Faction change plz, tired of spending 90% of my time in queue as Horde

I don’t care about factions, I levled Horde I didn’t know that classic was sitting in QUEUE for 30 min for a 4 min game cause the game is silly and you can rush to our base and 1 hit drek’thar almost, like seriously? how is AV this easy…it’s so sad to watch his health go from 100% to 50% in 4-5 sec, watching this makes me laugh consider Korrak’s Revenge in BFA was at least harder than this baby mode. I’d pay easily if you gave faction change option (To Horde only ofc I know Alliance is low already as it is)


You can’t implement faction change as it has no means of working with Shamans/Paladins. Reroll manually.

Also ask them to implement revert faction change, because as soon as you enter the first pug BG as alliance you’ll crawl back to horde.
If you are not rank 8 already, don’t have 100% mount, not in raid bis, you won’t get into alliance premades, means: you’ll start AV 15v40 and lose every single game you just enter for weeks before you accidentally win one.


Post on your classic char, as am 100% sure this is some crappy alliance made thread, ques are pretty fine, no idea why anyone would mind it on horde side


Like you post this on tuesday when theres barely any premades playing, and the ones that still do hardly get to succeed with drekrush

Dude, i tell you, que worth the quality.
At this very moment iam leveling horde toon on Mograine.
I will continue it even with ques >1 hour, because one quality game per hour still better than that crap alliance have atm - boring pve premades or imposible cancer pug with 50% team afk and other half spamming “let emm win” with ZERO attempts to defend or turn the tables.

Que time is irrelevant when your team does not want to play.


I know Allys are afraid to post from theirs trash main chars. Always using or Retail or some 11lvl HORDE alt lol

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My mate leveled palla… Says AV sucks balls if you are not in premade you can /dead

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sure here u go I look better than you babe just because someone has a low level alt stop assuming things would you? pathetic :stuck_out_tongue: some people have forum alts deal with it


Crawl to alliance, enjoy losing 99% of your bg’s.

Yeah pretty sure, and it’s about alliance mentality in general.
I mean, alliance pugs supposed to be worse. but with people at least TRYING it could be much better experience. Had a trying alliance pug once time, we lost but it was a hard battle and a real fun game. Atm it is a disaster, so instant ques is a curse if you are not in premade. And premade is ufeless for an1 who want to PLAY the game not to FARM honour. Meh.

Alliance AV = Instant queue but…
You’re either on a premade just to farm honor… or…

You begin AVs with 15-20 people due to the premades and they pretty much give up as soon as you lose the first push… then throw in all the afkers.
AV is a mess.


Shame, reroll

Loads of alliance win 99% of their bgs, nothing is stoppinh him from going alliance, having instant queues and still wining 99% of bgs cuz he chose to play in a good premade

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Enjoy your dreams when you go to bed tonight.

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Why people who are constantly crying about premades can’t do their own premade?

Enjoy your ignorance with trash faction.

Only if he enjoys sucking premade leaders private parts. Most premades are bad anyways…

Actually there where a lot of thrash players that choosed horde for easymode in the second phase.

There is nothing you can say to convince me that you are as good as the average horde, you just talk so much bs on the forum.

All I see is that you are horde and that means you are good at this game.

Why would i want to convince some random alliance trash player anyways?
Enjoy your loses.

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