Factions wars

Yet it was the fruit of that tree that helped the Nightborne to no longer be dependent on the Nightwell.
Yet there were “enough” of a NightBorne population to retake and even reproduce future generations that are not dependent on the Nightwell.

Little Vulpera. You are not using your head.
Despite Arthas Menethil killing his father. The people of Lordaeron joined in military offensives against the Lich King. Bolvar Fordragon is Lodrdaereon. His daughter was sent away to Kul Tiras as is others.

So there is reason to believe that more Lordaereons than thought survived the scourge attack on Lordaeron.

A civil War is just one form of a people divided. When Germany was seperated between East and West they were all still Germans, some families were divided by the wall. North and South Korea are still Koreans.
The Irish are separated by the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Garrosh is a true Horde Warchief. His direction others challenged. Just as others challenged Sylvannas but the Forsaken are still part of the Horde.
Difference in ideals does not necessarily mean they are not the same people.

No… But you Alliance make new mass graves. Onto people who have nothing to do with your history. Like you did our Caravans. We will never see you as anything different than what you claim the Blood lusting Horde to be. No matter how entitled or justified to your vengeance you may think your self to be. You are becoming the very thing you hate.

Who are you again?
Let the record show that you COMPLETELY avoided the points that I made. Probably just came to argue for the sake of arguing.

Those that played Warlords of Draenor will remember Yrel being unable to save her sister from the Iron Horde Warlord Nerzhul, then having to defeat Terron Gorefiend that gorged himself on the souls of the Draenai in Auchindoun their burial site.

Horde are known for abusing their power. But you keep huffing your lies and copium buddy.

The Horde is still the Horde. Thralls Horde - Garrosh’s Horde - Sylvannas’s Horde - Voljin’s Horde is just nonsensical excuses.


I am starting to feel like you aren’t roleplaying as much anymore.

If you can’t see how the horde has changed over the years your either blind or stupid or ignorant

Never hate your enemies. It effects your judgement.

Ah the Vulpera caravans.
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
The Alliance was in the middle of the 4th War. Yet another War started by the Horde that we had to answer.
Just like the soldiers of the Zandalari that got in our way when Alliance came to put down Rhastakhan. The Vulpera were a hostile force that was aiding Horde forces when the Alliance was taking military actions against the Horde.

Interfering with Horde interests and operations is just normal especially when the Alliance global superpower was at war.
Vulpera will rebuild their numbers and caravans.


You had your reasons… I understand.

Circumstances and the world around us affect our actions… Of course… That only applies to the always innocent Alliance doesn’t it…?

Your always the right.


Eitrigg is one of the few that came through the Dark Portal with the rest of the Horde. In the Battle for Azeroth he led Horde forces against Trollbane.
There are Horde elements that remain as they are regardless of who is Warchief.

This is a tired excuse that Horde apologists and propagandists use. To dismiss or excuse Horde atrocities. Well that was just X-Meany beanie Hordie, Y Hordie is good and not meany beanie at all.

If the alliance killed them they’re clearly not innocent right? :joy::roll_eyes:

Ok let’s just ignore history

War is ugly. A waste of lives and resources and tends to bring out the worst in those that participate. The Alliance done what we had to do. Some of us didn’t think we would end the 4th War. But we did.

Let the diplomats offer peace pipes while the soldiers and warrior maintain vigilance.

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Yes it is ugly for both sides. The horde was manipulated again by a warchief with their own agenda hence why we now have a council made of various racial leaders.

Blaming the horde for sylvanas Actions why not just blame the jailers actions o. The horde too and death wing and Lich king if we’re gonna twist facts let’s twist them all the way

-We- Ended… Don’t talk like the Alliance stood alone at the gates of Orgrimmar.

As if you alone turned the tides against Sylvanas.

The horde led that attack

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Again excuses are made for the Horde. Again you act like the Horde does not have any agency or can ever be accountible for its actions.

Sylvannas is the Horde Warchief. She alone could not have taken Teldrissel even in the absence of the Alliance army.
Sylvannas alone could not have found the corpse of Derek Proudmoore then tortured him after raising him to Undeath.
The Horde was 100% complicit with the actions and decisions of Sylvannas.

Your response in one sentence: The Horde did nothing wrong.

After puttig down King Rhastakhan. Spymaster Mathias Shaw was reporting that the Horde was losing on all fronts and could not maintain the war. in fact it would have ended in Weeks. While other events happened things were continuing to get worse for the Horde war effort.

So yes the Horde started a war and yes we the Alliance ended it.
The kumbaya handholding was more to give that old Orc the death he wanted.

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I’ve not said that but go ahead try disobeying a dictator who will throw you in prison or worse. Remember baine? He called her out and was imprisoned under orgrimmar. But yes the entire horde is evil.Your entire point lacks one important factor. Context

Yes thats according to Shaw… Yet your boy king him self said at the gates of Orgrimmar he had just enough forces for one final assault…

I think that final assault would of ended badly without our help.

Would’ve gone the same way as the battle for lorderon in bfa prepatch except everyone would’ve died

The different factions was part of the foundation of the Warcraft trilogy, but WC3 makes it clear that one can’t keep up with such nonsense.

The factions was never meant to be, and it’s stagnation of course makes players wanting to overcome this stage.

Faction pride have been a consistent thing that Blizzard as a capitalistic company have done after the book of profit - by stagnating the lore development and milking the sentimental players.


Warcraft duology you mean, because that “golden age” of warcarft thing back with misty eyes was basically warcraft 1-2 (not even warcraft one to be honest, but lets be generous)
Warcraft 3 changed the lore, the setting, the whole enchilada to the point it was basically another game; yes, it was a RTS game and had orcs and humans and some familiar characters and the setting was at the begining the same… but thats it
Warcraft 3 was not a Game about Horde vs. Humans, faction pride, and that, - all those things went out the window basically in the opening cinemaitc, when Infernals started raining
It was about a step forward, letting that past behind, and different factions with working together wiht the same goal: survive the Legion and the Scourge
And World of Warcraft built on THAT, not the WC1-2 era and setting
And for that reason:

Factions was basically there because two faction games made profit, merch and all, but became obselete quickly

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