Explain to me how the sky/normal flying 5-second cast switch isn't a downgrade to what we had?

Bad design must not be supported no matter how small it may be.

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You do realise that’s a subjective opinion on the case of bad design, I don’t see it as bad design and don’t typically care if you’re really into not supporting bad design then maybe stop playing demon hunter in most patches then.

What are you on about? I’m saying it should be possible to assign to each of my mounts whether they use skyriding or normal flying. How is that limiting?

You seem very confused.

Plenty people in their right mind would use steady flying when the situation is right. You have a lot of people in this thread as well as other threads explaining how they use the two modes in different situations.

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It’s certainly messed up my druids core abilities. Plus I don’t seem to be able to find the switch button in the spell book so one of them is stuck in dragon isles mode right now.

It’s in the mount tab not in the spell book.

those statements break your argument, and they are simply wrong.

both are, a you said, functionally different. therefore, mixing them doesnt work, and will never work.
you cant glide in the air with super-speed, while adding swimming in air (which is basically normal flight). both negate eachother.

which goes back to your other statement, which is both are different.

adding an annoyance, will kill normal flight, because people want to move fast, and will annoy players who NEED to use normal flight.

annoying players is the worst thing you can possibly do in a game. the absolute worst.

It’s in the spellbook as well, under Skyriding → Switch Flight Style.

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so if i suddenly decide “im tired of using X as a SR” so i have to go to the UI, search for the mount, then set it up and close it.

you might think “its not a big deal”. but on players, who just want to play a game and dont want ANY burdance, it is a big deal. everything is a big deal.
MANY players quit the game because of those “little things”.

that is simply not true. the small sample from wow forums, does not represent the entire playerbase.
at the end of the day, mmos tend to become chore-games. you log in to do your daily stuff and leave. like proffesions, world quests for emissaries, or rep farming or just flying to raid or a vendor. that is a fact of life. most people want to finish their daily chore as quickly as possible.

You might want to go talk in the ‘WoW is P2W’ thread. Some people will be very interested in that take: ‘Just don’t do anything about bots, because there will always be bots’. :sweat_smile:

Yes, or just pick mounts you like the skyriding animation of and keep them as skyriding. I don’t see how that’s worse than having to spend 5 seconds every time you wanna change flight style and have it be changed for all mounts. It’s not like you’d be constantly changing.

It could be as easy as a simple toggle button next to a mount that switches it’s mode when clicked.

And I’m sure you have a reliable source for this.

So you dismiss the people speaking up about how they use the two flight modes as “simply not true” and then proceed to just assert that “most people do X” just out of the blue? Some standards of evidence you got here. It honestly sounds like you’re just projecting how you play the game to how “most people” play it.

It is in both places

Oh? You mean the people who are online 24/7 on several accounts, fly hack, teleport from node to node, move under the map…etc? People who are banned 2 times a year when Blizzard get to do a ban wave? Even if bots are reported every day in certains area for months?

Well. I’m convinced. If they can switch between fly mode instantly, they’ll gain so much time and will break the economy. Because it’s true, having 1.5sec cast before the patch when switching mount prevented that, and we all know bots can’t be drood.

Before : being on a mount, landing, clicking another mount, being dismount, wait 1.5sec for the mount, and fly.

At the moment : being on a mount, landing, click the spell, being dismount, wait 5sec for the spell, mode switch, click a mount, wait 1.5sec, and fly.

What we want : being on a mount, landing, click the spell, being dismount, mode switched instantly, click a mount, wait 1.5sec, and fly.

We always said we wanted the spell to be instant, nothing more


I’m no longer discussing this.

Do you like tea?

The past 8 months obviously happened, but obviously a change has to be made with Sky Riding being added to nearly all flying mounts.

The only other way around it would be to set your flying type choice for each mount individually, I still don’t think that’s a good solution though.

There are 2 fixes to the current problem. An easy one and a harder one

  • Replace the 5 sec cast time with an instant cast which dismounts the player. Then he mounts again which has 1.5 sec cast time
  • Add a check box to each mount for the two flight modes and then add 2 key binds representing the check boxes which will decide what mount will be summoned

Before the patch I was expecting Blizzard to re-creat the addon LiteMount. I love that addon a lot. The druids are quite screwed at the moment too.


Yet another “people can only complain about stuff I consider worth complaining about” post.

The next time I’m bored, I’m gonna go around class forums for classes I rarely play to downplay any problems they are having at the moment.

As was mentioned, this 5-second cast turns into a 50-second cast if you’re switching your mount types often, something was seamless before and just required you to click on a different mount.

Or keep the current system of swapping between styles, but allow a limited amount of skyriding and steady flying “slots” to put some mounts into. So that I can put a few mounts that will always be in skyriding style when summoned, and a few that will always be regular, regardless of the currently selected “global” flight style, which all the mounts that aren’t in any slot will abide by.

Hell, I’d take just one slot for each, just to at least be able to retain the pre-pre-patch functionality as a compromise before they figure out a better way than a 5 second cast.

I agree. It is blatant downgrade. And no words from Blizzard about this sorry situation.


Bloody hell.

I bet this guy could complain about winning the lottery.

More like winning a lottery but then they tell you all the money goes only into your Battle net balance.

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