Every recent thread about Spy

“I have never used it and dont know how it works, but I’ve heard it lets you see through stealth, be invisible, affect the US elections, see every enemy on you map and shoot rocket missiles at them.
I was stealthing through the enemy raid today and they saw me because of this addon, please ban it.”

Lets get it clear, this is what Spy actually does:

  • reads the combat log and displays enemy names that appear there.
  • gives you their class and approximate lvl based on the abilities they used.
  • lets you target them by clicking on their name in the list, if they are targetable.
  • notifies you when someone has activated stealth nearby.
  • most of those features only work when you are out of combat.

Lets get it even clearer, this is what Spy users wouldn’t be capable of doing without:

  • read the combat log and react fast enough while playing the game
  • knowing the class and level without seeing them on screen
  • target such players without seeing them on screen (lol @ you can /target them)
  • catch someone entering stealth - unless seen - by simply watching the combat log (well unless there is just 1 player in your zone)

EDIT: lol thanks for the likes


So you are saying Spy is actually useful? Quite incredible, I thought all addons are there just for cosmetic reasons.


Yes, because handling threat without a threat meter addon would be extremely difficult, right? Beating 15 yo boss mechanics would be as extremely difficult without an addon reminding you to move away from the raid because you got a Living Bomb, right?

Help is a thing, serving a win in a silver plate is another.
Good thing Blizzard is not as braindamaged as you (generic you, as for every other idiot who pretends the addon is just a parser I could play without :(( )


Funny thing is, if such feature was ever added in the retail client at any recent patch/expansion, the whole vanilla fanboys would be grudging it because it would suddenly be “retail too easy”.


Seriously, you’re arguments are getting trashed every time. We know what the addon does and it’s a huge unfair advantage and ruined PVP (Better now since the nerf) Every other addon while making life ‘easier’ is against the computer, so who cares.
SPY puts some players at a huge advantage by doing things they couldn’t do manually AGAINST other players… which is why people hate it.
It literally turns the game closer to retail by making it easy mode…


Oh you sweet summer child, one day you will find out there are other pvp addons.

But it is a parser with ability to target the parsed names. What else do you think it is?
If knowing that someone is 50 yards away means an instant win for you, you should probably stop pvping against lvl 20ies and go to higher lvl zones.


On the other hand if you think the addon doesnt provide much relevant help, you (generic you because there are people as retarded as you use to prove) might as well try to play without.

For example, I think threat meters addons are irrelevant, and in fact I play without. If it was something I couldn’t be able to play without, I wouldnt go around and pretend it’s not big deal.


Spy works just fine in retail and with a bigger range than classic.

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that’s wasn’t my point, I meant that such ‘facilities’ are always grudged when they are in Retail because of this trend of spamming “retail = easy”.


Well obviously Im retarded, how could I not be if I disagree with you, right?
I’ve never said Spy isnt useful. What I did say was that it doesnt provide a higher degree of help than most other addons.


Legitimately thinking this is exactly the reason why I’m calling you retarded (assuming you are not trolling). Agreeing or not, I couldn’t care less.

Moreover, I’m not saying this is the topmost helping addon, if there were addons which provide the same amount of help to the players they should equally be nerfed/banned.


Agreed , not more than cast bar addons for instance.
But the last resort of those who run out of arguments is name calling - we had a nice example of it right now.

I just gave you an argument, your capability (or lack of) to grasp it is none of my concern.

Cast bar addon saw a lot of discussions too, while I agree that it provides a good help I just find it retarded that Blizzard made players resort to an addon for it instead of putting one in the client. (basically the same mistake as Vanilla). Their choice to ban/nerf it, not mine or yours.

For the record, I have played Classic until DM release without a cast bar addon, sorry to shatter your dreams.


Nobody gives a crap about what you’ve played with, it’s the available functionality that is relevant to the conversation.
I don’t use spy either.

Feel free to think that, but to me it seems pretty funny how you think an addon reading the chat is too powerful.


Wrong. It’s been explained and demonstrated (repeatedly) how to filter the combat log down to a bare minimum of information and how to highlight various parts of that information. Maybe you can’t read or notice a couple of lines without stopping everything you’re doing, but quite a few can.

You might have trouble remembering which class can cast Frostbolt, but most don’t.

Yeah, you have to be some kind of gaming prodigy to press a hotkey…

People can’t handle threat with a threat meter, and people still blow up the raid with DBM (or stand right next to others during Ragnaros or Ony phase 2). Hardly great examples…

If the only thing stopping you from winning in PvP is Spy, then Spy isn’t the problem.

In short: All you’re arguing here is that Spy is very useful for someone who’s well below average skill level.
Yeah, Spy makes things easier, because of course it ****ing does. That’s the point of the vast majority of addons.


No wonder that we are seeing here a hunter as the main white knight of this addon. I myself play an hunter and the difference between being opened without awareness by a rogue or even a druid is huge, specially in this phase, without trinkets. It is almost guaranteed dead.
If you get an warning about a stealth player around, you just have to immediately turn on stealth detection, fake your awarness and sneaky lay down a trap and be ready to flare it/mark the player, after someone step on it.
It makes a huge difference for stealthers and not only against hunters. For example engineerings can instantly equip catseye, alchemists can be ready to free potion/stealth detection pot, etc…


This is all well and good, but you can do all these things without the addon too, just by having an extra combat log window on your screen.
So all this utility you attribute to Spy is already there anyway, and in case with stealth its just as easily accessible.


Remember when healbot used to pick ranks and targets for you in vanilla? Pepperidge farm remembers.

Also, I have an extra chat tab with the options similar to spy but hey that was nerfed too cus “spy is broken”. But as people keep reminding me it’s “impossible” to do that and play the game (pro tip: make bright colours that you will recognise then you don’t have to READ you just react to colours. For me red = friend is sapped, bright blue = tremor totem, the list goes on. Then you just filter out all the things you don’t want to see). Honestly kind of annoyed it got nerfed, but honestly if it’s closer to the original game then w/e I won’t complain. But my friends who played back then said some addons were way more broken than spy and didn’t get touched shrug

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