Faction balance info for some realms

I dunno man, it always felt that way in-game with Alliance being the go-to place for kids that knew nothing of the game, least of all racials. Probably not the demographic that was involved with answering surveys either.

Was frankly a bit worried about it this time around, but it looks like more of them have googled “Bestest PvP l33t racials?!” this time around :slight_smile:

I’d go with Taxi’s numbers. They did it simultaneously, and I did them one after another. That one hour could make the difference.


I did scans about 4pm (ofc one by one), few minuts later queue appears, which is why mine is more representative.

Golemag here, i play horde, i have seen and killed some aliance, in hilsbrad where i just came saw already like 10 of them, yet still i see more horde than ali, i gues thats work of layers somehow… Cant tell, but dont worry man, we are here :smiley:

“got it’s” LULW facts from NA education PepeLaugh Clap

I meant Zephinism’s numbers. I got names mixed up.

Hydraxian waterlords starts out with about 1500 players in the early morning and about 6500 players on peak time, alliance side only.

Could you check faction balance, good sir?

Realms with a lower alliance count might scare alliance players away, increasing the segregation.

Honestly, if shamans were playable alliance side I would go there 100%. Being the underdog is so much better and was the reason I chose to play horde in 2005.

I just love shamans too much though

Can anyone make a census on zandalar tribe? If the faction balance is good there, I just might wanna go there as alliance, I rolled horde so far because there’s no big pvp servers where alliance is not an underdog, which is sad

Last 3 of the english realms, this morning 06:00-07:00:

Pyrewood Village - 1,250 - A:808(64.64%) H:442(35.36%)
Zandalar Tribe - 1,437 - A:780(54.28%) H:657(45.72%)
Hydraxian Waterlords - 575 - A:401(69.74%) H:174(30.26%)

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Here you have results to update:

Stonespine: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615938659635691536/618896277190475796/unknown.png


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no its mostly because a lot of people like undead and 90% is anyway rog mage priest undead on horde side

and of course stronger pvp racials

Thanks a lot man.

Say, concerning zandalar tribe, I assume the numbers shown are on a layer, not on the entire server right?

In any case, it clearly looks like the server to go to as alliance

Thanks… I put it in the spreadsheet in OP.

No are the server.

/who shows all people from server and the global chats also count for the whole server thats why everony is spaming it for layer invites.

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I am not saying that if Alliance had shamans it would be 50/50! I am saying that if shamans were playable on the Alliance side, I would go there.

I know the horde have overall stronger PvP racials but being in the underdog factions is way more interesting.

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Sorry but these numbers don’t really tell alot. Only that horde log on in the early mornings because most of them dont have a job.


Uh why even show the CensusPlus results between 6 and 8.30 AM? They’re COMPLETELY useless.

What we need are results from 16.00-23.00 which is the usual prime time for EU.

I can assure you Gehennas pulls more then triple of its current number easily already at 16.00. The queue this week started roughly 13.30 every day, and by 16.00 hit ~11k. By 17.00 hit ~13-15k.

So grabbing a CensusPlus from 6 AM to 8.30 AM is as useful as me telling you water is wet.

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