Exploits in WSG Premades.
Hey there, Whoopy here, the creator of XRR AV premade that stomped Horde hard (in 6 min games) and made them complain on forums (Horde Tears).
I’d like you all to ponder this thought.
Your WSG premade stomps 90% of the enemy faction, PUGs flee in terror as you ride towards them, enemy Premades get anhiliated and then there are a group of sore loosers who decide to use terrain exploits to prolong the game because they are too trash to win.
Sound familar?
Not all Horde are Terrain abusers but the majority of Terrain abusers are Horde.
The exploits in WSG include:
Horde bug jumps:
Jumping above their tunnel onto tunnel roof
Shortcut near horde portal
Sawmill jump
Wagon jump
Horde slowfalling from horde GY to leaf hut roof
Alliance side:
Shortcut jump @ alliance graveyard
Safespot @ alliance roof from the hut in banana
Safespot on berserker hut @ alliance side
Safespot on top of alliance exit portal
Hang on?!?! lets talk about the old AV meta.
Before a Horde player gets the chance to reply with the “Discord AV Premade is a exploit” line let me remind you of some actual facts.
Premade AV’S where not an exploit. It was organisation within the game mechanics. The only action players took was coordinating their queue pops and using a discord server to communicate over voice comms.
In comparison using Terrain bugs has been well documented through out the history of WOW as a severe exploit that was at its peak in WOTLK due to underground mining.
Ever since the AV nerf came it didn’t take long for the Horde to start complaiing about WSG premades demanding match making changes. Some even demanded that WSG premades should be banned.
Horde where stomped in AV before Blizzard stepped in to give Horde their divine right of ZUG ZUG and unorganised chaos was restored because zero IQ play is what Classic PvP is all about right?? Now we have WSG exploits & the AV back door to restore fairness to the Horde.
Gz Blizz social justice at its finest.
Now back onto WSG & Social Justice for the Horde!
Trash Horde players are given the advantage mean while any alliance Druid that dares to try and climb the wall to their Graveyard is given a temporary ban!
That is fair surely.
We need to remember through that the vast majority of Horde players are Roleplayers who believe that they have the divine right to win BG’s just by clicikng the Horde faction Icon. No skill or min-maxing needed. When Alliance start to win BG’s they are moving out of character and this is not allowed.
Don’t worry! All Alliance players can go back to retail and get free Epics. Wait a minute it isn’t any different in WOW-Classic considering every guild has cleared BWL on Wednesday.
World of Casual RP-craft For the Win!
Whats not to like! You can always Go Back to Retail, not that its any different right now.
Lets face the facts, WOW Classic PvP is being optimised for casuals, by Blizzard allowing this abuse to take place. It is being made into a diaster to make BFA & Blizzards new expansion look like a viable alternative.
Premade players are labelled as PvP abusers while the real abusers using terrian exploits know that Blizzard will willingly ignore them to restore a good win/loss ratio for both faction that looks good on paper.
Players who organise themselves and actually create a viable stratery are being labelled as cheaters while the real cheaters are making a mockery of the PvP community.
In an Alliance perspective WOW-Classic PvP is nothing more than a uphill grind where you have to seriously out IQ the opposing faction by three times their level of play to actually win Battlegrounds because Horde naturally have the advantage in every single game.
And the worse thing is … With Blizzard current changes to the game I can only see Horde be given more privlidges
So if you get Grand Marshal as an alliance player in WSG you have earned it!