Factions wars

The main change is that we finally got an official truce after the 4th war, which didn’t happen in expansions prior to BFA. That was then used by Blizzard as an excuse to finally remove the faction barrier in game once and for all, so that’s a good change.

In some ways, faction war was broken since no side can realistically win.

See thing is, they remove the faction separation they can’t even bring it back. And while the vocal kids of the forum think they want united factions now, they might change their mind later because if there’s one truth about WoW is that players don’t really know what they want. So it might not be as fun as it seems when they get it. Pretty much like that whole thing where the previous expansion is better than the current one.

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If faction segregation was so important to pve then why was pvp cross faction? It just makes no sense that factions mattered in contents wherevthey should not while being irrelvant in content where they matter, ie pvp.

I can also point out that most of forum cry babies were in favor of maintaining the faction barrier while providing no solution to the underlying issue which was growing faction imbalance. You can’t have a 2 factions game if 1 of them into Irrelevancy. 2/3 of pve and pvp players were Horde at the end of sl, so playing Alliance was just playing another game than the Horde players.
If it mattered to rp players then sorry for being harsh, but those players aren’t dealing with the Consequences of not being able to find players to play with.

The game has survived with two factions this long and there was never a point in this game’s history where they were balanced. Vanilla was much worse for the Horde than you people claim it was for the Alliance last two expansions. And I remember a lot of people coming up with solutions to improve the incentivization of big guilds to switch sides. It’s just that you people don’t seem to accept any solution that isn’t yours.

That’s true lol I agree fully. I change my opinions every few weeks. One day I think the competitive aspect of wow is bad, and the other day you see me trying to reach +20 m+ xd It is what it is. Humans are emotional.
Regarding lore, I had my opinion now for 2 years, and I personally believe, that even tho factions should not be united, they should become dynamic, and not matter gameplay-wise too much.

I’m pretty sure most people don’t like being forced to something in general, yes.

In that regard…

Are you serious?

There were solutions but they would be so unfair towards the Horde that players would riot. Don’t you remember 30% AP bonus for the Alliance during BFA ? Yeah, people rioted over this ““unfair”” advantage for one faction over the other. So if people are complaning about such a minor thing, then how would they accept more radical solutions to tip the balance back in the middle ?

The hall of fame was supposed to be one of those solutions, yet, failed miserably.

This was a mistake made by the Blizzard writing team.
Finally the Alliance and the Horde had their own challenges to face. But they resorted to the same tire old hand holding to face the big bad evil.
In the end N’Zoth was underwhelming. All of that for an Azerite powere Kamehameha beam that one shots him.

Made the big bad evil into a pinata.

People rioted because the system was crap. People didn’t PVP. They just enabled warmode long enough to do the weekly then turned it off for the rest of the week. Not to mention that the bonus was faction wide, not based on the population of servers and some servers were dominated by the Alliance and they still had the buff and the free item quest. I think those were valid reasons to complain.

And the solution was simple if Blizzard was willing to get involved and motivate certain guilds to move, motivate does not mean force them by the way. But they didn’t. They remained distant. Now I don’t know if that was wise or not, but the point is, people offered solutions that were viable, but like I said, they didn’t coincide with what you wanted.

To be honest, I felt like Death wing was the worst ending tier boss until Blizzard released n’zoth. Both in terms of fight flow and lore around them but at least DS cinematic was not as cringe as hearing Dom Toretto yelling “For the Family” :x

The main reason was that the Alliance was under populated compared to the Horde on most of EU realms.

WM is using merging realms together besides rp which in fact tend to be Alliance dominated. But non rp realms were shared together so even if Ravencrest is Alliance heavy then they’d still have to face Draenor or Tarren mill players which are Horde realms (I’m making up names here for the sake of the example) and Blizzard couldn’t properly balance them because Horde players were already making up to 60% of the playerbase.

Let’s see the other way : Blizzard would ask those players to pay in order to objectively worsen their game experience. Fair enough. The most likely answer would probably be “no, thank you”. And that’s the point : nobody in their right minds would spend 55 bucks to play in the least populated faction. (I’m including server transfer fee since you gotta change realms if you’re switching faction)

It’s not that they didn’t coincided, those solutions were rather too little too late. Blizzard also sent vibes they didn’t want to buff the Alliance when they nerfed dwarve’s racial so they couldn’t cleanse most of nathria bleed de buffs.

I know the Horde situation in vanilla, but it took Blizzard 1 expansion to take action aka adding blood elves. The mass exodus began during Mop when Horde races were simply netting a 5% dps increase compared to their alliance counterparts but it was still time for Blizzard to take actions and nerf those Horde racials. Instead, Blizzard nerfed humans when Wod launched without nerfing Horde races so that kinda killed the pvp scene which migrated to the Horde to benefit from orc racial. Fast forward to bfa when they finally nerfed Horde racials… Oopsie, the overall eu and na population are 60% H and 40% A, good luck fixing this ramping snowballing exodus.

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are you not tired to be placed on the “baddies” by default?

Horde vs Alliance is dead horse that was beaten far too much.

If there will ever be a new faction conflict it will be one made up of new groups that are mixed. One side will have all the morally grey edgelord NPCs while the other one will have the players and everyone else.


I actually kind of like that idea.

That’s not necessarily a clean cause and effect. We could blame cliffs for all those speeding car deaths.

The Faction Rivalry is not outdated. It’s Blizzard’s writing that is just awful.

Blizzard can’t keep a 2 factions game if one is completely depleted in terms of population. I’m pretty sure most of current Horde mains were Alliance players at some point but moved due to social pressures coming from Blizzard not taking pre emptive actions.

Lorewise, even if it was poorly written, BFA didn’t feel great after everything we went through, ie defeating 2 freaking titans and the burning legion.

This summs it pretty much :


I’ve mentioned it elsewhere several times, but the Horde and Alliance are like any old competing medieval nations.

The stance of the nation might not always reflect what the populations of the border regions get up to. There may be peace between the realms, but border skirmishes and raids keep poking away until the peace splits.

The two nations could be enemies, but people along the border still trade goods and culture.

The same thing can and should happen with WoW. The guilds and players are the borders. We act along our own murder-hobo vagabond-adventurer codes. We’ve all seen the trope of a fantasy adventurer group consisting of at least 2 races that are meant to be enemies. That sort of thing.

The Factions can go to war and the players will react as they see fit. Either they stand by their Nation or else they switch War Mode off. Only issue is, again, that Blizzard actually do some decent writing!

BFA was poor. It tried to be great but was a let down after all that happened in Legion. We should have had a calm-down expansion between Legion and a Faction War and only bring in N’zoth in a third.

Edit: I should also point out that historically we’ve had nations band together to stop a bigger regional threat despite being rivals themselves. Take a look at Europe and everyone has ganged up on each other at least once.

For the Horde and Alliance, they just keep on getting interrupted. They have two distinct cultures and histories. They will fight each other ever so often.

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That there is the reason I can’t be bothered to talk to you any more.

becaue its true?
blizzard was fast in nerfing allaince racial while for horde they take therir time or with velvet gloves, that was the reason while people swich to horde because better racials for raing and m+ and that snowballed. (b11 was amother reson while suddenly people want play horde ebcausde befor that the horde was…not appealing to the mainstream)

The dwarf racial was nerfed because it was cancelling a boss mechanic. It had nothing to do with factions, but rather with the race to world firsts. And this is why I don’t like talking to you people. You want unfair advantages or else it’s not fair. Get over yourselves.

and how long did the horde benefit from “unfair advantages”? :thinking:

for example the old b11 rasical with the inssta stun and gain ressources for free? (energy, focus, rune pune power for dk)

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Whats unfair advantage about wanting cross faction guilds and equal racials again?

Oh no Torchia don’t go! Your such a love and joy to have around. :sweat_smile: