Explain to me how the sky/normal flying 5-second cast switch isn't a downgrade to what we had?

Have you looked recently in the druid forums? If you haven’t you should.

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Well reading this thread was a ride.

I really hope blizzard sort this out because downgrading flying like this was lame.
Make it per mount. Or make it instant so we can macro it to our mounts.


Totally gimps druid gathering. Use dragon flight for distances then insta brake by switching into flight form and using the more controlled and precise normal flight mode. Feels like a druid nerf HAHA


The 5 second cast time is poor. You dont want to be waiting once you have decided how you want to fly. Even worse is the animations for real mounts in dragon flight mode, absolutely nauseous with the motion.


I don’t think the vast majority of druid players actually care.

Then you will be surprised how wrong you are. From an utility the druid flight form became useless and many are not happy with that

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Source please? Or are we talking about objective opinions again.

Thats admitting different mounts for different jobs. Dragon riding for distance and speed, conventional for control and preciseness. Five seconds is just time gating and effectively spoiling things. BTW the animations of regular mount is damned awful.

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Source please? You’re asking others to back up their sensical claims while making equally baseless statements to support your nonsensical claims.

A major feature of a druid is the convenience of their animal forms, in what world do druids not care that their flight form which was an instant cast, convenient precision flying tool, just got turned into dragon riding along with their other mounts? They got downgraded more than anyone else.

Source? I have eyes and I can read what people say on the US and EU druid forums. The picture is not good and that is a fact which isn’t my opinion.

The EU and US forums are not the majority of players tho.

I love it when people like you get super heated if the majority were so upset about it the entire US and EU forum base would breakdown.

Which it hasn’t which would mean that the majority aren’t that bothered but keep being hostile its genuinely funny.

Why some players enjoy shooting themselves in the foot?


WoW andy brain. It’s the same people who are in favor of key depletion.

Thats the way Druids do it tbh. The rest land and remount. Setting it to be done instantly would work as the rest currently toggle riding. So no need to add more time gating to a game thats already full of it.

Im sure are pros and cons for key depletion.
But changing flight mode with a cast time, especially when its for all mount (who also have cast time btw), has nothing that can contribute to the game.

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Yes, i thought about my comment again and reached the same conclusion. Edited it already.

Fair point

Love how the definition of this changes to suit the needs of the complainer

Depends of the mount.

The forums, or any other platform where this might be discussed, isn’t a hivemind isolated from the rest of the playerbase. They’re all part of it, and they’re players of all kinds from casuals to hardcores.

You don’t need a majority, which in this case would be hundreds of thousands, to go online and complain about a feature to paint a picture about how well received is it in the general community. If a feature concerning something as universal as mounts gets this much negative attention, it’s safe to say that people generally don’t like it.

As of writing, this post is sitting at 59 likes, the other recent one is at 74. That’s quite a lot for the standards of this forum. Just taking a quick peek in the US forums, I found two posts about this, one with 92 and one with 163 likes.

A recent post on Reddit about this topic is at almost 700 upvotes, and the one specific to druids is at 300. This isn’t hundreds of forum users or Reddit users, that’s hundreds of players who went out of their way to complain about this.

If you had to wait for feedback from the majority before you consider it, you’d never consider any feedback because most people don’t bother giving feedback in the first place.


But its still speculative because 57 likes doesn’t mean a majority.

If this really upsets you that much I feel for the day you have to do your taxes