Even for the elite it's too elite

I’d really like if they cut half of the raid tiers each expansion and instead add more battlegrounds+dungeons and open world stuff.

Raiding is pointless when you can just login and do pvp/dungeons get gear no need for scheduling and wasting hours of your life wiping on bosses.

The buffoons at Blizzard think tuning content for the top 0.1% of players is a good business strategy.


I think there should be 3 normal(queueable), heroic and mythic(challenge mode, cosmetics only). Normal is for everyone, heroic are for casuals that want a challenge and mythic is for hardcore players that wants a challenge but it doesn’t reward gear only cosmetics.

Even back then people felt the world of workcraft…

After playing Classic and TBC again I came to really appreciate there being only one difficulty. Especially TBC raiding, because 40 people is just too much.

Why are there 4 difficulties? It’s baffling. Also made below tiers 100% obsolete once a new raid is out.

Why make an mmo into an esport anyway? Mythic raiding has become so niche. The game has become an arcade hall, not an mmo anymore.

Yes the raids in TBC Classic are easy (ptr for Sunwell is harder) but with a bit of tuning I feel raiding should have only one difficulty again.


so lets remove normal / hc / mythic and leave just lfr because thats the diffuclty tuning that classic and tbc have ?

i got you

but i bet that not what you wanted :slight_smile:

I agree on you except for this statement. I dont run M at all (at all. best ive done are 2 M0) but i see mytic+ is popular. the requests are full of ppl (ofc im excluding avertisement) and many are goin for top end M+.

mythic + is popular for 1 reason .

its the only remaining content casual playershave left in game.

without mythic + game would loose not 80-90% but 99,9 % of players at this point of expansion .

ofc is an hyperbole. but M+ isnt so popular.

Not talking about mythic+ dungeons :blush: just the raid difficulty. It’s for the 0.5% of the playerbase that takes this once relaxing mmo a bit too serious. And sadly blizz is all for catering to that playerbase.

wow. sorry. im so dumb sometimes…

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No worries mate, mistakes happen.

That’s plain wrong. TBC isn’t easier than normal raiding today. It’s just played dead for 15 years, everyone knows every mechanic and everything there is to know.
People will rush through Ulduar and ICC hard modes as fast because the same logic applies to that.

if they make 700mil dollar with wowtoken money then why not?

those r1 players are getting their money back through RMT … there is no doubt. you can literally see their names in countless boosting companies

[quote=“Axram-ravencrest, post:56, topic:356285, full:true”]

well still state my statement blizzard works with boosting company’s without knowing it.

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I’m a bit confused, what changed in the last 3 years (I’ve been away) where Mythic raiding was for everyone?

looking back before mythic was even a thing, Heroic raiding wasn’t for the masses, Normal wasn’t even for the masses. LFR made it accessible to at least see what the raids were like, a happy little hand holding session.

So what gives? do so many think they are so elite to be able to do mythic raiding which was introduced specifically for the 1%?

I’m confused by what has changed?

Is it that difficult? or did all the truly brilliant players just leave the game, get old and slow?

How? HC was so overtuned and even normal without 2 legendarys and pieces. Classes were broken for the whole race as they balanced nothing till the edgers finished their wiener comparison.

For almost two months, the game was focused around a system which was gated for the sole purpose of rwf raiders alone.

Casuals pay the big bucks and get rekt every single time.

WCL tells a clear story. Just look up success rates over time for each patch, each raid. This one is the hardest by far. expecially the last three bosses. Not even begin to talk about anduin befor they nerfed him to the ground.

By that time we’re in the patch right now. Sylvanas had almost 20% kill% in HC. Last three bosses alone are around 9% right now. It’s objectively harder, yet people are claiming the opposite like a lying trumpist

Ofc they were introduced this patch so why it shouldnt be???

I agree but its always so; previous raid did it better with the gem sets but becuz there wasnt much to tune

I dont feel like it just playing as i did before slowly progressing

No, they’re deluding themselves into thinking they have to do like the RWF guilds… you don’t, you’re not going for a World First kill…