How is it any different lol? They didn’t close off those features by accident, they did it specifically to prevent, prohibit, forbid, disallow, block, stop, suppress, interdict, restrain, put a stop and an end to THAT very specific addon.
It’s their will to ban (or any other synonim, cba typing them again) that addon which made them take those actions against it. Conclusion, they have officially or legally prohibit the use of that addon.
It’s like saying
“my country banned petrol cars”
“no, they just prevented retailers to sell them”
clutching at straws at its finest
Oh, it’s another person, who clearly doesnt’t see the difference between an addon, and the API.
Comparing it with petrol cars… lmfao.
But there is a difference. If the petrol cars are banned, you’ll get in trouble for using one. If they just prevented selling them, you won’t. A smartypants like you should know such things.
We are just clarifying a word, no addon has ever been ‘banned’. No one got in trouble for using an addon, because its not a cheat.
It’s up to Blizz if they think something is op, and not just addons ofc. We can see in hotfixes adjustments to things like class abilities. Were those changes something that was banned? No. Wheras a bug exploit breaks a rule, player is bannable. Spy does not exploit, breaks no rule, player not bannable, addon not bannable, only features adjusted if considered op by blizz.
So, the use of the word ‘banned’ is a dramatic exaggeration to try and make your point better. We’ve seen this from other anti-spyers, exaggeration and false information. How about stick to facts.
Clearly too stupid to know what a metaphor is. This smartass was probably thinking petrol cars are addons or dunno what other literal meaning rofl
Make your own AVR-like addon, shall you? You will not be punished for it am I right?
[...] If we find that the AVR mod (or any mod attempting to replicate its functions) are usable after 3.3.5 we will take further, more drastic steps.
official thread of that time.
Trying so hard to hold your position even after Blizzard themselves proved it wrong, this thread gets more hilarious each passing day
More drastic steps asin, “ban” even more options on the API.
I see no argument.
Try again.
So it was broken, not banned. Big f ing difference.
Got a sauce on that quote, because it’s greatly out of context.
Really…? You still haven’t figured out that cherry-picking parts of a quote doesn’t work too well for you?
“The change we’re making in attempts to break the functionality is light in its touch and approach. When blocking any functionality we run the risk of affecting other mods, but we’ve targeted the changes as carefully as possible. If we find that the AVR mod (or any mod attempting to replicate its functions) are usable after 3.3.5 we will take further, more drastic steps.”
The argument is so simple I’m astounded someone fails at comprehending it.
Again: is it prohibited to use AVR?
are you forbidden to use AVR?
are you disallowed to use AVR?
did they put a stop to the use of AVR?
Ask yourself those questions and repeat it for each of the verbs i listed earlier. If you want to do my spelling and grammar check is okay, just know it doesn’t make you look less pathetic for defending this addon.
Yea very different, the outcome is ENTIRELY different. Lmfao clueless morons
I don’t give a crap about HOW they achieved it and how you call it, literally I could not care less, they did it and that’s all that matters
And no.
You can still install and try to use AVR. It just won’t work. Because they broke it.
But 3/10 for effort.
So, how are you allowed to use it when you can’t use it? How did they not put a stop to the use of something when they broke the way you use(d) it?
Really next level idiocy, missed you Greybushy these ones are not retarded enough to amuse me
They did put a stop to the use of it. They didn’t ban it. If you can’t tell the difference between these two terms, then it’s just a matter of language barrier it seems.
PS: btw, smug remarks about how dumb everyone is only work when you’re not wrong, otherwise it just looks cringy.
Not so fast, I want to experience more Greybushy level of incoherence.
You’re right, I stand corrected; they put a stop to the use of it.
Buuuuuut not in the way you keep trying to claim, Sparky.
People didn’t stop using it because it was banned or against the rules. People stopped using it because it didn’t work anymore.
Now, as you keep making ridiculously clear, the difference between not using something because it’s against the rules and not using something because it doesn’t work is beyond your limited abilities of comprehension. So I suggest you get whoever helps dress you in the morning to explain it to you. If you really put your mind (as lacking as it is) to it, you might just be able to get it!
Good luck, champ!
wow these debates have gotten alot more toxic since the nerf
Point is - saying Spy ruins PvP, makes it unplayable, is a cheat/exploit, can/should be banned - is exaggerated and incorrect.
The dramatic words are an attempt to enhance a point, but are just wrong.
The more boring reality is that Spy is completely 100% legitimate, but was a bit op and Blizz nerfed it. End of story.
Seems not all the defenders are equally retarded. I was losing my hope. At least you, unlike all the aforementioned ones, are not going to pretend it was not op at all because I could do the same without the addon :((
I never said it was against the rules / illegal, don’t put other idiots words into my mouth. All I have been saying is it was way more helpful than the average PVP addon (though some other geniuses pretended it wasn’t) and it had to be reduced in its usefulness. Which it was. Call it ban, call it nerf, call it L2P I couldn’t care less.
People stopped using it because it didnt work anymore, and it didn’t work anymore only because Blizzard didn’t want people to use it. (hence the nerf) So don’t act as if suddenly people learned how to play without, they were just forced to start learning.