European Attitude towards Russians

10 bg 10 loss on this druid, relogged to my german horde 5 bg 5 loss , nobody understands each other , then I relogged my warrior on eng server 5 bg 1 win.

Russian write in russian , germans write in german , others saying ??? , soon people will leave game.


Why cause of the language barrier stupid reason to quit over they can just learn English language its not that hard tbh.


I will say you this is last expension wow imo. There wont be any russian and german playing soon. Nobody will learn english to play a game.

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So should we be forced to learn German and Russian to be able to play with you that so selfish.

Right now I’m on german horde epic , here loss again , because nobody understands each other.

4 hours 37 bg 1 win on both horde and alliance.

People will adapt. You don’t need to type out full blown sentences. The first time someone calls out 5ферма and I see farm get zerged I’ll know ферма means farm.

English horde wont win anymore too , when you will join bg there will be lots of russian and german writing in the game which will drop win rates below 20%

Eh, 10 BGs an hour @ 6 mins a BG with instantaneous queues?

Someone’s at it.

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Or maybe the issue here is different maybe they are PVE players trying to learn PVP and are having a bad time so they should be practicing it on RBG not Epic.But not knowing English only makes it worse you need German and Russian realms so you can play with your own people problem solved.Blizzard should make English speaking realms and German and Russian ones.

I relog alt to alt

Lol. People are winning though aren’t they? You losing, means someone else won. And if they’re mixed then… awesome :smiley:

That makes the maths even more unconvincing lol. Unless you’re afking out within the first minute :smiley:

I lost many on my russian horde and german horde so far more than 15 , a friend of mine writing in german , others are not coming help because he is writing siegewerck.

The whole language thing is absurd…

So many people are not English, including myself, and we’re all speaking it.

What good would it be if I’m just continuously speaking my own language in a game with alot of different nationalities.

It’s like going on vacation and being upset the local pop doesn’t speak my language.

which clearly means siegeworks. That’s not a language issue - that’s a welcome to EU life of non-premade everyone doing what you tell them too issue.

haha how funny you are , its lumber mill.

In what language exactly?

nevermind - German. Awesome now I know. Problem solved :smiley:

German , this game wont work anymore after this patch , both horde and alliance win rates will be below 20%.

I will collect Russians, into my community, we will stand in line for bg at the same time and enter only with Russian personnel, otherwise bg will not bring victories and pleasures

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count me in