Everyone needs it - SOLOQUE

I woud say that outdated LFG system+ fact that you cant do other instance baise cocntent if you are in que and viceversa is bigger problem then lack of solo que


So glad someone else already made this post. Wanted to do exactly the same.
Fully pro solo queue! Blizzard, DO IT! Pretty please…

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So all ranked players are toxic. Gotcha.

I mean, this is the same like saying all people from a certain religion are terrorists but ok. I guess, since you are not a ranked player, you are not toxic. I bet you are the nicest person one can meet in solo q.

Literal proof why solo q would be bad.

So yeah, no solo q. Pretty please.

It would be a crap fiesta. And this forum here would be filled with complaints that you get matched with wrong classes or, if they implement filter systems, end up like this guy:

We need this! Make que’s great again with soloque!


we aren’t teens anymore living off mums sandwitches and pocketmoney, we got bills to pay and families to take care of


I don’t know what u trying to prove me. I know what i want and playing online game ~20 years. I know everything.
Swtor is dead a long time ago, its a F2P ingame shop oriented game. PvP was dead in 2014 or smthing. When Eric said “No” to PvP. Servres was whiped in like 2 weeks. The killed SWG and killed swtor after. Devs with 0 iq that want only money.

Arent you the self proclaimed rank 1 frost mage? Solo q would be in favour for you

Nah, you cannot charge gold for carries in soloq and he can boost any healer to 2400.

No one needs soloq

In general, boosters and boosted players don’t need yolo q - they are main who against that. And company grabs money from that. But they have 2 choices - thinking about subs in a long period or money in a short. I personally think they will try to do more felxible LFG system onstead of yolo q. Coz yolo q prevent a lot of boosting.

I am neither, and still think that soloq in WoW is one of the worst ideas imaginable that would only make it even more difficult to play anything slightly off meta due to the way this game is designed.

Competitive environment brings toxicity, not the news to anyone. I have been playing dota for years, have played lol for a while too and i haven’t met more toxic people in any other game than this 2. If anyone things that both game has a friendly environment you have no idea what are you talking about. And same will happen in wow, since in wow mistakes cause an instant lose compared to dota or lol where are comeback systems. I am sure solo que will be even more toxic than lfg. People will start trolling, its even easier to wintrade in solo que. Then people will ask a new system to punish players who they think are trolling, which no one can prove. More and more problems in the end.

Its an option. If even it will be separated with team q, no 1 forced you to play in it.

Splitting the already declining PvP playerbase into the soloqueue bracket and LFG? Doesn’t sound like a good idea.

Mb coz players forced to sit in LFG, coz there is no yolo q? They sitting for hrs to play 1 game. 1 lost and your teammates gone.

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And when you split lfg and solo que what will happen? Instead of 1 hour you will sit 2 hour or you que solo and you will get fury warrior as teammate who has no idea what to do.

No, its not working like that. 90% of players even not cr8ing something in LFG, they search - q - decline - q - decline - q - timout - q -timeout - alt - f4.

How is it working then. If I que and I will get for example brew master monk who wants to have a fun and I will lose probably who will I blame? Game of course since system won’t work in a way to detect who is playing for fun and who wants to tryhard.

Don’t play yolo q if you afraid something or don’t want to. U can sit as always in LFG for hrs to findinig partners till 1 lost game.

I mean I won’t and so will you when you will end up losing 10 game in a row and breaking your keyboard since every your teammate will prolly play for fun.