European Attitude towards Russians

Bg started , 12 players going docks , rest workshop.

And I left it before they even went workshop.

Game is not playable anymore. I canceled subscription. Horde side btw :smiley:


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Welcome to the jungle bois :wink: portuguese, italian, spanish, polish, turkish and many more, everything goes on here, even english :smiley:


Nahh I canceled my subscription. No matter you are horde or alliance , you lose all.


Someone out there MUST be winning them… :smiley:



Pls continue

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Cia hackers. They want to destroy russian people souls.


Hey I can butter them up for ya and give you some coke I wanna watch this aswel.

Cause they are PVE players probably doing bgs.

When russians joined today their bgs , they shocked , horde is killing balinda and assaulted shb , eu ally players trying to destroy horde towers and telling others to get frostwolf graveyard as well.

No wonder why they were whinning. If it was ru bg , we would leave horde towers and graveyard and fall back immediately.

There are idiots on both sides dude, quit acting like you’ve never seen it before.

Que horde bg tonight if you win 40% you are lucky. Germans will write in german , russian will write in russian… then if its 15 players bg , it will become 7 players eventually.

40% sounds pretty good to me! :smiley: Damn that’s near 50%!!!

Good times a’comin’!

Maybe most of us don’t actually want to play olympic style battlegrounds where we’re scared to do the wrong thing or we get kicked - or shouted at. Maybe we like pottering about stabbing the odd person here and there lol Us europeans like a more casual approach and you guys are more Ghengis Khan about it. We just don’t play well together and that’s it really. We should split up. :smiley:

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Lol, man, you should get into politics.

I guess all these other teams beating you, none of them have EU players in them do they?

And yet there’s lots of other people out there winning clearly. If no one is winning, how are you losing?

Listen to what you are saying, repeat it back to yourself. It’s not only illogical, it’s impossible for no one to win.

I didnt say nobody is winning but win rates are a lot more less than 40% atm. if you can get 40% you are lucky , because I’m losing on horde and alliance at least 40 bgs so far. Leaving bg and switching character all the time.

It was a right choice to cancel subscription.

Fair enough. I mean I thought you would’ve stuck it out because you’re only dealing with what we’ve had to deal with for years now, and you kept telling us to L2P.

The shoe is now on the other foot and you’re seeing the ugly reality of the normalcy of a mixed BG group and it’s all “I’m outta here!”

Ah well.


Yeah, textbook hypocrisy.


Yes I still say its l2p , because its l2p issue. they dont know how to play. If you know russian you will notice very bad things about eu players on bgs before they quit.

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Your personal winrate might be <40% at the moment, but for every person losing a BG there must be someone winning it (assuming the numbers are always equal).
BG winrates have ALWAYS been 50% across the game, and a corresponding loss rate of 50% if you take the big picture.

And I totally agree with Moonsea’s comment. Now that you are in a mixed realm / language BG team, you see what it really is like.
The reality is some of your team don’t understand the chat, don’t care, aren’t experienced enough to know etc, and you have to accept or deal with that as best as you can.
And the way to do that is to L2P within those limitations. I don’t mean high dps, or know the objectives. I mean accept some of your team just don’t know.

Either that, or throw the toys out the pram and cancel your subscription …

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