Incorrect once again. Even WoWtubers are one faction over the other. There are “neutral” players yes. But they don’t really have a home since they are outliers and anomolies.
Your argument is nonsensical. That faction pride or to choose one side makes one a “hardcore fanatic”.
I have to disaggree with that for a little bit, I am a 110% Alliance supporter, but I have horde alts as well for story-telling, -playing reasons. Like explore the Hordes side of the story, collect racial-based collectives like cosmetics items, pets, mounts, toys, etc.
But I also agree that without faction identity the game makes no sense, especiall for new players, who don’t know anything about the lore.
to all my alliance warheads and horde warheads
as a horde warhead I believe we need to temporarily set our differences aside to go after the true evil that blights our world. Neutrals
Once they’re gone we can start bashing eachother again.
I’ve got a few alliance chars mostly for NPC purposes for roleplay events so yeah I also play both factions but that doesn’t mean I want both factions to make friends
it just makes me question why we have the factions if thats how its going to be forever so I also agree there. It feels core to wows story to have the duality between horde and alliance present.
In European history, there have been many times when rival nations have put down the swords and let the fires of war die out for a period.
Trade reopens, border settlements go out and intermingle. All is well, despite the two nations being starkly separate bodies.
They are not allies. They are not friends. Border skirmishes and minor fall outs among the populations happen but do not rock the peace.
Then either a lot of persistent fallings out or something big happens and the swords are picked right back up and war starts again. That is life.
In WoW, that’s a similar thing. Sometimes the Factions War, sometimes they let things be.
They might be working together at the moment, but that’s still at arms length. Could be broken in a second.
Who knows, the peace could last longer than the Horde-Alliance War that Varian Wrynn started from WotLK all the way through to the end of MoP.
Guilds and players play on the borders. They do not reflect the stances taken by their overarching faction. They could work with the enemy during War or fight them during peace. Its up to their individual circumstances.
Hopefully some Alliance leader will come in and start stuff this time.
I welcome disagreement.
PreachGaming has always been Horde in his entire YouTube career.
Bhajeera is Alliance.
DalaranGaming Horde
Savix Alliance.
Taliesin and Evitel Alliance
Rextroy Alliance
Cobrak Horde.
Yes there is the odd Horde alt for story purposes. But then WoWtubers like Nobbel87 does the story on both sides so you won’t have to.
Alliance only / Horde only players do exist.
Horde are the bad guys. You Worgen have been long term refugees BECAUSE of the Horde.
Can’t really forget that time the Horde butchered your people and plagued your country.
Fully agree, it’s true. I went once to horde for a season, and I was never happy there for some reason. It just felt wrong. I didn’t feel at home, and went back. I’m not a psychologist, but I suspect horde and alliance attract certain personalities
Which comes down to faction pride. The people that are neutral are usually those that want to play with their friends. Friends brought them over to one faction or they faction swap to play with their friends.
Forgot to mention that Nobbel87 is Alliance. Battle For Azeroth was a welcomed change in direction. As the Alliance had stuff to sort out on Kul Tiras while the Horde had stuff to sort out on Zandalar.
I watched Nobbel87 to keep an eye out on what the Horde was doing.
It is more than faction pride but the identity. The buildings and infrastructure the aircraft and machinery. Even without the flags you can at a glance instantly tell if it is Alliance or Horde.
There were a lot of Horde players that faction swapped after the Burning of Teldrassil. Couldn’t accept that the Horde are the bad guys.
Even with the Pandaren’s choice between Tushui and Huojin.
“the nobbel races of the Alliance are bound together by proud traditions of nobility, honou, faith, justice and sacrice The many differet Alliance people all contribute their technical, arcane, and spiritual wisdom toward the goal of a peaceful and just world.” ← Alliance.
“The proud nations of the Horde are loosely joins in an alliance of convenience against a hostile world that would see them destroyed. Focused ferocious and sometimes monstrous, the Horde values strength and honor, but struggles to keep aggression in check.” ← Horde
So the neutral Pandaren already have knowledge of the weight of their choice.
Both Alliance and Horde have been made unique to each other. The concept of the merger is to chip away at what makes the Alliance and Horde what they are. In Mists of Pandaria the legendary cloak quest touched on the SOUL of the Alliance/Horde.
You sold your soul to the Horde?
Can’t get that back. You’re a Hordie now.
See, you can have faction conflict, but you don’t need a faction war. Just 'member classic to wotlk. You don’t dance hand in hand with the enemy under a rainbow, but you also don’t send mana bombs for their complete eradication.
Tbf, the huge obsession about faction conflict is actively hurting wow’s lore in the end. It kills any possibility of betrayal done by a party. For example, I could see undeads betraying the horde and siding with humans rediscovering their lost heritage on lor’daeron. Simultaneously, I could see night elves being upset about this, argueing with stormwind, and becoming a neutral faction for one patch. Factions could be something dynamic changing with lore with no gameplay implications. Also, don’t take my example literally. I’m only talking about potential, not about my specific suggestion being good or bad.
Another nice example would be the Tauren creating a new druidic nature faction with night elves, (centaurs? hehe), zandalari trolls, potentially blood elves, wildhammer dwarves, etc.
Nah, it’s the other way around. The faction conflict is the most plausible consequence of the original lore. You already have to bend and break it to justify a faction peace.
This is more true. Gameplay always comes before lore. In MoP, the blood elves almost defected to the Alliance. That would have made sense story-wise at the time. But you can’t tell players suddenly: We’re forcing you to switch sides now because of Lore.
I don’t think most people would like that.
Well, are you willing to poll? I think I’m gonna stop now argueing about what most people would like, because it’s a non-sense argument without having the data at hand usually sadly, even if it seems intuitive to us. I can only say what I would like personally, and maybe what my friends would like, which I don’t have in wow atm
It’s not for the sake of it. It was in the base game. Faction rivalry is a big part of WoW. But for some reason they are unable to keep characters who promote the faction conflict alive. BFA is MoP with fat humans instead of bears.
The core part of wow is factions uniting to defeat a threat none of them can handle alone. Yet, cross faction pve took too much time to get in the game.
Bfa also ended in us uniting to boot out n’zoth, rather than siege of Stormwind.
The point is that it’s been overdone, we’ve been following the exact same pattern every single expansion since freaking vanilla. It was deffo time for a change.