Explain to me how the sky/normal flying 5-second cast switch isn't a downgrade to what we had?

Yes it is not all but it is more than 1 so it is we plural. It is those who use 2 types of flight and only them. The rest are irrelevant because they don’t care about it so it doesn’t concern them.


Argh… I’m done discussing this. I’m getting irritated.
I’m out.

Yes it is? What do you actually think I want here, to swap styles mid air and to do air force maneuvers? Literally all I want is to be able to move from a dragon riding mount to a regular flying mount without any extra steps, just like how it used to be.

This obviously includes dismounting from one and mounting another one.

Nah you’re dense as hell my dude. By INSTANT I mean NOT have a ridiculous cast time in between…

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Cool. I’m fine with that.

But that is not instant, to be clear.

He thinks exactly that lol. I don’t know what to say

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Because ‘instant’ is literally that.
Words have meaning. :person_facepalming:t3:

But it’s clear now what is meant.
I’m done talking about it.

Would you think it insignificant to have to wait 5 seconds to flick a light switch just because someone in charge decided that’s how it’s gonna be now? It’s just unnecessary time to something that used to be seamless.

I used to switch the two modes frequently so I’d rather keep the ability to switch seamlessly and be limited to fewer mounts than have a cast time thrown on something I’ve been doing without a cast time for 8 months.

You’re not defending anything, you’re just being your typical contrarian self, arguing about something that doesn’t affect you. You came here willingly just to tell people that their issues and concerns with this change aren’t valid, and now you’re doing your signature move of justifying yourself by pretending to be a victim.

I mean, your opinion is that it doesn’t bother you, so what are you even defending and to what end? What did you expect to happen after telling people that their issue with the change isn’t a big deal?


Goodbye Deadguy.
No more civil conversation for you.

Tah doesn’t like being called out on questionable behaviour. I’m shocked.


why you guys WANT to game to be bad ?

why have a thousand good looking mounts, and 5 huge ugly ones. and allow only the 5 huge ugly ones to get special flight skills ?

it doesnt make sense.

and how instant casting of flight would be abused by bots ? thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard, today… it makes absolutely no sense. in DF, there were bots everywhere with Dragonriding. so how allowing players to use ALL mounts with dragonriding, and remove casting time, will change anything ?

it doesnt make sense.

you guys want example of how casting time is terrible ?

lets say im at stormwind and i want to get to caverns of time. so ill go to tanaris. ill use DR.
i had to stop somewhere to get to a certain place that its easier to land with normal mount. so i change to normal mount.
then i go to caverns of time. so ill change to DR.
now i want to get out, but im out of charges. so i change to normal mount.
then i want to fly to silithus. so ill use DR.
now i want to go to the top of the sword. so ill use a normal mount.
so i took a S.E.L.F.I.E. now i want to go down. ill use DR.
now i want to go to a specific place, so i fly there but i keep on missing it. so i change to normal mount.

i changed mounts like a billion times right now.

OR, remove cooldown for flight mode. it will fix all the problems. and it only make the game better.


Ahuh. That’s why most of the bots, goldfarmers and multiboxers are druids.
Because it can’t be abused. :weary:

I’ve already made it clear what type of ‘instant’ I’m talking about. I’m not talking about just being able to switch mounts. That is fine, because that’s not instant.

I’m confused, how did you get this out of what I said? I’m arguing for player agency about which mounts will be their skyriding mounts and which will use regular flying.


I am tired of people like Tah who need to defend whatever Blizzard does, including objectively bad design. And I am tired of people neglecting problems just because it’s not a problem for them.


It says “Steady flight only” but in fact it doesnt fly at all…


I will gladly explain why this has been designed in this way and I’ll give you a counter argument for your proposed solution.

Sky Riding has been designed to offer more dynamic and faster flying. Traditional flying must be slower due to the fact you can pause in mid-air and just hover out of the way, and as you said conveniently fly up and down to certain points.

Now if we took away the 5 second cast time completely, what would be the point in having two flying modes at all?

Advocating for an instant cast button with no CD to switch flight styles, means you may as well not have a button at all.
At that point you may as well do away with old style flying altogether and bake the mid-air pause and controlled ascent/decent mechanics into sky riding. That way you wouldn’t even need the button.

But until that point comes, you are making a choice between fast flying convenience and slower controlled flying convenience, the cast time separates the two styles. Without it, there essentially aren’t two styles and you are simply adding a button instead of baking it in to one style.

I guess the past 8 months didn’t happen then. Not to mention you’re not making any sense.

The worst thing is what it’s done to druids. You used to be able to dismount your dragonriding mount mid-air and switch to normal flight form. It was one of those fun quirks that came with druid forms, and it’s been taken away.

For me, this change will most likely lead to me not using skyriding much. I’ll go back to old flying and just tab out/wander off while I autofly to wherever I’m going. I suspect I’ll get where I’m going faster than I would by landing, waiting 5 seconds to switch, and then summoning another mount to take off again.


this argument might work with new players. but any player who played for multiple expansions (since tbc here), that argument fails immediatly.
druids are the best class for botting for DECADES. everybody knows that.

and again, i dont see how changing for 5 seconds help to reduce botting. DR improves botting. if you want to reduce botting, remove DR altogether.
but its still doesnt matter, because bots will always be in wow. as long as gold is cheaper than tokens, gold farmer will continue to work.

every time there is an option that make something worse, it damages the game.

the idea that we have hundreds of mounts, many cost REAL MONEY, and we cant use them because they are slower than the other option that is available, but that option only available with ugly mounts, that makes the game bad.

no one in their right mind, will handicap themselves with slow mount, while they have the option to use the faster mount.

Dam bro wow players complain about the most non issue things ever.

Wild that someone gets this heated over having to swap from regular flying to dragonriding with a 5 second timer.

Their opinion is they like it.