Every recent thread about Spy

Spy addon ofc is better than the alternative of filtering and watching the combat log for enemy abilities. I don’t think anyone ever said Spy was not better, but that’s the purpose of addons - to do something that is already possible, only better.

200 yrds was considered op by blizz, 50 yrds less op. But ironically, I could see Spy hunting being easier with shorter range. As a stealther anyway, I’d rather know it’s guaranteed they are close, rather than close or far away - so it’s kind of a nerf with benefits.

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It’s obvious that it is an addon, so it makes something easier, it just made something which is too relevant, too easy. It is not a slight help, it’s a big advantage. In fact, if it wasn’t a big deal, then Blizzard would have never taken actions against it. (like they didn’t do with all other addons which are not out of hands)

The end result was OP. This result consists of two parts: the baseline combat log plus the Spy addon that presents that info in a better way. What’s wrong with your approach is you attribute that overall OP’ness solely to Spy, when there was another component to it.
The combat log gave way too much info, it was OP. That’s why Blizzard has nerfed it. The Spy part hasn’t changed, it still does the same thing.
So yeah, the addon wasn’t OP at any point, and it’s not OP now.

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the combat log alone would have been fine if people had to manually read it, manually type /target commands with real-time names taken out of it etc. Which could somewhat ‘balance’ the OPness of the combat log itself by giving you hard time in doing all of the above.
But Spy taking the hard part away, had to be addressed though everybody (including YOU) have been saying THERE IS NOTHING THAT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED, NO ACTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN BECAUSE IT IS FINE, which was blatanlty wrong. Glad to hear you are finally being resonable now, at least…

You gonna say that cheating doesn’t technically have to be against the rules now…?

And an average PvP addon would be…?

Yeah. That’s the point of limiting their API. So they don’t have to ban addons.

So you’re just pro-level, but everyone else needs the addons they use and don’t know how to play without them unless they’re forced to?

I know my limits, I don’t pretend I could keep timers in my head to the debuffs I apply to enemies. I use an addon for it.
But I am confident with being able to avoid overaggroing my tanks, so I don’t need a help to achieve it. This is exactly the difference with everyone saying to be able to do the same without it, but uses it because logic.

Yep, except that you spoke as if it didn’t need to be limited, which caused the entire thread to laugh at you.

An addon which automatically dismounts you for example. An addon which tells you the honor DR on a given target. An addon which calculates the honor per hour at any given time. Any other addon which provides small informations that are NOT AFFECTING THE PVP FIGHTS.

Ignoring the delusions of grandeur, no, that’s your assumption. You just assume that anyone who uses Spy must be a noob, because you don’t like it.
I don’t need threatmeters, DBM, timers, or DPS meters for that matter. I can manage my aggro fine, I don’t need a huge warning to tell me to move out of fire or to use Tranq shot. and I don’t need to know my DPS. But I still use them, because they’re practical.

If that helps you sleep, sure.

By that estimation castbars, CC timers, and every other addon that does something that provides any sort of advantage should also be removed. So where’s your thread complaining about all of those?

The advantage might be considered relevant yes, but, again, it’s pointless expecting to ‘force’ people into doing that manually. As evident by the fact that Blizzard included castbars, debuff durations et similia into the default UI after Vanilla.
To be fair, I anticipate they planned to add those to the default UI too but after all the #nochanges idiots are subscribers too and Blizzard has to cater for them. (they all would complain even if they were then using the addon to do it but hey, they don’t shine for their intelligency nor coherence)

Sorry my man, I don’t assume, I only judge after seeing facts.
Facts ≠ assumptions.
The day I will see one guy doing what Spy does, without Spy, I will gladly change my mind.

That’s what I consider incoherence, sorry.

Spy is a ‘big advantage’ compared to no monitoring at all. But it’s reduced to just an ‘advantage’ over using combat log for monitoring. Seems reasonable, Blizz obviously agree. The nerf shut down most complaints it seems, goal achieved.

Which is not the standard you set for Spy.

Which will be relevant if/when Classic moves on from Vanilla to TBC. As much as I dislike the #nochanges cretins, Classic is supposed to be Vanilla (or at least as close to a copy as they could muster up). That includes not having the QoL changes that were added in later expansions. Personally I’d rather they just added things like castbars to the standard UI and be done with it.

But you don’t have any facts about that. None at all.
You have assumptions based on pre-determined conclusions and circular reasoning.
“Spy is for noobs, so anyone who uses Spy must be a noob.”

That’s not even remotely incoherent. The simple logic is that they’re practical. I can eat soup by lapping it up with my tongue, but a spoon is more practical.

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Spy alone, without the combat log would’ve been just fine too. It’s when they’re combined people start seeing issues.

I’ve never said that, so you’re either lying or dramatically misinterpreting my words.
What I was saying was simply that combat log was the issue and not the addon.
And its the same now, people crying about their stealth activation being noticed should complain about the combat log fixating that action (which isn’t needed), instead of complaining about an addon that doesn’t do anything extraordinary.

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Well if they built something like Spy directly in the default UI and client, that would have been op even without the combat log. Combat log alone is not as harmful, exactly because it would have not been as effective when you had to use it manually and not programmatically.

You said it quite multiple times, same as the other proud Orc, which then dismissed the matter with a simple and pathetic ‘if that makes you sleep at night’. Idiots who have no clue of how stealth detection works are a different story.

…which was the appropriate response to the simple and pathetic assumption.

Assumptions? I just read your posts lol at first you even tried to deny they ‘put an end to the addon’ as if people just suddenly stopped using it for no reason, you acted as if it ‘broke’ itself without Blizzard’s touch, I actually think you still don’t understand that they willfully nerfed it

Oh, more claims based on assumptions. What a shocker…
Is it a language thing? Do words put together in a certain way just mean something different where you come from than they do in the English speaking world? Or is it just desperately grasping at straws for the sake of it?

A lot* maybe the retail fans have put more fuel on the fire we must all tone it down and be sincere and open our minds

Kork is such a champ, bumping the actually relevant threads

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