EU Zandalar Tribe problem

The HonorSpy addon shows me about 2200 active Horde PVPers right now. How many does the HonorSpy show on Ally side? Last week it was 2800 Horde on Tuesday evening, so that’s a 20% loss. But this is probably to be expected after the first week of WPVP.

From personal experience having PVPed several hours every day all week: Ally parties with 3-7 players roaming around everywhere in the major hot spots. Hardly ever do i meet larger Horde groups i could tag a long with. Travelling from UC to OG will most likely get you killed either in front of UC, on the zep or in front of OG (or in all of those places). Calling out for other Hordes to group up and fight back usually only yields 1-2 whispers. If i/we found a good spot to kill Alliance players it usually takes about 5-10 minutes for a bigger Alliance group to show up and end our fun.

Tl;dr: Alliance players are very desperate for kills, Horde players have no fun out in the world unless they are very dedicated to PVP.


Welcome to the life of an alliance. You just got unlucky picking one of the alliance dominated servers, which is what… 5% of the servers?
Again, this subject has been spoken of 100 times and horde players tell us to be better at the game or reroll pve. So guess what your options are?

Really feel this alliance/horde divide on the forums is kind of weird. We are all players. We should want to have a good game - and good fights. “Ahahaha, I corpsed camped people for 5 hours, and then they quit, and then I got bored stupid and had to quit as well” isn’t sustainable.

Speaking as an Alliance druid carebear on ZT who never starts anything, I’m surprised to hear things are that bad for the Horde. From the alliance side, you are bombarded on a semi-regular basis with messages like “Horde raid at Thorium Point pls help” or “pls come to Menethil/Chillwind point for PvP” (And I feel the Theramore boat has been regularly impassable.)

It may be that Alliance death squads do roam all the level 50-60 zones, but certainly based on the 40-50 zones which I’ve gone through in the last few weeks, I’d be surprised to learn this is a 60/40 Alliance/Horde server or something like that. But maybe its more skewed at prime time which I’ve tended to avoid. I’ve seen Alliance death packs run around STV and chain-gank around Hesingwary, but then I’ve seen the Horde do the same.

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We are at 2537 now. 2200/2537 split… That’s 46.5%/53.5% balance in Alliance favor. Ergo, balanced server. I guess hordes really are too used to horde-dominated servers if they have an outcry about a small imbalance like that.

Alliance on 60/40 and 70/30 are playing a whole different game by comparison.


Just until this second i didn’t have any numbers at all. So there is no “outcry”. I am not complaining, just stating things as they are. And it is a fact that there are way more regularly active Alliance PVPers than on the Horde side.

The reasons for this can be manifold.

Also let me stress again how silly it is to speak of “THE Horde” and “THE Alliance” as a unit. No matter how much Horde on other realms may gank and outnumber Alliance, that is of no importance for the players of ZT as not all Horde players worldwide are connected and follow some dark plan.


True and true.

Then again, defining horde and alliance players is also “impossible” because of human diversity, its the player behind the character that defines the character, not nessesarily horde or alliance.

Im alliance on ZT, I never gank people, I dont find that entertaining however many of my guildies who are (to me) awsome people, fight/kill any red player they see no matter what.

I rolled RP-PvP based on instagramposts and so on of big pvp events: people lining up to fight in westfall, fighting at the duskwood bridge etc. Random ganking and griefing give me nothing. In hindsight i should have rolled PvE.



It’s more in the sense that most of these complainers aren’t actually new players.

The ones who complain most likely used to play on some other servers, private or not, presumably horde dominated ones. So a balanced server(within 55/45 range) with a small population advantage for the alliance - looks unplayable to them.

According to wowclassicpopulation on ZT:

1-60 (all toons) : A 46% H 54%
30-60 : A 50% H 50%
60 : A 51% H 49%

This is what a server looks like when it has close to perfect faction balance.
I know the website isn’t 100% accurate but it’s the only numbers we have.
So no, sorry Horde you’re not vastly outnumbered and you have zero reason to QQ.
Git gud (or do like most sane ppl and stay away from the open world until the 10th)

I also have alliance on ZT, can confirm the game destroying gank squads are just as bad on both sides of the faction divide.

Course I’m not going to be a snot nosed kiddy and tell you to get good, that’s what most morons are spouting when they already have a char at 60 and don’t mind that they cant progress anymore.


I’ve also seen it show 70% dominance one day it was alliance the next horde, at best the data it provides is useless.

Only ever played on official blizzard servers, and I’ve not played on any other server in classic besides ZT. I played on DB (rp-pvp) in vanilla, to the best of my recollection that server had a slightly more alliance than horde - it was never this bad. That might be in part to the fact that rp-pvp servers wasn’t released till patch 1.7 ( so after BGs ).
I hang my hopes on this, but at some recess of my mind a voice is screaming; “NOPE, faction imballance + massively overpopulated sever = it will never be like vanilla wPvP”

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Really, without any outcry or whining: Alliance WPVPers are way more active than Horde ones. I dunno why that is if the numbers are so even. Probably we got ourselves some hardcore Alliance guilds back in August because ZT had no queues and was advertised as a very balanced server. Probably Horde side players are older and have a demanding real life (again: i am not accusing anyone of anything). That is just my theory. I am just trying to find an explanation why Horde is so outnumbered in WPVP (the wowclassicpopulation numbers say nothing on daily activity or the kind of activity).

Also it’s weird that one would assume that ZT Horde players have always played Horde before and are therefore used to a Horde dominance. My old server for example always had a very low Horde population. And i have played Horde AND Alliance in my WoW career. That explains nothing.


I feel pretty much the same and regret not having rolled hydraxian waterlords.
I love rp, and the only saving grace for me in zandalar tribe is that I found an amazing guild and awesome non guild friends to rp with, I have more user created content to consume than what I’m able to, and these comings weeks, with so many events planned, more so.


I love how determined Alliance is PVP wise on this server. Most of their PVPers have 209% riding, engineering, pvp specs etc. And i love to be on the other side of that. If i want, i always get quality people to fight against. Horde (not all of course, but on the average) sadly kinda gave up at some point or was not that determined regarding PVP in the first place, so the situation is dire for a lot of people. I was very sad when i realized it’s gonna be cross server BGs. Would have been a blast to fight you guys without queues!


So, the jungle telegraph would have it that alot of horde transferred from ZT to earthshaker. Any hold in these rumours?

I will log in and observe later today.
Would be kinda funny. Alliance sits permanently in UC, maybe now even in Org.

You still have my sympathies for this, this ganking sh*tshow is out of controll on more or less all PvP servers. With a really bad H/A ratio overall its impossible to “fix” the servers, and its impossible to fix the population by allowing transferrs within the pvp realms, just look at the recent Flamelash -> Earthshaker mess.

Balance cant be fixed, but they can still keep players and subs. Time to allow PvP-PvE transfers before its to late.

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None, still seems like the same numbers to me.

As for the uc ganking, they get as far as entrance and get wiped. Only thing is they are there for 3/4 of the day so we get sick of killing them/find it pointless because of honor dr so just leave them sitting there.

Nobodys camping org, they visit the dueling area and die. If they entered org they’d get smashed to bits.


They should not allow more than two layers per realm in first place. Even two was too much. There was always some kind of imbalance but you were not much affected.
I remember when Dentarg EU shifted heavily towards Horde in the end of vanilla, no one complained about PvP, only that alliance couldn’t find people for pve.
All the imbalance problem escalated in classic because of huge overpopulation.
Blizzard is shooting themselves in the foot. They wanted to avoid empty servers and created this instead.

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This is supposed to be a RP-PVP server, not PVP. Mostly roleplaying and RP should be roleplay-wise…

What we have there is mostly hardcore PVPers.

I felt cheated I rolled on Z-T and had to transfer.


Nope, yesterday i was killed by two Alliance rogues while doing my AH business in UC. I have moved to OG now, UC is not a safe place anymore.

As for WPVP activity: it has been slow. Either no Ally players were to be seen at all or you ran into bigger groups all of a sudden.

The romantic “Good fights everywhere” WPVP dream is dead. There are hardly any 1on1s and most fights are decided by numbers. 'Tis time for bgs!

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