EU Zandalar Tribe problem

something very similar is happening in stonespine.
You can’t farm to make gold, you can’t quest to lvl an alt, you can’t fight back because the horde can double the chars in minutes.
This is utterly stupid, some hordes are so desesperate for honor that they are camping people in the ah of IF and between the center and the mage district.

As a warrior tank I just don’t log in, I can’t do anything right now, anywhere I go it takes x5 the time to do it

Yo get to dm with the guildies, 11 people were corpse camping us in the main entrance.
Laugh now, cry later.


It’s not even imbalanced, the Alliance is just so very fond using numerical advantages to win. Normal players will usually take a 3v3 or a 1v1 or even fights against more numerous players if their composition is bad, thinking it’s a good amount of honor but Alliance on this server will run away, log out and wait for to get bored rather than fighting 3/4 the amount of horde players. I suspect they are RPign and therefore being careful to avoid getting killed or something like that.

Again there are plenty of horde players PVPing on this server, but so many ally names you just recognize now that they 100% have a 10 man raid behind them and you just update the general chat about their location and avoid them.


This is happening on literally 95% of the servers. What the guy who posted the thread is mentioning is just a single exception.

On Earthshaker, in 4AM, there is a raid in EPL, there are 3-4 people on the Menethil boats 24/7 and every single vein/black mine has 2-3 60s chasing after it. There is a level 60 UD Rogue AFK at Nessingwary’s for about 5-6 hours a day.

Keep in mind that Earthshaker is being advertised as a 55-60% to 45-40% in favor for Horde. The reality is, the server is much more like 70-75% Horde favored, but that’s another thing all together.

I talked to some horde players on servers like Shazzrah, Mograine and they say they are disgusted with the situation. There are like 80%+ horde players there and literally the entire Alliance pop transferred already. This absolutely horrible release of phase 2, will leave a lot of servers dead and all that had to be done to fix this, was to implement a single faction cap.

In 2-3 months, you’ll quickly see how empty the servers will become because many people will only raidlog and sit to wait in queue for battlegrounds. The entire world will be empty.


I’m on ZT and wasnt really aware of the faction imbalance. I’ve been constantly dying to lvl 60 tag teams since the honor implementation too, so I can’t say I don’t understand people wanting to get out if the imbalance is that bad.

Really hope Blizzs management of the situation doesn’t turn into the 100% alliance nightmare where everyones just having a !#@? cozy sleepover till the end of time.

Until bgs get out nd his madness swells down, I beg you: Stay strong my horde brethren, for all our sakes.


Can confirm from the alliance side of shazzrah. The economy is slowing down and getting to raid entrances is a 40m ride of ghost running straight from fp, boats are impracticable and farming something or fishing is just out of the question etc… Just waiting for transfers to be available as this is unplayable and I guess this is the situation on most pvp realms.

Yea I left ZT aswell and rerolled pve. Loving it now you can level and PvP when you want. No more constant corpse runs I’ve even helped out the other faction with quests !!


some ppl just have a talent for starting forum beefs. OP clearly questioned Blizzards decision of allowing the horde to leave, which only worsens the inbalence problem on that server. They instead should allow alliance to move in an attempt to restore the balance.

I didn’t see him writing “why horde leaving I need griefmeat” anywhere, that’s what you are making of it.

There is nothing wrong with ZT. I started a Horde character here after getting Raid ganked in Ten-Storms.
There are plenty of groups and lots of Horde players.
But the OP is correct Blizzard should only allow faction specific transfer too and from the server. Otherwise all servers will become 5/95 in the end.

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You will get to enjoy that feeling again once your new character reached level 48+ - unless you delay that till after december 10th, then maybe not.


Thing is though, the dominant faction have it good, they have practically no reason to even consider leaving for reasons related to PvP

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Yeah man, there are horde player ofc. But when you try to get to dungeon, there aren’t Raid of horde player patrolling the area, it’s red / alliance one.

So the keyword is “started to play” enjoy rerolling a third time. I’m done since it’s the same bs on each server, except the others are horde dominated.

Atm the choice is : dead / really low pop server or be a juicy meat for horde of pvp nerds and HK junkies.

Well, I am only Level 40 (alliance, priest) so i can only speak for that bracket, but im constantly being ganked and corpsecamped by horde… on saturday midday the same UD rogue camped me for 30 minutes, and during the evening i got killed by roaming Groups and lvl 60s more or less every 10 mins. I usually dont have mutch issue With ganking, but some days its Extreme…

Me myself i never gank unless ganked i am more inclined to dot the mob the horde is fighting to help. That is my Choice, others may do as they like, but to corpsecamp and harass low lvls simply because they can aint fun for the receiving end.

“Why did u roll pvp realm?” “Its Your own fault” i hear the questions and accusations. The answer is simple, i wanted to join rp-pvp events at lvl 60. So there you have it.


That’s a reasonable question by the way. What would make you move to the weaker faction for the sake of balance?

A question to everyone.


The “why did you roll PvP realm” argument is just nonsense. Compare the game with how it is now vs. how it was back then. 24/7 ganking just did not occur back then, most of it was small scale groups of like 4 or 5 vs. another 4 or 5, but that was that. People getting killed in the open world was more of an exception, now it’s the norm. It’s 90% getting killed 10% actually doing what you want. PvP with smaller pop servers works, but with the state of the megaservers as they are now, it just doesn’t work


I for one won’t be part of this Exodus, even if I have to be the last horde guy in the server.

I’ll fight back and bite the pillow against all odds.


well it is rather simple; people are cancelling their subs or leaving. this will create empty serves, the game dies and servers get shut down.

so the people defending this ganking and the farming; you are destroying this game.


Its same at Flamelash but with oposite faction :frowning:

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I went to medium pop pvp server, no need for pve server, just lower population. Having fun. Transfered because week ago, 3 groups disbanded before reaching dung, people were demoralized. I don’t want to read how people working 12 hours per day wasting their precious time for being camped for hour -in Blackrock Mountain.


Good riddance, mon. Da Horde on Zandalar Tribe be not needin’ da likes of deserters like you! Da strong mons remain.


Problem with the server there isnt enough RP players its just full of toxic PvPers who care nothing of the RPPvP tag the realm carrys.