Explain to me how the sky/normal flying 5-second cast switch isn't a downgrade to what we had?

That’s where the fluidity is broken. That list of two things I mentioned isn’t exhaustive. There are plenty scenarios where I’d instantly choose one style over the other for one reason or another with just one button, without it taking an extra 5 seconds for no reason.

You’re basically telling me “it’s not an issue because you can still do this, it’s just more annoying and takes time now”.

If that’s how you see it and wouldn’t care either way, then I don’t see why you’re arguing about the way it is implemented now. So far we’re only seeing people either dislike it or not care about it, so there’s no positives to it.

And I’m not buying the argument about changes to this taking too much development time. Half of the work is already done because we’ve had mounts exclusive to either mode for over two years.


Making it affect druids’ flight form is an absolute kick in the privates for druids. Dragon riding is great for covering long distances, but normal flight form was mega-convenient to instantly switch to for precise landings, searching for something, or gathering herbs, etc. It’s a piece of crap now by comparison.


I reckon a cast time is needed if you for example are in flight cause if your client starts dragonflying before the server gets the message you switched away from static it might just kick you for illegal movement.

If it has to have a cast time I would say no longer then the time it takes to mount up (1.5s?)

If you are unmounted tho I dont think it should need a cast time for that

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What is needed is the ability to set mounts to either mode. A cast time is completely unnecessary. They had all the time in the world to come up with a better solution than a 5 second cast to switch the mode of every mount.


When you click the button to change the flight type just get dismounted and be done. Where it is used is up to the player. If he wants to die from falling it is up to him. The previous system did not allowed changing mounts while flying.

I am a huge supporter of the removal of the cast time. It is awful.


I’ll admit I havn’t used mount equipment but isn’t mount equipment something you equip and its then active on every mount, or is mount equipment per mount?

Mount equipment applies to every mount.

Possible too but maybe not the play when you’re 500 yards above ground, I’d sooner opt for a ‘you need to be on the ground to do this’ added in as a failsafe, but yeah as you say switching mounts midair also dismounts you so what would the difference be.

No cast time would be fine if it has a dismount built into it though yeah, should give the server enough time to know you’ve switched before you’re mounted up again.

Wouldn’t that just replace the 5s waiting every time you’re switching with opening the ui and un/re-equipping the mount equipment every time you’re switching? it would need changes to how mount equipment works and its questionable if they’d even want to change it to be on a per mount basis because there’s a lot of mounts in the game and this would just screw people over who do like mount equipment being across all mounts.

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Or. It’s a crazy thought but hear me out.

It will be ABUSED.

I don’t want to help bots, goldfarmers, cheaters and such. I really don’t.

And the same goes for your opinions.
I already stated that nobody except for Blizzard have the actual data.

Not a fact. This is a preference and subjective. You can factually use both of the forms for different uses.

Again; I never claimed there was an upside.
I’m just saying the downside is SO SMALL it’s not worth making such a fuss about.
You obviously disagree, and that’s fine. But it doesn’t make you right.

Because, just like your opinion, I can share mine. Like it or not; that’s the way it is.

That’s not at all comparable. Completely different situation and also not what I am doing. Stop being so incredibly aggressive about this, please.

So you’re saying ‘it’s such a little thing, it doesn’t matter’?
Thanks for proving my entire point for me. Cheers.

I love how you’re so aggressively defending your right to be upset about such an insignicant thing. See, I can do those kinds of comments too. Does this help the conversation? Nope, not in the slightest.

The point would be to have different mounts set to different modes and then summon them as needed. Just like before pre-patch.

If per mount was too much for some reason, I’d be happy with just a limited amount of slots for skyriding mounts and have the rest be regular default flying.

I don’t know what the ideal solution is internally, I’m not a Blizzard dev. All I know is that for 8 months we were able to seamlessly swap between the two and now we can’t.


Yes I am. Because I believe that that annoyance and the ‘extra time’ it takes is really, really, really insignificant.

I’m not actually doing that. I’m defending my opinion against aggressive players who feel the need to demonize and insult just because someone else ‘dares to think differently’.

Well, we don’t know that for a fact. And we won’t until Blizzard tells us honestly.
I think it IS an issue and will require significant work. Which I think is wasteful.
Again; it’s fine if you disagree with that.

I also have to say that I’m not a big fan of how skyriding has been implemented on certain mounts. A lot of the mouths of beasts are now permanently stuck in the ‘open’ position, which looks stupid. Clutch of Ji Kun has this too and you can see right through the model; very badly implemented.

Also the animations of some mounts just look bad. Yes, they move fast, but it doesn’t feel like ‘dragonriding’ anymore; it lost what made it feel ‘real’.

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even if they added the mount equipment as suggested, how mount equipment works would still have to change first, so just adding the mount equipment as proposed isn’t enough.

I mean… if 900+ individual mounts isn’t too much of a reason, I don’t think I can propose a scenario which would statisfy

And yeah true, its not our job to consider the best option, but I like to think that us discussing our ideas and providing feedback to eachother does help in that process considering its all there to read for blizzard.

An instant cast with a dismount would be my ideal solution, idk why someone would want to change in midair or in flight anyway, and even if they would I don’t think it’d be good for the game if that was possible in midair, but that’s probably someone elses dealbreaker so yeah

At the same time how blizzard feels about it is important too, maybe they don’t want people switching styles nilly willy, but I admit that it feels bad because before it was just a matter of getting on another mount, to not make it worse then what we had I would therefor say that if it does need a cast time, no longer then it takes to mount up on a mount which is 1.5s

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Ousted yourself as a disingenuous troll there but I’ll bite. No, fixing it is an insignificant thing that should take no time at all, the 5-second cast is not insignificant and actively detracts from my experience.

I can’t wrap my head around why someone would be arguing against something that doesn’t affect them, and arguing against a resolution that doesn’t harm them. I am aggressive because I hate contrarians who argue for the sake of arguing, and that’s all I’m seeing here.

It’s not a difference of opinion because you don’t have an opinion, you’re just downplaying other people’s opinions. It’s not even a matter of resource allocation because as established, removing a cast time from an ability takes no time, so you can’t even be “harmed” through opportunity cost.

How? This is something we have been able to do for like a year, how is it suddenly such an abuse risk? How can anyone even abuse just being able to mount normally lol.


Subjective. Not factual.

Yes you are. Please don’t.

That’s very disengenuous.

Nothing is ‘established’. You’ve made assumptions.
Sorry I’m not taking your word for it; you’re very obviously biased on this matter.

No. It’s never been ‘instant’. You had to change mounts. That’s not instant. At all.

And I’ve already said I’d be fine if it was a ‘per mount’ setting.
But again; I am against any significant resources, effort and/or time put towards it.
Whether that is what it takes is not clear and won’t be until Blizzard makes a statement on that.

And with that, I think we’re done discussing this. Cheers.

No having to click one button and mount up, as opposed to clicking on a 5 second cast and then mounting up is a very objective downgrade. There is nothing subjective about it, you’re being asked to do more steps for the same outcome.

I admit I can’t know how arduous of a process it is to change a spell to be an instant cast, but if it isn’t a 5 second process that involves ctrl-F and replacing the number 5 with a 0, then their development process is a nightmare.

However, they are the ones who took the time to add this ridiculous button in the first place, so they have already spent precious dev time that could have been spent elsewhere right?

That’s all I’m asking for, to have an instant cast ability that converts your mounts from Dragon riding to flying, I don’t want to do acrobatics mid air and switch styles while flying. It would STILL be a bigger inconvenience than it was when we could just click one icon for normal flying and another for dragon riding, but it would be far better than this.


I think Tah just doesn’t understand how will the system work if the cast time is instant.
In his head is only the idea that if the type of flight is changed mid air then it will be abused. Which is not what we want. Plenty of ideas were given how to avoid such scenario.
I am getting tired of explaining to people that we don’t want to change the type of flight while moving.

Sigh. That’s not the words you used. Words are important.

Those are the words you used. And as I already said: That is very much subjective.

I don’t think it should be instant cast. For the reasons I already gave several times.
I’m done repeating myself.

It should have a casting time. Objectively it should.
I’m not commited to 5 seconds; could be 2. 1 and half even.
But there should either be a casting time or require a mount switch (since that has a baked in casting time).

And I’m saying that that would be a mistake. It WILL be abused.
Instant = no go. And THAT is my firm opinion on the matter.

You haven’t explained once how it will be abused, and I genuinely have no idea how.

Are you aware that we are asking for the system to go back to how it was 2 days ago? What was being abused by the old system that can’t be abused now?

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Well you say ‘we’, but that’s not at all what it sounds like that Profatunal wants.
Like I said: Words are important.

It wasn’t in DF, where we could switch without casttime simply by using different mounts. But alternatively, Puny had a good suggestion just to make the switch instant but apply a, say, 5 second debuff that prevents you from directly switching again.

There, whatever mysterious problem Blizz won’t tell us about and that we managed not to notice throughout all of DF has been solved and everyone is happy.