Faction change plz, tired of spending 90% of my time in queue as Horde

So what does it tell about all those dimwits who keep falling for them? Dogsh*t under my boot has more IQ. My condolences for you and your comrades.

LOL why do you even have dogsh*t under your boot?! Environment where you live becomes part of you, OK.

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Yes from stomping people like you on these forums. :rofl:

Uh oh are you poking them again?

Bad lusty, bad! smacks with popcorn bucket


Oh look another turd to be crushed under my boots :rofl:

Most people are not even falling for your trolling, do not bother anymore :joy:

Oh then why does replies just keep raining? Barely have time to answer all these triggered sh*ts while playing.

Nwm, i have plenty of time and will for my loyal subjects! Go on, entertain me puppets.

What does replying exactly have to do with falling into your troll bait posts? :joy:

You keep me entertained with your stupidity, puppet. Do i need to spell it out for you? I cannot be bothered …

Looks like it’s the literal other way round :joy: again, trolling is not for everyone. It takes some capabilities. Too much people is pretending to be “trolling” while they are just legit saying plain idiocies.

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What would alliance trash know about trolling tho i wonder… but thanks for keeping me fed. Much appreciated :heart:

You are the most annoying troll in these forums for a some time plus ur name is offensive to women.
Idc what you reply cuz I’m not logging to these forums for a while -.-
Have a nice day

who is?..

Yikes… Gonna have to side with blue here.

Just give up av . Go wsg instead. Go make yourself a favour .
Proper PvP in equal ground . Much more fun.

Honestly, I remember queue timers up to 2 hours for AV back in Vanilla days…

Duly noted, and zero /care given.

No faction change, never. You played with op racials for 6 months on crowdy side. Enjoyed your ride especially in phase 2. And your gloriuous gitgud, zugzug, gotoretail days ended.

Your queues will get longer and longer. Alliance players will enjoy insta queues and 100% win rate with premades. Get balls, reroll alliance or enjoy your circles in orgrimmar.

Dont cry.

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No, go back to retail.

P.S: Lul the guy who said horde has map layout advantage in AV what a nub :rofl: :ok_hand: