EU Zandalar Tribe problem

And this is why dynamic faction queues are the only solution.

If people are jumping ship from 60:40 faction ratios (not that I blame you my guy), it’s not like people are magically going to attempt to resolve bigger issues on other servers.

Allowing people to flee faction imbalance is a terrible idea, path of least resistance will lead to nothing more than servers being single faction PvE. Hope Blizzard grows a pair and put people in queues before every PvP server dies.


This is hilarious , so horde are moving to another realm where they can gank alliance in a majority is basically what i’m reading here.

You guys crying because you can’t overwhelm Ally players like you can on other realms so you are moving where you can. That’s utterly pathetic.

Typical horde mentality , it’s too hard demand nerfs or run away with their tails between their legs. Why do you evem play that faction ? You guys lose everytime , i mean look at bfa , mop , cata XD , wod even. A faction that values honor but it’s member have absolutely none.


I heard that bgs won’t be a server thing but a cross realm thing so we will get screwed over when it comes to bgs, and as soon as all the gnome rogues realize they can’t two shot everyone like in felwood they will go back to killing levelers.

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Looks like some want to move because of alliance griefing at pvp.
I want to move to a proper RP realm, I don‘t care about pvp. Blizzard gave us RP realms and instantly screwed one of them by letting it infest with toxic pvpers who only wanted to avoid queues. So let me move to the another RP realm.


Lol its so funny to see everyone cry about the transfers away from the megaservers, the only reason this is even happening is because there are 24/7 death squads that don’t even give people a chance to level, the game wasn’t supposed to cater for these many people in a single server, it wouldn’t happen if people had a chance, but no, it’s your own fault

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wow you might be a tough one.
now read again, not everyone has a problem with too much pvp. Some just want a normal RP experience.

Do you want to read what I wrote again? I’m not saying you’re the ones crying, but the ones who are causing the people wanting to leave

That is true.

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Hihihi he just camped the UC entrance with a group of others and is complaining about others transferring off because of that.

Within the last week I got about 5 quests done, the rest I spent as a ghost. We lost about 15 guild members who transferred already. Dungeons are no longer happening because it takes an hour corpse hopping into them and no one is up to that. People park their characters in front of the dungeons so they only have to corpse run once if for some miraculous reason a group gets together.
And you can’t even fight back. The sheer number of the Alliance is just not breakable. You can show up with 15 people and defend something only to get steamrolled by 40 a few minutes later when they got wind of it that a group is trying to defend.
Unfortunately, at least on the Horde side, RP doesn’t seem to exist anywhere as well. So there’s no reason not to transfer off anywhere else with a healthier (lower) population.

You can blame Blizzard for creating a situation like this, but absolutely not anyone wanting to avoid it and just trying to play the game they pay for.


100 percent agree, Blizzard were stupid enough to allow the huge megaservers to exist but its also the players who are on the dominant faction who decide to do this crap who are to blame too. They only end up making things worse for themselves in the long run

Ahahaha, just eat this.

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I quite enjoy the realm tbh


That is very disingenuous of you. People should be free to switch as they damn well please, without arbitrary restrictions if it means they’ll enjoy the game more.

This all could’ve been solved if Blizzard released the statistics pertaining to faction balance to let the community solve the problem by itself.

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So cute, horde getting camped qqing SOOOO CUTE.

Go pve server plz.


I don’t think this was avoidable unfortunately. We will end up with mono-faction PvP realms with only PvP happening in cross server Battlegrounds. I honestly do not see how this can be avoided. I’d ask Horde to stay on ZT, but I can’t do so with clear conscience. Go have fun. I know I would.


Ho dear how come the most ally’s responses are always so childish ? hiding their nasty ganking habit behind their “pretty faces” and grotesk emotes ?
Im sure I’ve seen your chars (even if you dont show ) around Kargath just ruining the game time of others. You seem just to be a really bad person IRL…


What the hell are you talking about i’m not even on your server ?
You have a problem, you are strange.

meh, both sides have both, but this thread certainly does make me feel bad about repping blue


What is the current ratio on the server?
Truth be told the only thing I mind is not having a dual spec, swapping from pve to pvp spec is too expensive.

Thing is, my dude. Alliance player / horde player action bring this. Do you think this is fun wasting circa 1 hour to get to ANY dungeon / raid inside BRM ? I’m still there, but i get why those guys prefer to transfer to dead servers / low pop ones.

Again, if you have trouble understanding, you or any other braindead forum poster, just go to alliance or horde dominated realm, and see what happens.

Imbalance is now a result of your actions. GZ mate, you broke the game.