Faction change

Hey i rolled horde on stonespine and now am rly worried about faction balance and bg que time’s. I think it would be a great move to allow horde player’s to switch side’s. I do not rly wanna wait 45 minute’s for bg and wpvp is just one sided stomp in favour of horde. It’s hard to even find alliance player’s in 50+zones. And i would gladly transfer my char over to alliance and help the balance of current situation .


THIS! I mean i will play dwarfs instead of my taurens if it means i wont be playing 200 vs 50 all day


For example Stonespine is like 80/20 maybe worse… U can imagine the stomp or stupid hunting and abuse for 2 ali in zone ?

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I dont believe its true.

I think it could even be the case theres more Ally on Stonespine than Horde. No evidence says otherwise.

Taking information from classic realm pop site. Named wowpop whatever.

Oh, i’ve said alot about that before.

If that information was ever correct, it’s still very old.

Look man. Blizzard isn’t doing anything about it. That says alot for me. On Shazzrah and Noggenfogger, transfers are only available to horde.

I think the reason that happened is because of threads like this but either way it shows that if there is a balance issue, blizzard will address it.

BGs will be crossfaction. But I would roll a PvE server now. You will still be able to do some serious PvP through BG’s on a PvE server because of the cross server BGs

I hope ur right and they’re gonna faction balance same as they addressed server pop.

Faction balance is a serious issue when real, forget BG queues; the game on a fundamental level requires balance when it comes to economy, progression and just the general experience. An imbalanced faction cannot do anything the way it was intended to be done.

I play alliance on Stonespine, and all you horde on Stonespine are bad bad bad. You attack in groups only, like hyenas, 10 on 1, and therefore you deserve a 45 min queu time for BG when released.
I vote you CAN NOT faction change.

I’d love a faction change to Horde so i can play the game again, cmon blizzard you’d make a killing from all the ally to horde transfers

Personally I don’t want the Horde to leave. I like being in the less dominant faction and being able to pick a fight when someone tries to zerg you.

I also think this will cause more Alliance to reroll to Horde, which just extends the issue.

If you want a balance then you implement queues for the dominant faction and let people online if they’re in the minority, like when nightclubs give free entry for females. WoW could have no queues for the minor faction and queues for the major faction.

That is if you want a balance. However, trying to change anything for people who whine is pointless. You chose to play X Faction on X server. Just like you were born in X Country as X Gender. In life you don’t have the option to “reroll” so why should you in a game?

Victories are more empowering in a “David and Goliath” situation.

I would suggest one way only from higher pop to lower pop faction. As u pointed there’s no reason to give alliance player’s way to escape.

you are kidding with this comment, really. there is NO alliance anywhere… horde are dominating ALL zones!

“Server imbalance does not exist, it’s the parents”

https:// ironforge.pro/servers/

o k b o o m e r

I agree that this issue has to be adressed. They can make faction change and lock it jusf from dominant to lesser one. It prob wont change much things in this phase, but horde players should prepare for hours long queue when bgs are out. Hordoes will need to revert back to wpvp if they want to rank climb, but situation is bad atm and it will be worse cos many undsrdog faction players will just quit the game. And by the phase 3 most surviving players will prob have all dung gear and they will just leave city for weekly raids. They can just sit in IF all day for instant bgs. And then many horde players will cut their balls for chance to faction change. Ladies and gentlemans and it can solve whole faction balance problem.


Yep only pvp u can actually do is soutshore vs TM but it look’s like horde vs civilian npc’s or u can camp mountain for no effect and ruining alliance day.

  1. Life and Games are not comparable. In a game you can change something to the better easily, so why not do that.
  2. in life you DONT chose where you are born and what gender you are
  3. you CAN “reroll”, you can chose where you live etc…

to be honest, the only reasonable thing to do is to allow one-way faction changes from higher to lesser populated faction to a certain extent on highly imbalanced servers
it doesnt affect the game in any negative sense, it just can get better. “Worst” case that could happen is that nobody changes to lesser populated faction and everything stays as it was

faction queues are not feasible as on highly imbalanced servers the queues would just be unbearable. Lets take an example of an imbalance of 80-20 and lets say all the alliance is online (= 20% of server pop). So only 1 quarter of the horde can be online at the same time and 60% cant log on and have to wait until someone logs out. That means literally that casual players wouldnt be able to log in anymore as at least 1 quarter of the horde which equal exactly the 20% are “hardcore” players who are online almost any time and especially when there are faction queues they wouldnt just log out anymore using remote controls etc… so there may remain like some spots for normal players who may queue literally forever
to make it short, if 20% is alliance, not even half of all people can log in even if ALL alliance players are online.
blizzard would NEVER do this, they just cant…

Blizzard will never allow faction changes for one side only because they never admit to imbalance issues.

So if you open up a faction change, nothing changes. Most Alliance would just reroll horde at this point.

You’re clueless Blizzard.

Imagine your guild decides to transfer and you’re a Shaman? How would you feel about it?