Ethics in WPvP


You know what, I see a pattern here… I think I know who that alliance druid was :anguished:


I din do nuffin!


I know you and your playstyle… You can’t fool me :unamused:

Once more you only saw the flagg, and not the intention… That tauren has an aura with peace and serenity, and it got ignored - Sometimes this community makes me so sad :pensive:


… but are Taurens even ‘real’ Druids? Or just lesser Druids? Either way, they can be considered an insult to Druidism. I’m not saying kill em all, but kill em all :slight_smile:


Yeah, I wouldn’t believe him too, it’s like all the evidence and signed confession.

But why? Just look, he created a monster, and … well … it’s beautiful and killing red! It’s all worked out well in the end :slightly_smiling_face:


What do you mean? :open_mouth:

I can’t understand how he could have a beef with a fine bovine, who was weeding out (in) the grass…

The red colour meerely implemented all the love he had built up… I am pretty sure it does :thinking:

According to that page :point_up_2: it means

It’s the color of passionate love, seduction

Maybe he was just seducing Vaëyn :man_shrugging:
But someone insist to be mean :roll_eyes:


It could also mean - violence, danger, anger, and adventure - from the same page

Maybe it was violent seduction with dangerous passions and angry love - way more tha he could handle basically.

The more we looks into this mysterious crime the more I think we have a correct suspect. :thinking:

Well, this


I never read that, the page must have been altered when I looked away :face_with_monocle:

Oooh, that might be… Love can be so difficult :pleading_face:

I have nothing to defend against this :neutral_face:


well back in Vanilla Moonglade was a druid only place for all druids to come together in piece.

till that night elf druid broke that peace! KILL EM ALL! :smiley:


with this

I’m starting to suspect my hypothesis was quite close

Ohh no!
It wasn’t me :open_hands:
Mages have no business in Moonglade
/blinks into the sunset with invisibility



no, it was a never seen before stranger who attacked me from behind!
only a void elf could suggest love between an elf and a Tauren shiver


Plot thickens!

It wasn’t me :hot_face:



It slowly but surely goes in unintended direction, but it is still about ethics, hah.


Lol. You know the saying- if it looks like a duck, etc etc :smiley:


Qua… dam Taurens in Moonglade! That’s a nelf zone!


I dont try. Its impossible to have a normal contradictory conversation and to make a person see the reality how it really is, when i talk with fanatical radicalists. Why i call you like this? Because that is what you are: you refuse to accept the reality and you think only your reality reflects the truth. You want a example? Here it is:
I asked you to count the posivite and the negative opinions in the “War Mode forum section” . You knew that i am right and that more than 60-70% of them (if not more) are negative, so as a solution and argument you brought Vaeyn’s survey done by only 10 people and you concluded that thoose 10 people represent the whole comunity. So, how can i continue this conversation with you, when you dont even accept the proofs that are in front of your eyes? How you call such a person? There is one word: radicalist. A radicalist is a person that refuses any reasonable argument, a person that doesnt care about others and puts only his personal satisfaction first, disregarding if his “joy” brings unsatisfaction to others. A person that doesnt care about limits if they are not imposed in official rules.
The arguments i brought about ethics where reasonable. There are other mmo’s that have wpvp and their enviroment isnt like ours: toxic and full with mean people. Beside that their wpvp is ballanced and made in such a way to be a free choice without rewarding the player or bribing it, like in WoW.
When i speak with people that say:
“There are no rules, therefor i can bla bla…” it makes me sick.
So, my logical conclusion is that our conversation is a pure waste of time.

Ethics Survey: 66 Responses

Activity Survey: 64 Responses

Max: 100

  • So - because the responses in these surveys are a small percent of the total EU War Mode players, you’re saying the surveys don’t represent the whole community?

  • In that case - you’d also be saying that the opinions of the posters in the War Mode forum here, a small percent of EU WM players, are not representative of the whole community?

  • In both cases - I agree :slight_smile:

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Didn’t read it but if it’s red, it’s dead. GG HF.


A survey that brings a lot of question marks and makes us think how credible it is:
First of all is a IP based survey. You dont need to make a account, register your email, do something, some effort, you just enter that link and answer the questions. Anyone can install a IP change software, go to the survey, answer all , then with 2 clicks he changes IP and again answer and so on.
Second, there are two questions that make me doubts this favorable outcome:
The first question was: what faction you play. 57% of answers where : only horde. That means that out of 65 answers, almost 35 where “so-called” exclusive horde players.
The second question was: do you agree with alliance receiving bonus, bla bla…,long text, basically if players agree with the bonus and AOO quest in favor for the alliance. And there was the ding: one of the answer options was: “I dont care”. And there i realised what a cheap framing you tried to do: 50 answers where “i dont care” and 6 answers where “its good” . So to that question, 56 out of 64 answers, where aprooving the fact that the alliance is favored, because “i dont care” is taken as a aprooval.
You couldnt offer only yes or no as answer options, because you knew that majority of answers (if the survey was answered by real players,wich i doubt again) would be : no. So, to make it favorable to your cause but also to not be taken as a “direct pro-alliance” you added the “i dont care option” and there the truth went out.
Look, i will start a new post, with a survey, with proper questions, without “devious” and “optional” options and we will see who is right.