Explain to me how the sky/normal flying 5-second cast switch isn't a downgrade to what we had?

The upside is that I can use a mount I want instead of being forect to use a dragon.

That thinking by Blizzard is wrong. Mounts are one of the most used things in WoW and if this is going to be the way going forward then it would be quite bad. Yes I already hate it. I tried it and I hate it

You are the exception of the rule. The mounts are more used thing by people than changing specs.


I’d expect they are planning to remove normal flying.

They monitor how many people use it and soon it’ll be removed

Please try reading.

Then this isn’t really aimed at you because it primarily inconveniences people who like using both mounts all the time.

You’re questing on uneven terrain with lots of mobs and wanna jump around without having to aggro all of them, or making a precise landing somewhere, you hop on a normal flying mount and then you dragon ride away once you’re done. Those scenarios happen quite often for me, especially in older zones where dragon riding is still quite fast and doesn’t allow you to chill while going places.

Dracthyr is in the same boat as the druid. I am not a fan at all.

They should just make it with something like a druid form you can switch instantly and even during flying.

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Ehm, no?
Not for the average player anyway. This will be a ‘set and forget’ for most people.

lol, yeahhhh no. That’d be abused like crazy. Bad idea.

The only persone I have seen saying this is you only. I talked with 7 of my friends and they also didn’t like the cast time for switching flight modes. I don’t know how you came to the conclusion that people will stop switching.


Don’t Dracthyr just fly in the same manner as dragonriding anyway?

Not anymore. They have 2 types of flying now.

Will have to check it out on mine, not played it for a bit

Good argument. I can’t argue with 7 friends.
I yield. You must be right. I am the ONLY ONE IN THE UNIVERSE!

PS: Sarcasm.

You should be working at Blizzard with this mindset, you may end up replacing Ion even.

Well, no one in their right mind should be defending a QoL downgrade regardless of whether it affects them or not, but here you are.


Mmmh, I think more players need a realistic mindset, honestly.
I’d be a good one for Blizzard though, I agree. I’m very creative.

Ah, an insult, for having a different opinion. Very good.
Bye bye.

When something is a clear downgrade being a fan boy of Blizzard doesn’t make your opinions better.
Until the pre patch I had 2 key binds for two types of flight(summoning a random mount). I was not waiting for a 5 sec cast time to be able to use the mounts.
The new system is a downgrade to the existing one. Defending it is just being a Blizzard’s fan boy.

I think Blizzard are doing this because they will start selling animations just like they do with the Hearthstones.


There is no different opinion to have, there is no benefit for literally anyone so nothing to have a unique perspective on. Anyone defending the 5 second cast time for something that used to be seamless until yesterday is just being a conflict-oriented contrarian so I can’t respect the difference of opinion.

If there are any upsides to this change, I’d love to hear them.


Because if they ouright remove it, there will be an outrage. Originally there wasn’t going to be normal flying in DF, but they finally had to add it…

If they make it so annoying and inconvenient that people simply doesn’t want to use it, then they will be able to say “See? No body wants it, let’s remove it”

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Having a dragonriding mount that could not steady fly was a bad design in the first place anyway. Switching “stances” in air or during the flying would be essential. When you get out of vigor and you only need few inches to the top of mountain or building, the switch stance would be more than ideal. A 5 second cast is so annoying.


They are entitled to their opinion as you are yours. Doesn’t make someone a fan boy but on the other hand we are all fans of the game or we wouldn’t be here.

I like the new spellbook. I didn’t like having to go into two tabs purely for paladin spells for the two trees. This is much nicer. However, I can appreciate that others do not like it, feel it’s too big, want it to have some kind of scaling, be able to make it smaller beyond just halving it etc.

In this case Tah likes the flying changes and you don’t, that is fine. Personally, I think it’s awkward compared to how it worked before but I had to use an addon before to avoid dragon riding mounts and let me fly regularly. Essentially all flying mounts, skyride now so it’s a vast list. The only one that doesn’t skyride is the otherworldly ottuk.

I can see that this was probably the easier management option to turn it on and off and if they insist on the 5 second penalty then it should be an instant cast with a five second debuff to prevent you changing again. It’s not like we don’t already have a mount summon cast time.


I never claimed my opinion is better.
But insulting people for having another opinion does not reflect well.

I’m not defending it. I’m saying I couldn’t care less and that I believe that the amount of people who change flightstyle loads of times per day is quite low. I don’t think the game should be catering to very small minorities; no matter what that thing is.

Now to be clear: I’m not claiming I know this for a fact. Just like you don’t know for a fact that a big part of the playerbase does that kind of thing. Only Blizzard knows for sure, because they have statistics.

I don’t believe that. What’s there to make an animation for? Changing flightstyle? How it that interesting in any way, shape or form? At least with Hearthstoning it could add to a character’s fantasy.

See above. And I don’t think my perspective is ‘unique’. I actually think the majority feels that way. I don’t understand why some people are making such a big deal out of this.

It’s a prime example of people complaining about first world problems instead of focussing on actual issues.

I’m not claiming there’s an upside.
I’m claiming that it really doesn’t matter.