Factions wars

Because the whole horde stood behind Sylvanas and didn’t question her actions.

Hell after the garrosh situation horde fell again for fascism/ totalitarianism.
And with joy marching again into war and commit genocide.

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Who said I was a roleplayer?
More pvp. not quite a Lore nerd but knows my stuff.

Elements like Eitregg and Saurfang was always a part of the Horde. Rexxar came through the portal as well as the Mok’Nathal half-ogres/half-orcs.
My point is consistent that excuses can’t be made about the Horde because there is new leadership.

Incorrect. As spymaster Matthias Shaw was trained by his Grandma if I remember correctly. He has to know and be able to verify real info from nonsense.
There were multiple armies in the battle for azeroth. Night Elf / Worgen / Dark Iron / Void Elf. What you saw at the gates of Orgrimmar was Stormwind’s human army and Saurfang loyalists.

But Blizzard did not want to repeat another Siege of Orgrimmar and Horde civil war.

The Horde military was soundly defeated by the might of the Alliance. Until they once again used plague to kill the living just as they done at the wrathgate.
The job was done, The Zandalari was taught a lesson and Rhastakhan was dead. We are not the Horde. So we simply left.

But yet it has been successful enough to run for almost 20 years.
There is a saying: If it ain’t broke. Don’t fix it.

Of course Blizzard made money off World of Warcraft. Entertainment and Escapism is very lucrative.

This is something that Horde apologists and Propagandists will ommit.
Lying by Ommission: is when one Leaves out one or more important facts to foster a misconception or half truth. This includes failing to correct pre-existing misconceptions.

Only the Forsaken would have marched under Sylvannas. Which is why Varok Saurfang was needed. An old war hero and Highlord of the Horde.
Sylvannas alone could not have captured let alone burned Teldressil. The Horde obeyed the ordered of their Warchief to burn Night Elf civilians and children alive in their own homes.

The Horde soldiers (players) some chose to save Horde from being murdered by the Horde plague others chose to kill as many Alliance soldiers as they could.
The Horde waged war on the Kul Tirans and was fully complicit with what the Horde done to Derek Proudmoore.
The Horde stoodby and done nothing as Bain Bloodhoof was captured and was to be executed. None of the leaders done anything to prevent it. It took part of the Alliance leadership (Jaina Proudmoore / Matthias Shaw / Alliance champion) and a couple old Orcs Thrall and Saurfang to stop Baine’s execution.

But it is funny that you will always get the likes of Warioor that acts as if the Horde were deceived and manipulated had absolutely no idea what they were doing and were misled by an evil Warchief. :yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face:

But remind them of the Horde’s attack on the defenceless civilians at Brennedam Square in Stormsong Valley.
That atrocities like this the Alliance knows that Horde is capable of as they have done so several times in the past. Then watch the mental gymnastics - shifting the goalposts - apologetics.

The Horde are the bad guys.


Sylvanas told the horde to capture not burn right up until the point she torched thevtree

The Horde chose to follow Sylvannas orders. The Horde burned Teldrasill. Horde chose to murder defenceless civilians.
Stop the tired old excuses.
Sylvannas made us do it. Right?

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You know sames said by Nathanos after the dazar’alor raid, the Horde ia losing at all front and bain suggested an armistice.

But typically horde, ommit facts.
You argue at the same level aals Erevien.

Military the Horde was done.

Yes, it was for one assault but that could also work (like previously in MoP with SoO.
An bold move but sometimes it work.

Even it don’t both factions end in a patt situation, nether one
cant destroyed the other

Thankfully we’re not taking it as seriously I hope? Warcraft isn’t real.

Time is relative, dependent,
You can save it, you can spend it
*Doing things you like to do or learning how?
You can’t see it, you can’t taste it
But you certainly can waste it
…which is really what we’re doing here right now!


And i love participating it. As long as we’re just playing and having fun

Commercial success you mean. There’s no dispute that the WoW base game and following TBC and WotLK had a huge and increasing subscription number being new and fresh MMO more casual than competition.

Well… the subscription numbers have dwindled since, and this goes hand in hand with the lore stagnation faction-wise. As the saying goes: If it is dated and archaic, it better be updated before it becomes forgotten and replaced.

Which is not an argument as Humans in Orgrimmar and Orcs in Stormwind will still provide entertainment and escapism. I’m not saying that the current version of the capitals are to be lost as I am always for adding updated/revamped zones as phases rather than replacements, so you could always remain in the faction-divided phases.

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It is not just commercial.
If you start a thread and asked the playerbase: When did you first begin the World of Warcraft?
You will get a wide range of answers. From old to new players. Including how the races - clasees and factions have changed.
So the factions as they have grown including faction pride is something that the commercial success simply compliments. But when it comes to “discussions”/arguments/debates.

What you see are Alliance and Horde players that on a very small scale continue the faction…disagreements.
Player character is how players experience the WORLD of Warcraft. So learning about the factions and the role and contribution of your race among the faction. Helps in the immersion and escapism into the World of Warcraft.

But the destruction of the factions in the sense of making it unrecogniseable. To try and either merge them or something is not something that will bold well. Since both global superpowers of the Alliance and Horde have always been uniquely different from each other.

Yes there are a lot of problems that have contributed to the loss of subscription. Players becoming adults - disenfranchised - constant nerfs and buffs to classes and specializations - the Blizzard shenanegans and bad PR behind the California law suit - bad lore development and story - bad expansions etc… and more.

However faction pride have still been consistent.

No not really. Orcs in Stormwind should be killed on site. As I imagind Horde will attack tresspassers in Orgrimmar.
It is the mindset that selfish people have that they will make their own fun regardless of how it effects the game as a whole.
For example. A player on their Lightforged Draenai Warlock - Might indeed be having “fun” but it is certainly a WTF moment for everybody else. Considering the fact that it was ONLY the Manari / Eredar that embraced the Fel.
A player might have “fun” on their Forsaken Undead Paladin. But yet again it is a WTF moment since the Light harms the Undead and views them as abominations.
Or a Lightforged PitLord. Demons are natives of the Twisting Nether and very closely bonded to the Fel. The Light is actively at war with the Undead - Void - Fel.

Retcons is something. Undoing what has already been built is another.
Since when has Lightforged Draenai embraced the Fel? <---- In the above thought experiment this is something others will find problematic.
It would be a similar situation to seeing the opposite factions races in their respective territories. Neutral cities like Dalaran might be an anomoly but there are still faction tensions.

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with last 2 expansions and sylvanas being out of the picture i don’t think there’s a crazy leader left to start a war and both factions have become too tight to fight each other. maybe a 3rd evil faction that we can alos play ? and make it horde&alliance Vs Them (not like df tho xd)

Only among hardcore fanatics.

Which would only apply is the current phase where players of opposite faction races are considered trespassed.

The faction-merged phase of the capitals could indeed have some faction pride danger mechanics during the first patches, as in a gang of hostile fanatics (weak attacks, scaling to player level) spawning on random for previously Horde in Stormwind and previously Alliance players in Orgrimmar. Here attacking the mobs directly would make one hostile with the guards of the city, like attacking neutral hub guards makes one hostile to those guards and enabling PvP. The correct action would be to pull the gang to a city guard, which would either attack the mobs or cause them to run off and despawn. This is just an example, not a developed proper implementable suggestion.

Says you. They did it with Sylvanas, Yrel and Garrosh.

exactly and now we don’t have any of them

I believe people like you argue for the sake of arguing.
There is a real community offline of people that have nothing else in common other than World of Warcraft.
If you purchase WoW merchandise depending on what colors you are flying. Conversations with complete strangers does occur. Are you Alliance or Horde?

You create a false narrative that one has to be a “hardcore fanatic” to have faction pride. Even casuals have faction pride.

Thank you for confirming that you have absolutely no problem destroying the World of Warcraft.
Forced integration / co-operation among people of opposite faction?
I tresspass in Horde cities all the time. Hang around too long then you get Hordies that come for a fight. From lowbies to PvE players. That is how things are supposed to be. Not punishing people for playing the game.

The first choice you make is your faction.
Neutral cities do see hostile actions from pvp elements. During Battle for Azeroth. The Tortellans saw the most battles and skirmishes. With many of their flying points becoming Horde graveyards as player armies just went at it.

The mistake that Blizzard has made. Is that too often the “ultimate evil” appeared that neither Alliance or Horde can defeat alone. So now force hand holding (working together) to defeat them together.

But Alliance and the Horde were always seperate. It was a breath of fresh air. Like: Finally we can go back to killing Horde again.
What is proposed will only weaken the factions and the races that depend on them. Since growth came through conflict and adversity forcing each faction to become better - wiser - more capable.

Perhaps there is a private server out there would implement your idea of forced integration between Alliance and Horde. But thankfully Blizzard has not walked down that path.

Point is they can do it with any character.

yeah but we don’t see any build up atm. everybody’s calm and good

Such one-sided fanatism only appears in the BfA-ads. Most players play both factions.

I haven’t said casuals can’t be hardcore fanatics. You are the one arguing in desperation for a lost cause.