 10 100-120 level chars to level -_- already got 17 120s :open_mouth:

At least the reputation Essences will be a little easier to acquire next patch …

my alts dont need essences to do things they usually do, so i couldnt care less if they have r3, r4 or no rank at all. I am pretty sure it is the same for all these people with 30 alts, they can leech lfr, wq rewards and ruin m+5 runs without or without essences just fine.
If you play certain char essences come naturally, if u play 20 chars 10 min each per day you need no essences. All character power should be character bound only, wanna maintain 10 chars go work it hard.

Yes they need to be account wide asap. I’m doing the island adventure essence and so far it has gone like: A) Get a drop of it, B) get a drop of rank 2, C) do 3 weeks of island adventure weeklies. D) Mission table 2 days wait, E) Mission time 3 days wait, F) Mission table 3 days wait. Still not got the next level of it yet (lvl 3.)

Essences are annoying to get upgraded versions of.

I raise my alts up to max lvl… then I drop/ignore them and only use them for doing legacy content. Doing the AP and essence grind on each to lvl 70+rank 3 or rank 4 essences would take #nolife.

I agree with this. It will give alts a breath of life, I can immediately jump into an alt and enjoy my daily routine on my main without frantically thinking about how to get my essences.

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I’m gonna tell you why current essence system is bad. They are ridicolously powerful, heavily time gated and spread out all over the place. Before essences i only had to go and farm my gear, maybe some dailies here and there (which meant my alt was behind my main, but not as much as it would be now w/o essences). Now i have to do M+, raid, wq, a specific dungeon, arenas, bgs and raid, can’t you see how this could annoy people that actually care about that character progression you are trying to defend?

And let me clarify, i am of the opinion that generally character progression should be character bound, but with this system it’s just not susteinable for most people, nor is it fun, nor is it engaging or difficult for the most part. It’s just long and tedious and has little to do with what i actually want to do, so yes i think we can make an exception for essences and make them account bound. They really should be seeing how they work.

            Get rid of bfa gcds changes in shadowlands please.

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They can be. Even on my little gnome affliction warlock she had can ouput 156k+ single shots via some essences.

If you want all of the things you mentioned you have Classic for that, I made an alt mage to practise arenas on while my friends aren’t online to push with on my main, I have 2 essence slots and 1 essence, I don’t not want to have to grind out Lucid Dream rank3 and condensed life force rank 3 all over again, it took weeks last time, doing raids I didn’t want to be in just so my mage wouldn’t be at a disadvantage in arenas, point is with long gear progression you WANT to get it and you don’t go out of your way for it in content you don’t want, these days you HAVE to and now these grindy essence ontop of that… I like PvP, I have to do world quests everyday for like a month for rank 3 Lucid on an alt, then potentially 5 - 6 weeks of raids for condensed rank 3, for a practise mage… you think that’s a good thing?

How are people disagreeing with this lol, it makes the game funner, and gives us more incentive to go on out alts, atm im gearing up my rogue regrinding the essences, let me tell you its not as fun as it was the first time doing it when everyone was doing it

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No its a design issue which encourages players to take advantage.

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Dont know if ypu notice classic hace right now far bigger and more healthier playerbase than retail. So dont makr demands when you are clearly minority.