Explain to me how the sky/normal flying 5-second cast switch isn't a downgrade to what we had?

It matters to a ton of people which is why it’s constantly being brought up not just here but also places like Reddit etc. The point is that for nearly a year people got used to using both flight styles for different purposes with no hassle. Now there is hassle where it didn’t need to be.

It’s not exactly the biggest of deals, but mounts and flying is something people use constantly and it doesn’t matter if they’re hyper casual or hardcore players. Making it take upwards of 5-6 seconds to change between the styles inconveniences everybody for no reason. All it does is reduce the fluidity of traversing the world.

Since regular flying was added in 10.2 I’ve been consistently using both depending on what I was doing in the moment. Now,with the cast time, doing that isn’t justified anymore so I just stick to steady flying even tho I do enjoy skyriding. I cannot be bothered to get on a mount only to realize I’m in the wrong mode, have to land, spend an arbitrary 5 seconds changing the mode, cast the mount again, and only then start doing what I set out to do.

So while it’s not a big deal per se, it’s still something that is an entirely unnecessary and straight up an annoying downgrade that affects the entire playerbase, so basing your argument on the fact that it isn’t a big deal is just giving Blizzard a pass for making stupid and unnecessary changes.

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I don’t agree. But that’s fine. None of us know numbers for sure.

And that’s my main point. The way some people are reacting you would think we just had flying flat-out removed like in WoD.

Fair enough.
That’s an entirely acceptable and fair way of looking at it.

Note that I left off the last bit of your comment there (because claiming it affects the entire playerbase is just not true; yes, TECHNICALLY it does, but I would personally be affected in such a minor way that I don’t even consider it ‘being affected’, honestly).

I was mostly reacting to people who’s reactions were, in my eyes at least, completely over the top.

Why do people always assume the “entire” playerbase are the people in the forums?
Most of the world wide users probably couldn’t care less about this little inconvenience.
It is unnecessary, yes, but bothers the entire playerbase? Not in the slightest.

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Empathy - the ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that persons situation.

Not caring about something does not mean you have another opinion…it means you dont care.

If 85% does not care but 15% do care about a 5sec cooldown…then change it so that 100% will be happy.


I hope Blizzard changes this skyriding thing so we can use skyriding and dynamic flight without 5 seconds cast :slight_smile:


I am starting to doubt they would. I bet they want to use it to sell animations for it the same way they do with the Hearthstone

While I agree to a certain degree with that statement; any additional changes will require time, effort and resources from the dev team. I would rather see them put those things in other areas of the game that I deem ‘actually important’.

You said that before and I really don’t understand how you could come to such a conclusion. Please explain how such an animation would be, in anyway way, be of interest to the majority of the playerbase (things they sell, are meant to sell well).

No reason for a “technically”. Everyone uses mounts. Whether you personally find it too minor to complain about is irrelevant. It’s still a noticeable downgrade from what we’ve had ever since both modes were made available simultaneously, and the fluidity of swapping between the two absolutely did not need removing.

By “entire playerbase” I mean the playerbase that uses mounts, which might as well be everyone. Obviously not everyone who finds this obnoxious will go out of their way to complain about it online. Hell most players don’t even engage in any discussions about the game of any kind.


I will explain how I came to that conclusion. In modern gaming developers split things on 2:

  • Items which will be monetised
  • Items which won’t be monetised

The flight button has an animation just like the basic hearthstone. That is a cosmetic effect which won’t cause a big problem to be monetised.

No it’s not. It’s very relevant.
I just told you that I don’t regard it as affecting me; and you’re flat out ignoring that.

What fluidity? Mounting a different mount that didn’t have dragonriding?
I don’t understand what’s so fluid about that. Or am I missing some piece of information here?

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I’m not ignoring it. I’m using your exact words.
but I would personally be affected in such a minor way that I don’t even consider it ‘being affected’, honestly).

You explicitly recognize that it does affect you, just not enough to care due to the way you choose to traverse the world.

Yes, without the 5+ second delay.

Do I need to fly just a couple hundred yards to another camp? Regular mount.
Do I need to fly across two entire zones? Dragonriding mount.

Two buttons on my bars, two distinct purposes. Now I still have two buttons on my bars, except the sole purpose of one of them is to change what the the other one does, and I also have to keep in mind which style I’m currently in.

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If there are people that do not care about anything, it means those people are indifferent to this topic. If those peoples’ opinions are indifferent, then their opinion is also automatically irrelevant. In that case, probably people against this change won’t be the “entire” playerbase because the “majority” of player base will be for people with an indifferent opinion.
And that could apply to absolutely everything. No matter what you are talking about indifference will always be the majority. But truly determine if a change is wanted by the player base or not the indifferent opinion should be ignored (you cant listen to an opinion who is not expressed in the first place, which is the definition of indifference) and listen among those players who have an alienated position on the topic, against or in favor.

In this case, it is obvious by the forum that the majority of player base with a relevant opinion is against this change.

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Techncally it does, yes. And that’s why I used that word.
Because it’s an important distinction.

See, I find this a silly argument.
You can use either of those flying styles perfectly fine for either of those things.
That’s why I think it’s a non-issue.

Setting it on a ‘per mount’ basis would be okay though.

Ok so some people don’t care about it . If you don’t care about it , why the hell are you here arguing for 2 days on this topic ?
Let’s be real you care only about arguing and to come on top , not about the change .
Also the change will take away time from development argument , is the most used and useless white-knighting there is . The moment people are cornered and can’t win arguments , they use this joke line . lol . How about the next , time they put in the time to delete hunters and we will all be " Well they put in the time , so don’t complain about it , it takes away development time " . They had the time to PUT it in . They will make time TO PUT IT OUT .

This is a trash change remove it NOW .


I wish i could give this post a thousand likes.

The ridiculously long casring time for what is basically a stance change, is so stupid. And its the first thing i thought when logging in for the first time.
It should be changed to instant cast NOW.

Good job with the first impression (sarcastically). Its actual an historic failure.
Great for players who left to ff14 because of wow’s inconviniences.


Hey. Its hard to change a line of code from 5 to 0 !!!


That came from players who believe for some reasons they are Blizzard’s shareholders or investors instead of clients saying things like “I don’t want Blizzard to use MY money on that”
Sorry, dude, but you are a client, your money stops being yours when you give it to Blizzard. That is the difference between investors and clients.

OR. its a crazy thought but hear me out.

make it INSTANT.


No that only applies to people who have opinions or preferences on the matter, which is not the case.

Because it does matter as evidenced by the fact that people are posting about it (this is not the only post). Your opinions on what part of the player base is affected are meaningless because it’s based on nothing other than your personal preferences.

Here are the facts:

  • Both forms of flying have different use cases so changing between them has utility.
  • Switching between them now is worse than it was with no upsides for anyone.

Then you’re a useless contrarian with nothing to add, and no stake in the “game”. You came in to actively detract from the conversation because you felt strongly enough about something you don’t care about, that you had to share your valuable opinion about how the subject doesn’t matter.

I don’t care about PvP in the slightest but I’m going around PvP forums proclaiming how they’re playing a stupid game mode that no one cares about.

I wonder if you actually believe that making a spell instant and off-GCD as opposed to having a cast time actually requires meaningful dev time that can be used for doing anything else. If this doesn’t take 5 seconds to do, their dev tools should be nuked into space.

I love how you’re actively fighting for your right to proclaim that you don’t care about something, and want people to take you seriously.